The Chinese comments of YouTube member "airport rimski" on the life and times of Li Xianglan are beautiful and profound. You can read them here (push Translate to get them in passable English):
"Could Lyuba" refers to Lyuba Gurinets (Yoshiko's best friend). "Stone son (or bridge)" refers to Aiko, Yoshiko's mother, and other names are similarly translated literally. "Iron" is the South Manchuria Railroad.
Sometimes tenses, grammar, and gender is mixed up. The post appeared at:
First, for our Chinese readers, here is the original post:
文章提交者:整编74师上校 加贴在 历史风云图区 铁血论坛
午夜,淑子睡梦正酣,突然一阵剧烈的晃动将她拖离了那个舒适且安逸的梦境。母亲在焦急地轻唤:“淑子,快醒醒,外面出事了!穿好衣服! ”睡眼惺忪的淑子掀开被子坐起,窗外骤然而来的红光让她顿时睡意全无。
到了奉天后,两个女孩子成了形影不离的伙伴。在人声鼎沸的街道,柳芭牵着她的手说:“淑子,就让我们的友谊一直这样长存下去吧。 ”
山口淑子后来回忆说:“柳芭是我最珍贵的朋友。我之所以成为歌唱的李香兰,是因为有了柳芭;我之所以成为活着的李香兰,也是因为有了柳芭。柳芭像是神安排在我生活中的护身符,有时像太阳,有时像月亮,她永远伴随着我。 ”
第一次见面,波多列索夫夫人坐在钢琴前面,让淑子随着琴音发声。淑子的嗓音怎么听起来都像是刚刚学打鸣的公鸡一样,几次三番,波多列索夫夫人耸了耸肩,对柳芭说:“她不适合唱歌。 ”
作为著名歌剧演员,波多列索夫夫人每年秋天都要在奉天大和宾馆(今辽宁宾馆)开独唱会,这也成了宾馆每年秋季里的主要活动之一。一天,波多列索夫夫人在授课结束后,突然对淑子说:“过几天就是大和宾馆的独唱会,你来我的独唱会唱歌吧! ”还未等淑子反应过来,同在房间里的柳芭兴奋地冲了过来:“太好了!太好了!能为夫人的独唱会唱暖场可是难得的机会啊! ”看到柳芭这样兴奋,淑子仍是不敢相信,她声音抖颤地问夫人:“我真的可以吗? ”波多列索夫夫人微笑着点点头:“真的可以,你一定会唱得很好。 ”
男子看起来跟父亲的年龄相当,装束不凡,看着像个人物。未等淑子开口,男子便微笑着鞠躬道:“你好,无论如何想请你在广播里唱歌。 ”随即递上了一张名片,名片上写着:奉天放送局科长东敬三。
“只是……”东敬三皱了皱眉,“为表达日中亲善,民族和谐,演唱新曲的少女必须是中国人。 ”
“那可怎么办,我们淑子是日本人啊! ”母亲石桥爱子感觉心有些凉。
东敬三说:“没关系,咱们可以给她起一个中国名字,因为她的中国话说得很地道,说成中国人也不会引起丝毫怀疑的。 ”
听了这话,石桥爱子突然拍手惊呼:“啊哈!我想起来了,淑子有中国名字的呀!”这年春节,淑子认了父亲的好朋友李际春将军为义父,李际春为淑子取了个中国名字——李香兰,“香兰”是李际春发表文章时曾用过的笔名。“李香兰? ”东敬三重复了一句,随即眉开眼笑,“好名字!好地道的中国名字! ”
当时,日本因为发动战争而遭到了国际社会的孤立。也正是那一时间里,淑子的挚友柳芭消失在了她的生活里。在自传中,淑子这样描述她与柳芭的分离:“我很想要带柳芭一同去北平,但是当我奔跑着去点心铺找她的时候,却发现点心铺关门了。好多日本士兵守在店门口,我大声呼喊柳芭的名字,但是却得不到任何回应。我扑到钉了好多木板的门上,日本兵大声地呵斥我‘不要捣乱’,然后把我推开,我的柳芭就这样从我的生命里暂时地离开了。 ”
北平翊教女子中学,是一所高、初中完备的女子中学。淑子在所著《我的前半生——李香兰传》中记载了当时学习的情况:“我从东北来投亲,作为一个中国人——潘家的干女儿——上了翊教女子学校,名叫潘淑华……那时候,我常顺路去北海公园,在无人的小岛上练习汉语发音或查字典,也曾去过远处的太庙。 ”
当被问及“假如有日本军侵入北平,该怎么办”时,淑子竟一时语塞,不知道如何回答。同学们迫切的目光盯视在她的脸上,有人鼓励她说:“潘淑华,告诉我们你的想法,你要怎么做,说啊! ”
生于中国,然而在她身体里流淌的却是大和民族的血液,一个是养育了自己的国度,一个是自己的祖国,而战争却偏偏发生在了这两个她所挚爱的国度中间。淑子想了想,一句话脱口而出:“我要站在北平的城墙上。 ”
一片热烈的掌声,算是对她这个概念略显模糊的回应的鼓励。对于既爱祖国,又爱自己出生地的她,这是一个艰难的抉择,“站在北平的城墙上”或许是一个最好的选择。正如她在自传中写的:“我只能这样说”。站在城墙上,从外面飞来的是日本炮火,从城墙里面打来的是中国铅弹,不管从哪一方飞来,双方的子弹“都能打中我,我可能第一个死去。我本能地想,这是我最好的出路。 ”
李香兰在自传中讲过她被电影厂选中的经过。有人告诉她,有一部电影需要配唱,要她来。她去了后,却被告知先去化妆。她心存疑惑:“配唱为什么要化妆呢? ”
化完妆,她被叫到一架摄影机前。忽然有人喊起来:“朝这边!不,是这边!下巴抬高一点! ”她完全蒙住了,以为自己已经听不懂日语了。直到最后,她才知道,让她来不是配唱,而是做演员——电影演员。
然而,亢奋无比的她却万万没有想到,祖国迎接她的却是另一副嘴脸。当她交验了护照刚要下船时,却突然听到一声粗暴的斥喊:“你回来! ”她最初以为听错了,但是回过头去,发现那个日本官员正怒视着自己,于是她指了指自己,意思是问:“是在叫我吗? ”
日本官员再次不耐烦地喊了句:“你回来! ”她让同行的女演员先走,随后自己来到了那个日本官员的旁边,按照要求再次把刚刚审理过的护照递交过去。日本官员再次逐字核实了李香兰的护照,随后双眼圆瞪,大声呵斥:“你这东西还是日本人哪!一等国民却穿三等国的支那服,说支那话,不觉羞耻吗! ”
李香兰在自传中回忆:“当时我都蒙了,不明白那个日本人为什么说那种话,当时强烈的念头就是厌恶,为此十分苦恼。 ”后来在东京,当她身穿中国服装演唱中国歌曲时,掌声中也时不时夹着“支那猪”的谩骂。这使李香兰对祖国日本的憧憬开始幻灭,让她感到可悲的,“是祖国的日本人对我出生的中国——我的母亲之国的侮辱。 ”
随着事业的如日中天,李香兰拥有了自己的影迷。她与前清皇室的成员也有了来往,还与张爱玲成了至交。李香兰与张爱玲曾有过这样一段交谈。张爱玲说:“你就是到了30岁,一定还像个小女孩那样活泼吧! ”她说:“也是啊,这些年老演浅薄的纯情戏实在没多大意思,我倒想演点不平凡的激情戏! ”
男人回答说:“要,因为这是关系到国家的事情,但是我保证我会完完整整地回来和你结婚,和你永远在一起,请相信我。 ”之后,不由分说地强吻了她。李香兰紧紧地抱着他,喃喃地说:“答应我,一定要回来娶我,一定要回来。 ”
李香兰曾表示,当年她只差一点点就嫁给了陈歌辛。当有人问,这段往事为何在她的自传中只字未提时,她笑道:“最重要的事是不能写在书上的。 ”
一日,为了表白,李香兰找了一个借口去儿玉家借书。儿玉见到她之后很是激动,有些手足无措。当儿玉把书拿给她的时候,李香兰顺势紧紧地抱住了他,并问:“你还喜欢我吗? ”
“喜欢,我一直都喜欢你。 ”儿玉回答。“你爱我吗?”她问。“我一直爱着你。”儿玉更紧地抱住了她,让她一时间感觉几乎要窒息。“傻瓜!那为什么你从来都没有说过?你为什么从来都没有说过你爱我? ”她幸福地低吟。
“在这样战乱的年代,我无法对你作出任何承诺,我没有办法保障你的幸福,要我说那些不负责任的情话,我做不到,很抱歉。 ”
李香兰哭了:“傻瓜!给我幸福好吗? ”儿玉紧紧地抓着李香兰的手,说:“我会尽我的全力给你幸福的。”李香兰又问:“我们会结婚吗?”儿玉坚定地说:“会,等我参战回来以后就娶你。”听了这话,李香兰脸色突然变得惨白,她哽咽着:“你……真的要去打仗吗? ”儿玉说:“征兵状已经寄到了我家,我必须得去。 ”
柳芭此次现身,并不仅仅是为了探视童年的挚友,她是为了帮助李香兰洗脱汉奸的罪名而来。“有没有一些身份证明能够证实你是日本人呢?如果能够证明你是日本人的话,你就可以被无罪释放,回到日本了。 ”柳芭说。
1969年,李香兰圆了她的记者梦,当上了富士电视台的新闻主持人,采访过阿拉法特、曼德拉等国际风云人物。 1974年,她被选为日本的参议员,以政治家的身份活跃于社会舞台长达18年之久。
尽管在战乱的年代中,李香兰受到了命运的作弄。但无论是对于出生地中国还是祖国日本,她同样怀有着真切的热爱之情。“日中不再战,我们同是黑发黑眼睛。 ”这是李香兰的和平意愿,她一直希望自己深爱着的两个国家能够长期和平地共处下去。
进入晚年的李香兰总也忘不了在抚顺平顶山下所看到的血色一幕,她开始把自己当年在中国的所见、所闻、所感付诸笔端,用特殊的方式代日本向中国人民道歉。在《在中国的日子——李香兰:我的前半生》这本自传里,她勇敢地揭露了日本军国主义侵华战争给中国人民带来的巨大灾难,以历史见证人和受戕害者的真实经历,告诫日本青少年牢记:“这全都是事实呀! ”
2005年,李香兰在媒体上发表长文,劝诫日本首相不要参拜靖国神社,原因是“那会深深伤害中国人的心。 ”
“对于那段历史,我们应该正视,不要使它积重难返。我希望中国的年轻人能够了解我的命运,借此促进日中两国关系的发展。中国和日本是我的‘母亲之国’和‘父亲之国’,我最不希望见到两国的友好关系出现问题。周恩来总理说过要以史为鉴,面向未来,日本人应该用自己的良知清算过去,两国年轻人更应用全新的广阔视野,认真考虑将来如何友好相处。 ”
坐在柳芭的房间里,品尝着味道不变的波多列夫点心,两人各自数十年的经历,恐怕是无论如何也无法叙得清楚。闲聊中,李香兰问起了柳芭的哥哥,当年,柳芭的哥哥也是她的玩伴。柳芭带她去了自己家的墓地,说:“你知道日本的731部队吗? ”柳芭的声音听着很平淡,但她的眼睛中却明显浮起了泪水。李香兰明白了,一定是731部队对柳芭的哥哥做了些什么。
离开墓地,柳芭挽起李香兰的手,仍如当年在火车上、在波多列夫点心店、在上海码头时一样。她说:“我过去一直深深地诅咒日本,但却希望我美丽的、引以为豪的小淑子能够健康平安,不管发生了什么,她都还是以前的那个天使。 ”
延伸阅读: 南满洲铁道株式会社 朝鲜
(if you search google using 李香兰 you may find interesting info) John M.
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Article submitted by: integration of 74 Division Colonel posted on the forum in the history of the map area
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
In February 1946, the court heard.Outside under the cold rain, indoor atmosphere like rain."Your name is Li xianglan, in the north of the school girl in the school, with the name of pan Shu Hua, this is not you as evidence of the Chinese?""The judge's voice sounded colder than the rain."No."A young and beautiful woman replied, anxiously and affirmatively."When you said You were studying in Peiping, as general pan yukui's daughter so named Pan Shu Hua, how can you prove that Yamaguchi Shu Zi, Li xianglan, pan Shu Hua, these three people are the same person?"”
Woman anxious, crying:“I really is Japanese, really Japanese Ah!"My name is shuzi Yamaguchi, and my father is wen Xiong Yamaguchi.……”
But all of this has been treated as a pointless struggle, and she has struggled with the question of whether she is Chinese or Japanese.If she can prove that she is Japanese, she can clear her name and go out of jail;but if she can't finally come up with the hard evidence, the only thing waiting for her is death.
This scene, which happened in Shanghai in 1946, attracted the general attention of the Chinese people,because this woman named Li xianglan's reputation is too loud, people have seen her starring in the movie, heard her singing the song, especially the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the
Is the star who was red-haired and purple at the time Chinese or Japanese?Is Yamaguchi Shu Zi and Li xianglan, pan Shu Hua the same person?This look at the style of all kinds of Star woman is how to have an association with the traitors?
Pretty Japanese girl born in China
February 12, 1920, in Fengtian, northeast China, a handsome baby girl was born, her family named Shu son Yamaguchi, the name clearly shows that she is a Chinese-born Japanese.
The girl's father, Yukio Yamaguchi, was born in 1889 in Saga Prefecture, Japan.My grandfather was from a Shi family and studied Chinese history and culture.Yamaguchi Wen Xiong since childhood by the influence of the family style, also has a strong interest in Chinese culture.
The following year (1906) after the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Yamaguchi Wen Xiong came to China.After studying in Beijing for a while, he moved to South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. (“Mantie”).
At first, Yamaguchi worked in the Fengtian coal mining, later transferred to the coal mining in Fushun.Yamaguchi Wen Xiong, who came from a Han family, not only speaks fluent Chinese, but also has a good understanding of Chinese customs and practices.So, the company asked him to teach the staff of the company's Chinese, introduce Chinese customs and practices, while the Fushun County consultant and the like.
Her mother, Aiko Ishibashi, was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan in 1894.This is also a rich family of children, but because of the family is in the middle of the road, so the family moved to the North Korean capital (now Seoul, South Korea), and then later moved to take refuge in China Fushun run rice mill uncle.
Yamaguchi's childhood was spent in Fushun, it was a pleasant and memorable time.The Yamaguchi family lives in central street in Fushun city.Every day, she and her best friend Toshiko Yanase, Mi-Tori Ogawa, go through the streets of the city center, to school in South Street, Yongan primary school.Junzi and Mitu RI are her best childhood friends.For example, go to the suit shop together to make clothes, and together to get;back the same bag, wear the same shoes; every month to get a haircut, and cut into the same hairstyle, even the color of the hair band are the same……
At the same time, Sinology continues to be inherited in the Yamaguchi family.Wen-hung Yamaguchi struggled to teach Shu-Tzu to learn Chinese, and seemed to expect her to make a difference in some areas in the future.
So, very young son, during the day to go to school, come back in the evening to listen to my father as a lecturer of the Training Institute of the night of Chinese lectures, can be described as busy awfully.But such busy does not make her feel difficult to absorb, but on the contrary feel full and happy.
Red Memory under Pingdingshan
However, this carefree life with the”918 " of the gun and suddenly disappeared.
The night of September 15, 1932, was a Mid-Autumn Festival, a day that should have been a happy family reunion.The night against the bright moonlight, but revealed the suffocating darkness……
In the middle of the night, her sleep was in full swing, and a sudden, violent shaking dragged her away from that comfortable and comfortable dream.Mother anxiously called: "sook, wake up, outside the accident!"Get dressed! The sleepy-eyed lady opened the quilt and sat up, and the sudden red light from the window made her sleepless.
She jumped out of bed and threw herself at the window.The roof of the building, the road lined with poplars, nothing seems to have changed.She looked back at her parents, and suddenly she found her parents in a panic. she felt an ominous feeling in her heart.
When the fire gradually disappeared in the dawn, everything again calm down.The air was also fluttering with a scorching smell, and the lady was lying in front of the window, not leaving.Soon after, the crowd began to roar again, with a group of Japanese military police holding a middle-aged Chinese man with a rope tied to his eyes.
This man is seen as a Labour leader in the mines.The Japanese military police led him to the square opposite, where Suko and her friends often went to take a break.In the gaze of the square surrounded by countless eyes, armed with rifles, the gendarmes began to question loudly, but the man just glared, and always did not utter a single word.
The military police was the Chinese man's stubborn and contemptuous enraged, one of them picked up the butt of the gun to the middle-aged hit the head, about two....... the man soon became "blood", not long, middle-aged fell to the ground, motionless, the square again calm.
This is the first time Shu Zi saw the scene to kill, and also the first time to see his countrymen kill Chinese people.When the Square was empty, she ran out of the house and ran to the square where she and her friends were laughing.
Just bubbling red liquid is now still motionless, the color is gradually deepened, the man just poured over the place left a piece of the imprint may never be wiped away.Shu Zi looked at, my heart can not tell whether it is panic or anger.
The mother rushed over and put her arm around her, turned her head and put her cold face on her chest.Shu Zi could not restrain, hid his face in his mother's arms, and burst into tears.
Later, she heard that this was a”bandit " (Japanese against the Japanese guerrillas) to Fushun coal mine attack.Then, the Japanese killed more people in Pingdingshan.
After the incident, Ms. Yamaguchi's father, Fumio Yamaguchi, was detained by the gendarmerie and charged with " collaborating with the enemy."Because Mr. Yamaguchi speaks fluent Mandarin and has many friends and acquaintances in Fushun, the gendarmerie suspects that he is in collusion with Chinese anti-Japanese elements.
In the end, though Yamaguchi Wen Xiong's suspicions of collaborations were cleared, it was no longer good to continue to Fushun.Thus, the Yamaguchi family left Fushun, who had lived for ten years, and moved to Fengtian, defected to the friend of Wen Xiong in Yamaguchi, the manager of the Fengtian bank, Li jiichun.
Willow's presence changed her life.
On the train to fending heaven, a little blonde girl entered the life of the son.Her name is Liu BA, is the same age as the Russian Jewish girl.
The acquaintance of that age, innocent and childish.For sook, that friendship was always as clear as it was yesterday.In the middle of the afternoon, as the shadow of the tree fluttered along the train's window, the sun glowed softly on Willow bar's white skin, her blue eyes filled with warmth and friendliness.Liu BA took a beautiful box from his suitcase, placed in front of the right side of the Suzi, and then carefully opened, a few pieces of fine shape of the chocolate lying in the inside.
“It's chocolate, it's my gift to you, " she said.There is a bodolev snack shop in Bong Tien, which is run by my family.these chocolates are made by my mother's hand, and I hope you will like them."Shu Zi excited to accept this exquisite gift, the chocolate box is gently closed at the same time, her friendship with Liu BA is firmly in the inside.
In this way, Fengtian this strange city for sookzi, has been stripped of the strange coat, because she has Liu BA.
At the end of the day, the two girls became inseparable partners.In the streets, Liuba took her hand and said: "sook, let our friendship be forever." ”
“Yuba was my most precious friend, " Yamaguchi later recalled.The reason why I become singing lixianglan, because of the Liu BA;the reason why I become living lixianglan, also because of the Liu BA.Liuba is like a God arranged in my life amulet, sometimes like the sun, sometimes like the moon, she will always be with me. ”
As Yamaguchi said, Liuba not only took away her loneliness, but also brought her into the singing career.
To the day after the bong.Because of the cold, she suffered from pneumonia and had to recover after a long time.And after recovery, lung function is always weak, doctors say this requires long-term recovery and nursed back to health, and suggested that Shu Zi with singing way to properly enhance lung capacity.
It is for this reason that Shu Zi met the famous Soviet opera singer Mrs. podolesov, and the person who introduced her mentor was Liu BA.
For the first time, Mrs. podolesov sat in front of the piano, making her voice heard.Mrs. podolesov shrugged and said to Liuba,“she doesn't like singing." ”
She looked at Mrs. podolesov, she could not understand Russian, she did not know what she was talking about, but she saw in her expression that she had rejected her own.
She pleaded: "Madam, please be sure to take her, she is because she wants to restore the function of the lungs, so use singing to increase lung capacity, do not want to become a professional singer……”
Finally, she became a student of Mrs. podolesov, and The Boring singing practice unfolded.She sings the same melody over and over and over again every day, and at the same time, physical exercises are in progress. she must use her book against her belly and learn to exhale like a dog, which is said to make her voice louder……
Shoko Yamaguchi turned singer Li xianglan
What neither Ljuba nor Mrs. podolesov had thought was that the lady, who had been found not to have a singing talent, would suddenly sing loudly after a while, which made Mrs. podolesov astonished and gratified at the same time.
As a famous opera singer, Mrs. podolesov every autumn in the Fengtian Daiwa hotel (now Liaoning hotel) to open a solo concert, which became the hotel each autumn in the main activities.One day, after the end of the course, Mrs. podolesov suddenly said to her: "in a few days is the Daiwa hotel soloists, you come to my soloists will sing!" Not yet waiting for the reaction of the son, with the room Liu BA excited rushed over: "good!Great!It's a rare opportunity to warm up for your wife's solo. Seeing Liu Baa so excited, Shu is still can not believe, her voice trembled and asked the lady: "I really can?" Mrs. podolesov smiled and nodded: "really can, you will surely sing well." ”
On the day of the solo concert, the small theater of the Daiwa hotel was packed.It was the first time Yamaguchi was standing on the stage, facing so many eyes.Dressed in a kimono borrowed from a pawnshop owned by her mother, she held her hands to her stomach and sang a song called " the moon of the desert."The clear and innocent voice of Shu Zi won the applause of the full field like spring thunder, also attracted the attention of an uninvited guest.
In the dressing room, Fumio Yamaguchi and Aiko Ishiba are still delighted with their daughter's success.A man slipped through the masked door and sat quietly in a chair beside sook, a move that frightened the Sook who had yet to take off his costume.
The man looks like his father's age, in extraordinary attire and looks like a character.Before she could speak, the man smiled and bowed: "hello, please sing in the radio, no matter what. Then handed a business card, business card that reads: bongtian broadcasting bureau chief Tung Jing three.
It turned out that the radio program has been looking for a singer, on condition that looks beautiful, voice sweet, can understand the spectrum, can speak Japanese Chinese girl.The show team looked for days and didn't find the right one.Today in the solo meeting of Mrs. podolesov, Dong Jing San listened to the singing of the son, suddenly bright, think the girl from which is quite desirable.
"Just......" Dong Jing three frowned, " in order to express the Japanese goodwill, national harmony, singing the new song of the girl must be Chinese. ”
"What can we do, our son is Japanese Ah!" "Mother Aiko ishigashi feels a little cold.
“No matter, we can give her a Chinese name, because her Chinese language is very authentic, said the Chinese will not arouse the slightest suspicion. ”
Listening to this, stone bridge Aiko suddenly clapped and exclaimed: "AHA!I remember, Sook has a Chinese name!This year, Shu Zi identified his father's good friend General Li Ji-Chun as the father-in-law, Li Ji-Chun took the Chinese name for Shu Zi-Li xianglan, "xianglan" is Li Ji-Chun published articles had used the pen name."Li xianglan? Dong Jing repeated a sentence, then smiled, " a good name!"What an authentic Chinese name! ”
So, Li xianglan's name is thus written into the program, and as a young, beautiful, can understand the spectrum, can sing, can speak Japanese Chinese girl into the public field of vision.Li xianglan sings the first song is "the song of the fishing light", the song of the sobbing, the wonderful sound like nature, immediately touched the audience.People have inquired, who is this angelic girl?Fengtian broadcasting Bureau lost the opportunity to start the star activity, Li xianglan quite attended various social activities, more and more people's attention.When all the radio in the Northeast began to play the song of Li xianglan, there is no doubt that the girl became popular.
"I want to stand on the wall of beiping”
In 1934, in order to learn the Beijing dialect, 14-year-old son to follow his father's intention to go to Beijing to study.Came to beiping, Yamaguchi Shu Zi to”pan Shu Hua " the name of the school into beiping Yi taught women."Pan" is another of her righteous father-father's sworn brother pan Yu GUI's surname,”sook "from Yamaguchi shuzi, and "Hua", is born in China.
At that time, Japan was isolated by the international community because of the war.It is also that time, Shu son's best friend Liu BA disappeared in her life.In her autobiography, Shu described her separation from Liu BA: "I wanted to take Liu BA to beiping, but when I ran to find her, I found that the pastry shop was closed.A lot of Japanese soldiers kept in the shop door, I shouted the name of Liu BA, but did not get any response.I pounced on the wooden door, and the Japanese shouted at me, 'don't mess with me', and pushed me away. ”
Beiping Yi Teach Girls 'Secondary School, is a high, Junior High School complete Girls' Secondary School.In the book "My First Half Life-Li xianglan biography" recorded at the time of learning: "I came from the Northeast to vote, as a Chinese-pan family goddaughter-went to the girls' school, named Pan Shu Hua...... at that time, I always on the road to Beihai Park, practice Chinese pronunciation or dictionary on the uninhabited island, also visited the distant temple. ”
As Sino-Japanese relations become increasingly tense, the anti-Japanese atmosphere also spread to the woman where the son, of course, as Pan Shu-Hua, no one knows her Japanese identity.
In 1937, Yamaguchi Shu Zi learned that Zhongnanhai participated in a silent prayer meeting held to commemorate the“one, two, nine”dead compatriots.At the meeting, students have expressed their resolve against Japan, some people said to go to Nanjing to find the national government; some people said to go to northern Shaanxi to participate in the Red Army; others said to stay to fight to the last breath……
When asked”what to do if a Japanese army invades beiping", Shu-Tzu was hesitant and did not know how to answer.Students stared eagerly at her face, and some encouraged her to say: "pan Shu Hua, tell us what you think, how you want to do, say Ah! ”
Born in China, but in her body is flowing Yamato National Blood, One is raising their own country, one is their own country, and the war has happened in the middle of these two countries she loved.Sookzi thought, a word blurted out: "I want to stand on the wall of beiping." ”
A warm round of applause was an encouragement to her slightly vague response to the concept.For both love the motherland, but also love her own birthplace, this is a difficult choice, "standing on the wall of beiping" is perhaps the best choice.As she wrote in her autobiography: "I can only say this."Standing on the wall, flying from the outside is the Japanese artillery fire, from the inside of the wall is Chinese lead bullets, no matter from which side to fly, both bullets can hit me, I may die first.I instinctively thought, this is my best way out. ”
This emotional obsession took a long time, and she described in her autobiography the powerlessness and pain of facing this contradiction: "the Chinese did not know that I was Japanese, and I deceived the Chinese.A sense of guilt wrapped around my heart, as if into a dead end, into a desperate situation.She had made up her mind several times to announce that she was Japanese, but had no courage to do so.
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Li xianglan (Shoko Yamaguchi)old photo collection
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Big Red Star returns home to be scolded
In 1937, Yamaguchi shuzi graduated from the Peking Yi teaching girls ' school.Back after the bong, a chance, so that she opened another chapter of life, Yamaguchi shuzi again became Li xianglan.
After the establishment of the pseudo-Manchukuo, the Japanese in order to whitewash the Taiping, set up a film studio in Changchun, Li xianglan because the human beauty singing well, was selected by the film studio, became the first film studio actress.
In her autobiography, she told how she was chosen by the film studio.She was told that there was a film that needed to be sung and asked her to come.After she went, she was told to go makeup first.She wondered, " why do you have to wear makeup?" ”
After applying makeup, she was called to a camera.Suddenly someone shouted: "This Way!No, this way!Chin up! 'She was completely blindsided and thought she couldn't understand Japanese.It wasn't until the end that she realized that she was going to be an actor instead of an opera singer.
Her first film was called the honeymoon express.Then, the second and third films followed, and she continued to shoot "rich spring dream" and "vengeance".Since then, the little singer Li xianglan, became a movie star Li xianglan.
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Li xianglan hung, not only in China, but also red to Japan.She plays almost all the Chinese women who have a bitter love affair with Japanese men."The night of Sina", "song of pranayama", all the stories are exactly the same, the expression is the theme of”China and Japan affinity".Yang Liqing Green Chinese pastoral, love Japanese men Chinese woman, Li xianglan Japanese blood deliberately coerced into the clouds, she is pure Japanese, pure Chinese, or hybrid, has not been clear, or that is deliberately not clear.But, in any case, "Suzhou Nocturne", "he rijun again", "evening fragrance" floated gently, let the Japanese believe that China loves Japan, rely on Japan, let the Japanese boys believe, go to China, that is not aggression.
In a letter to her parents, she wrote: "I can finally go to Japan, where is my motherland, but I have never seen what she really looks like, I want to go to see Mt.……”
However, the excitement of her but never thought, the motherland to meet her is another pair of lips.When she handed over her passport and was about to disembark, she suddenly heard a rude shout: "you come back! She initially thought she was mistaken, but looking back, the Japanese official was glaring at her, so she pointed to her and asked, " Is that calling me?" ”
Japanese officials again impatiently shouted: "You come back!" She asked the fellow actress to leave first, and then she came to the Japanese official's side, where she was asked to return her passport.Once again, Japanese officials verbatim verification of Li xianglan's passport, then eyes round and stared, shouting: "you this thing is Japanese!"A first-class citizen wears a third-class nationality Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi ”
In his autobiography, Li xianglan recalled: "at that time, I was confused, I could not understand why the Japanese people said that, at that time, the strong idea was disgust, and it was very distressing. Later in Tokyo, when she was singing Chinese songs in Chinese costumes, the applause was also punctuated by the insults of“Chyna pig."“It was the insult of the Japanese people to my birth country, my mother's country, " she said. ”
War destroyed her sweetheart.
With his career in the Sky, Li xianglan has his own fans.She also had dealings with members of the former Qing royal family and became close friends with Zhang ailing.Li xianglan and Zhang ailing had such a conversation.Zhang ailing said: "You are 30 years old, must still be like a little girl as lively! She said: "Yeah, it's really not much fun to be in these seniors, but I'd like to do something extraordinary!" ”
She was unable to achieve her wish in the film because the films she made at the time were full of political overtones.Had to find their own longing for the“passion play " in life.However, several times with passionate love, eventually brought her endless pain.
The first lover of Li honglan was the son of a Japanese diplomat, and the rich son was a fan of Li honglan.During Li's second visit to Japan, the man approached her at her house and asked her to marry him.See Li xianglan did not nod, the man repeated entreaties.Li xianglan suddenly asked one of her most concerned questions: "Do you want to go to war?"”
At that time, the Pacific War has erupted, Japan simultaneously with the United States, Britain, China, more and more Japanese soldiers died in the battlefield.
The man replied: "Yes, because this is a matter of state, but I promise I'll be back in full swing and marry you and be with you forever, trust me." After that, he kissed her forcefully.Li xianglan tightly hugged him, murmured: "promise me, must come back to marry me, must come back." ”
This evening, there is a man guarding Li xianglan, he is Li xianglan in Japan during the performance of the bodyguard of Kodama.That night, he spent the night outside the diplomatic compound.……
The diplomat's son went to war, and later his promise to Li xianglan also fell empty.He went missing in the tropical jungle of Myanmar and did not return with the troops.Li xianglan's first love thus drew a bitter end.
Then, she fell in love with the famous Chinese composer Chen gexin.Chen song Xin has created a large number of songs for Li xianglan, such as "night", "dawn", "Brook", "Lake", "fisherman's woman", "hate not to marry when", "forget the grass" and written for her solo soprano song "Haiyan" and so on.But their love is just a flash in the pan.Chen finally chose to marry a Chinese woman.
Li xianglan once said that when she was only a little married to Chen song Xin.When asked why the story had not been mentioned in her autobiography, she laughed: "the most important thing is not to write in a book. ”
Love this kind of thing is very strange, exactly the phrase "can not be met without asking".When Li xianglan visited Japan for the fourth time, he finally found that the bodyguard, Eryu, had been secretly in love with himself and paying for himself in silence.This makes repeated Love hit Li xianglan very touched, suddenly feel true love on the side.
One day, in order to express, Li xianglan found an excuse to go to the Jade home to borrow books.After seeing her, Kodama was very excited.When Jade gave her the book, Li xianglan clung to him and asked,“Do you still like me?" ”
"Like, I've always liked you. "She replied."Do you love me?"She asked."I've always loved you."She hugged her more tightly, so that she felt almost suffocated for a moment."Fool!Then why have you never said so?Why Have you never said You Love Me? She murmured happily.
"I can't make any promises to you in such a war-torn era, I can't guarantee your happiness, I can't say those irresponsible words, I can't, I'm sorry." ”
Li xianglan cried: "Fool!Give me happiness? “I will do my best to give you happiness."“Are we going to get married? " he asked.“Yes, "she said firmly," I'll marry you when I come back from the war."Listening to this, Li xianglan suddenly became pale, she choked: "you...... really want to go to war?" Yu said: "the draft has been sent to my home, I have to go." ”
Li xianglan cried, crying extremely sad, like a lifetime of tears in that moment flow finished.She did not understand why her love, her dream, always entwined with this abominable war.She is just a woman, a weak woman, she wants nothing more than a shoulder to lean on, a man who can give her a sense of security.Is that too much to ask?
"In fact, I just want you to know that I love you, that's enough."In such an age, I can not master my fate, I am such a person is not worthy to have you......”this is the last words left by Yu, then he kissed goodbye to Li xianglan, also went to Myanmar.
After the war finally ended, Li xianglan is looking forward to the death of Yu, but also received the only letter he had sent her.
Lyuba saves Li xianglan from death row
After the defeat of Japan, Li xianglan, the popular movie star and singer, was put on the trial of history.As the main actor of the pseudo-Manchurian film society, Li xianglan was found guilty of helping the Japanese aggressors do propaganda.The prosecutor eventually sentenced her to death and executed her immediately.The charge is that " as a Chinese, he and the Japanese conspired to make films that impersonate China, to assist Japan's continental policy, and to betray China."
As the news of the execution of another female traitor Kawashima Yoshiko came out, Li xianglan's sentence and the date of execution were also published in the press.When Li xianglan has been unable to argue, ready to die, the most important person in her life--Liu BA, again.
Liu BA had joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and became a staff member of the consulate.She immediately rushed to Shanghai after seeing the news that Li xianglan had been sentenced to death for the sin of a traitor.In the shelter, the two girls when a friend again, Li xianglan and Liu BA tightly together, weeping.
Liu ba this time, not just to visit childhood friends, she is to help Li xianglan escape the crime."Is there some proof of identity that you are Japanese?"If you can prove that you are Japanese, you can be acquitted and returned to Japan. Liu BA said.
Ms. Lee struggled to remember, but she still could not remember her identity as a Japanese citizen."Never mind, give it to me, I immediately went to Peiping, to ask your parents......" in this way, appeared in a hurry Liu BA disappeared again in Li xianglan's vision.
At this time, his father Yamaguchi Wen Xiong and his mother Aiko Ishibashi have found proof of the identity of Li honglan in Japan, but can not transfer this proof to the hands of Li honglan.They even suspected that their daughter had left the world because of the sin of a traitor.
Liu BA's appearance, let the mountain pass overjoyed, from the mouth of Liu BA, they know that the daughter is still alive.Subsequently, identification was successfully sent to the hands of Li xianglan.Once again standing in the courtroom, Li xianglan produced documents proving his true identity, and the judge eventually acquitted her.
The verdict has angered those in the courtroom.After all, people hate the war, hate those who do evil traitors.In the face of the roar of the audience, Li xianglan sang a song of tears, she sang her favorite Chinese song, the song filled with a deep affection for the Chinese who nurtured her...... singing, Li xianglan bowed to the audience, but also to China and the Chinese people, made a deep repentance for her Half-Life of deception and crime……
An alternate older translation is here:
"In February 1946, in the Navy Department of the trial court. Outdoor under a cold rain, indoor atmosphere is cold as the rain. "You called Canto, studying at Beijing Yi goddaughter when using the name Pan Shuhua, isn't this what do you as evidence of Chinese? "The judge's voice, even colder than the rain. "It's not." [A] Sure and a beautiful young woman anxious to answer. "When you said you studied in Peking, as Pan Yugui , General who was named Pan Shuhua, how can you prove that shankoushuzi and the Canto , and Pan Shuhua, the three of us are the same person? ”
Girl nasty, crying: "I'm really Japanese, really are Japanese! My name is shankoushuzi, her father [Fumio] shankouwenxiong was the Chinese teacher of Fushun iron, mother called stone son [Aiko] ... ... "
Yet all of this has been seen as pointless struggle, in terms of whether they are Chinese or Japanese, she had struggled was exhausted. If she can prove she is Japanese, then charges she cleanses the traitors, get out of jail; but if she can't come up with strong evidence, waiting for her to die.
This scene took place in 1946 in Shanghai has aroused people's attention because the called Canto female fame is too [great] loud, people saw her starring in the film, heard her singing the song, especially that first swing and engaging of the evening primrose, is drunk in many people's heart, touched many hearts!
The officials of the idea that great bright star is a Chinese or Japanese? Shankoushuzi Canto, Pan Shuhua is the same a person? This [star] looked charming and how [is it] woman had traitors Association?
Beautiful Japan girl born in China
On February 12, 1920, in Northeast China, Mukden, a comely female infant was born, the family named her shankoushuzi, the name is clearly shown, she is a Chinese-born Japanese.
The girl's father, called shankouwenxiong, was born in 1889 in Japan saga of a Chinese family. Grandfather is gentry background, on China's history of cultural studies. Shankouwenxiong is steeped in a tradition that at an early age, has a strong interest in Chinese culture.
Russo-Japanese war after the end of the following year (1906), shankouwenxiong came to have been longing for China. After a period of study in Beijing, go to the South Manchuria railway company ("iron") service.
At first, the shankouwenxiong in Fengtian mining work, and later transferred in Fushun coal mining. Born to a Chinese family pass Wen-hsiung is not only able to speak fluent Chinese, but also has a lot of understanding on China's customs. Thus, the company asked him to teach members of the company's Chinese and introduce China's customs, while shouldering work such as County consultant.
Toshiko's mother [called the stone bridge] Aiko, born in 1894 in Japan's Fukuoka Prefecture. The children it was a wealthy family, but due to come down in the fall, so the family moved to North Korean capital (now Korea Seoul), then traveled to take refuge in Fushun in China engaged in mill's uncle.
Shankoushuzi's childhood was spent in Fushun, which is a happy and memorable time. Center Street in the Yamaguchi family lived in Fushun city. Every day, Toshiko and her good friend Liu Laijun, xiaochuanmei all together, through the downtown streets, to wing at the South Street primary school. Toshiko and beauty is her best childhood friend, three inseparable, anything you want to do together. For example go to the tailor shop to order clothes, to go and take; the back of bag, wearing the same shoes together each month to have my hair cut, and cut the same hairstyle and even bursts with color are the same ... ...
So, still a young Toshiko, went to school during the day and come back at night and listening to her father as a mentor full iron study's evening lectures in Chinese, it is busy. But the kick did not make her feel smothered, but instead was full and happy.
However, such a carefree life [and then] the "918"[incident] gun shot suddenly [appeared].
Is committed to [memory] that shankoushuzi the night of September 15, 1932, was the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day was supposed to be enjoyable for the family reunion. In the bright moonlight night against, but that the choking darkness ... ...
Midnight, Toshiko [is sound] asleep, suddenly felt shaking violently dragged her out of the comfort and ease of a dream. Anxious mother whisper: "Toshiko, wake up, outside something was wrong! Get dressed! "Sleepy-eyed Toshiko threw back the covers sit up and suddenly the red light to let her out of the window was wide.
Toshiko couldn't wait to jump out of bed, head over to the window. The roof of the building, the poplar trees lining the road, everything seemed to have changed. But behind the scenes is of burning fire, movement of the flames licked the night sky rolled up high like a horny ... ... Toshiko looks back at her parents, suddenly found his parents flustered, her mind filled with a sense of foreboding, the fire is unusual.
When flames disappear gradually in the light of dawn when everything calmed down again. Wheeling and burnt smell in the air, Toshiko lying in front of the window, didn't leave. After a while, once again involving around, a group of Japan military police on a leash a middle-aged Chinese man being blindfolded, tied up.
Toshiko seen this man, he's one of mine workers. Japan police took him to the square opposite, that one is Toshiko, and friends often go to the cool place to rest. Countless pairs of eyes around the square under the watchful eye of, holding rifles military police began questioning out loud, but just glared at the man, remained silent.
Military police were angered by the Chinese man's stubbornness and defiance, one of them swung rifle butts into middle age hit hard on the head, under a minute or two ... ... Man soon became the "bloody", and before long, the middle-aged man lying on the ground motionless, the square was quiet.
This was Toshiko first watched murder, is also the first to see their compatriots killed the Chinese. When the square is empty when Toshiko couldn't wait to run out of the House, went to that was [formerly] filled with laughter and her friends on the square.
Just in the gurgling flow of Red liquid was now motionless, colour gradually deepens, where man has just been left a piece may never be indelible impression. Toshiko blankly watched, and my heart can not tell whether to panic or anger.
MOM rushed over to hug the Toshiko, turned her head and put her cold face against her chest. Toshiko is irrepressible, hid her face in her mother's arms, bursting into tears.
Toshiko later heard that this was a "bandits" (Japanese the anti-Japanese guerrillas are called) attack of the Fushun coal mine. Subsequently, the Japanese killed more people in pingdingshan.
After this incident, Toshiko's father [Fumio] was in military police detention for investigation on charges of "treason". Only shankouwenxiong can speak fluent Chinese, has many friends and acquaintances in Fushun, military police suspect him of colluding with the Chinese anti-Japanese elements.
Finally, although shankouwenxiong suspected collaborators were cleared, but after this [life] has been bad and then proceed to stay in Fushun. So, the Yamaguchi family left of Fushun has lived for a dozen years, and relocated to Mukden, he escaped to--shankouwenxiong friend Fengtian Bank Manager Li Jichun.
[How] lyuba changed her life
In Fushun on the train to Fengtian, Toshiko was; a blond little girl came into life. Her name [called] lyuba, is the same age as Toshiko, a Russia Jewish girl.
Know at that age, childlike and full of childlike. Yu Shuzi is concerned, that friendship is forever, as happened yesterday is clear. In the trees along the Windows, blowing afternoons, Sunshine could [could may be used henceforth as Lyuba's last name - as in Gould?] lyuba on fair skin tenderly, her blue eyes filled with warmth and friendliness. Could lyuba from their luggage at a fine box, straight in front of Toshiko and cautiously opened, a few pieces of exquisite chocolate lovely lying in it.
lyuba, said: "it's chocolate , it is my gift to you. Boduoliefu pastry shop is my home is operated in Fengtian, these chocolates are handmade by my mom, hope you will like it. "Toshiko excitedly accept this beautiful gift, gently close the box of chocolates at the same time, her friendship with Liuba was firmly locked in the inside.
In this way, this foreign city Yu Shuzi Fengtian, has stripped the stranger's coat, because close to her could lyuba.
The Bong diva, the girls become inseparable partners. In the crowded streets, could lyuba led her by the hand and said, "Toshiko, let our friendship has always been this way forever, though.”
Shankoushuzi later recalled: "could lyuba is my most precious friend. I'm singing Canto, is because there could lyuba; I'm Canto alive, but also because there could lyuba. Could lyuba is the talisman of God in my life, sometimes Sun, sometimes like the Moon, she is always with me. ”
As shankoushuzi [Yoshiko] put it, could lyuba took not only her loneliness, but also bringing her into a singing career.
The Bong Diva. Toshiko because under the weather, suffering from pneumonia, after a long time had healed. After initial treatment, lung function has always been weak, doctors say it requires long-term rehabilitation and aftercare, and suggests Toshiko singing ways to appropriately increase lung capacity.
It is for this reason also, Mrs Toshiko met the famous opera singer of the Soviet Union boduoliesuofu [Madame Podresov], and recommending the instructor who could lyuba for her.
Meeting for the first time, boduoliesuofu lady sitting in front of a piano, rangshuzi as the sounds are audible. Toshiko's voice sounds like just crows like a rooster, on many occasions, Mrs boduoliesuofu shrugged, could lyuba says: "she is not fit to sing. ”
Just looked at boduoliesuofu with his wife Toshiko, she didn't understand Russian language, do not know what Lady said, but from the expression on her see that Lady refused itself.
Could lyuba without a waiver, she pleaded: "Madam, please must accept Toshiko, she is to restore the function of the lungs, so increases lung capacity by singing and don't want to be a professional singer ... ..."
Finally, Toshiko is a boduoliesuofu Lady student boring singing practice begins. Toshiko daily on the piano and sing the same melody over and over lyrics at the same time, physical exercises are carried out simultaneously, she must speak with the book against his belly, but also learn to exhale like dogs breathe, this is supposed to make her voice ... ...
Shankoushuzi [Yoshiko] turned [into] singer Canto
Mrs liubaheboduoliesuofu [Podresova] was never thought of, was found to have no singing talent Toshiko in practice after a period of time, suddenly vocals, it was greatly surprised by Mrs boduoliesuofu quite happy at the same time.
As a famous opera singer, Madame boduoliesuofu is to serve big and the hotel every autumn (now Liaoning hotel) open the recital, which became the one of the main activities of the hotel every autumn. One day, Mrs boduoliesuofu class after the Toshiko suddenly said: "few days is large and the hotel's recitals, solo singing of you come to my bar! "But before Toshiko react, could lyuba excitement came in the room:" too good! Very nice! Lady solo singing to warm rare opportunity! "Seeing could lyuba so exited, Toshiko is still can't believe she voices Mrs phricasmus asked:" can I really do? "Boduoliesuofu Lady smiled and nodded:" I [think you] can, you can sing very well. ”
Solo day, Yamato Hotel little theatre was filled to capacity. This was shankoushuzi first stood on the stage, in the face of so much, watching her eyes. Her mother open pawn shop borrowed from the Japanese kimono, two-handed handshake in the abdomen, stayed in sing a song of the deserted city of the month. Toshiko won a full-field, clear, pure voice like Spring thunder of applause, also attracted the attention of an unwelcome guest.
The dressing room, shankouwenxiong and stone bridges[mother] son or daughter for successful singing and joyful. A man down the unlocked door drifted in, long stealthy strides in Toshiko's side on a Chair, which spooked by Toshiko not yet take off your costume.
Men look like the age of the father, costume, look like a man. Toshiko openings such as not, men bowing with a smile: "Hello, would like you to sing on the radio anyway. "And then handed over a business card, business card reads: Chief Dong Jingsan Fengtian broadcasting stations.
It turns out that radio programs have been searching for a singer, provided that beautiful, sweet voice, able to read music, Japanese girls in China. TV show looking for a lot of days without finding the right. Today in Mrs boduoliesuofu's solo at the meeting, Dong Jing San Toshiko's singing, suddenly eyes light up, feel the girl-what is quite up to standard.
"Just ... ..." three East King frowned, "as the expression of goodwill between Japan, ethnic harmony, singing a new song of girls must be Chinese. ”
"That's what we Toshiko is Japanese! "Some cool heart stone loves feeling a mother.
Dong Jingsan said: "never mind, we can give her a Chinese name, because her words were spoken in China, said Chinese also does not cause any doubts. ”
Hearing these words, [mother's] son suddenly clapping exclaimed, "Ah ha! Come to think of it, Toshiko has a Chinese name Ah! "This year, Toshiko recognized his father's good friend General Li Jichun as a foster parent, a Chinese name Li Jichun Toshiko – Canto," vanillin "is used the pen name when the article Li Jichun. "Canto? "Three East King repeated the sentence, then smile," good name! Good authentic Chinese name! ”
So, Canto's name was written into the show, and being a young, beautiful, able to read music, sing, speak Japanese among the Chinese girls came into the public eye. Canto singing the first song is the fishing song, pleasant voice, that wonderful heavenly voice, and immediately impressed the audience. People were asking, this angel, who is that girl? Fengtian broadcasting stations lost no time in beginning a star-making event, Canto was attending all kinds of social activities, has received growing attention. When radio began playing throughout the Northeast Canto song, needless to say, this girl [is] off [and running].
"I'm going to stand on the walls of Peking"
In 1934, in order to learn Mandarin, 14 year old Toshiko follow father meant to go to Beijing to study. After arriving in Beijing, shankoushuzi with "Pan Shuhua" bei Ping Yi goddaughter, the name entered in the study. "Pan" is her last name of another foster parent--his father's sworn brother Pan Yugui, "Sue" from shankoushuzi, and "China", was born in China of Italy.
At that time, Japan was isolated by the international community because of the war. It was that time, Toshiko friend could lyuba disappeared from her life. In his autobiography, Toshiko described her separation with could lyuba: "I want to take Liu Bayi Peking, but when I run snack shop when looking for her, but found the snack shop has closed. Japan soldiers to guard near the gate, I shout could lyuba's name, but do not get any response. I am threw a lot of wood on the door, Japan soldiers called out to me, ' don't rock the boat ', and then pushed me, so I could lyuba temporarily left out of my life. ”
Bei Ping Yi taught girls ' secondary school, is a high and junior high school offers girls ' secondary school. Toshiko, in which the first half of my – recorded by Canto at the time: "I'm from Northeast personage, as Chinese people--a mixture of dry daughter-Yi taught school for girls, named Pan Shuhua ... ... At that time, I often go to Beihai Park Road, on the tiny island to practice my Chinese pronunciation or the dictionary, also visited the Imperial ancestral temple in the distance. ”
With the increasingly tense Sino-Japanese relations, anti-Japanese atmosphere also spread in Toshiko's women, of course, as the Pan Shuhua, no one knows of her Japanese identity.
In 1937, the shankoushuzi accompanied to Beijing to attend a commemoration of "YiEr·JIU" the compatriots and will hold a prayer. At the meeting, students have expressed their determination of resistance against Japan, and somebody said to go to Nanjing to find national Government ; some people said he was going to join the Red Army in northern Shaanxi and still others vowed to stay and fight to the last breath ... ...
When asked "If Japan invaded Beijing, what should I do" when Toshiko was temporarily speechless, I do not know how to answer. Students eager eyes stared her in the face, it was encouraged, she said: "Pan Shuhua, tell us what you think, what are you going to do, say! ”
Born in China, but in her veins are the blood of Yamato, one is brought up his own country, one is their homeland, but war happened in the middle of both of her beloved country. Toshiko thought, words blurted out: "I'm going to stand on the walls of Peking. ”
A warm round of applause, the concept somewhat ambiguous response to her encouragement. For the love of the motherland and loves his birthplace of her, it is a difficult choice, "standing on the walls of Peking" might be a better choice. As she wrote in her autobiography: "I can only say this." Standing on the wall, are from outside Japan fire from the walls there is lead in China, no matter from which side flying, bullets on both sides "can hit me, I may be the first to die. Instinctively, I think, this is my best way out. ”
This emotional distress Toshiko for a long time, she described in her autobiography the face kind of powerless and extremely painful: "Chinese people don't know I'm Japanese, I lied to people. A kind of guilt around my heart, like stepping into a blind alley and into the wall. "She has on several occasions decided to publish the fact that he is Japanese, but do not have the courage to do it.
Canto (shankoushuzi) old photo collection
In 1937, shankoushuzi graduated from North of Ping Yi taught school for girls. Back to the Bong diva, a fortuitous opportunity, so she opened another chapter in the life and shankoushuzi Canto once again.
After the establishment of Manchukuo, Japanese are projecting, set up in Changchun Film Studio, Canto beauty sings well, was chosen by the film-makers and became the Studio's first actress.
Canto in her autobiography said after she was chosen by the film-makers. Someone told her that a film need to be vocal, and asked her to come. After she was gone, only to be told to go to makeup. She kept wondering: "vocal so why make it? ”
Apply makeup, she was called to a fight in front of the camera. Suddenly someone shouted "here! No, it's here! Chin up a bit! "She was completely blind, and think that they have to understand Japanese. Until the end, she didn't know, let her not vocal, but an actor – film actor.
She shot her first movie, called the honeymoon Express. Subsequently, the second and third films followed, she took of the rich dream [White Orchid?]as well as the grievances of vengeance[Vow in the Desert?]. Since then, the young singer Canto, Canto became a movie star.
Canto red, not only in China, but also red to Japan. She played almost all Japan men of unrequited love Chinese girls. Shina song of night and the blue, all the stories are similar, expressions are "goodwill" theme. Willow green Chinese countryside, loves Japan man woman Canto Japan origin was enveloped by fog on purpose, she is pure Japanese, pure Chinese, Sino-Japanese, and has not been clear, or are deliberately not being clear.
But, in any case, the Suzhou Nocturne, the day you come back again, and the soft fluttering of tuberose, Japanese believe that China and loved Japan, rely on Japan, Japan believes the boys, go to China, it's not aggression.
In October 1938, has become a Canto Studio headed huadan "goodwill" represents the first time back in Japan, she wrote in a letter to parents: "I will finally be able to go to Japan, where is my country, but I have never seen what she is like, I'm going to see Mount Fuji ... ..."
However, the excitement she had never thought of, motherland to greet her was another poop. When she submitted her passport just got off, suddenly heard a gruff dismissed shouted: "you [come] back! "She initially thought it was wrong, but looked back and found that Japan officials are glaring at herself, and she pointed to herself, the question to mean:" is calling me? ”
Japan officials again impatiently shouted: "you [come] back! "Her fellow actresses go first, then came to the Japan officials next, just as he is asked for another hearing before passports are seen in the past. Japan officials verified verbatim Canto Passport again, then eyes staring, shouted: "where are you this thing is Japanese! First national was in third countries such as Shina clothing and speak Shina, and don't feel any shame! ”
Canto recalled in his autobiography: "I have been at the time, and can't understand why the Japanese say that when strong thought is aversion, which is very frustrating. "Later, in Tokyo, when she dressed in Chinese clothes sang a Chinese song, the applause now and then with a" Shina pig "of abuse. Which made Canto the country Japan's vision began to disillusion, made her feel sad, "[I] am the Chinese-born Japanese -insulting my mother country. ”
War has destroyed the sweethearts
As her career was in the ascendant, Canto has her fans. She also had dealings with the Qing Royal family members, and her became best friends. Canto and Zhang Ai-ling had had such a conversation. Zhang said: "you are 30 years old, must be like a young girl as lively now! "She said," Oh, these old little innocent play really not much sense, I wish? you raise ? pipes, worn yellow pepper olive punishment? "
As Canto was [in] the films with strong political overtones, she cannot achieve her aspirations in the movie. Had to find her own lives for the "passion play". However, a few times with passion, eventually brings her [love], but continuous endless pain.
Canto's first love was a Japan diplomat's son, fans in this wealthy son Canto, Canto every album he has to buy, and take good care of collections. In Canto's second visit to Japan during the show, the men around her to his mansion, but was abruptly asked her to marry him. Canto does not nod, men repeatedly pleaded. Canto suddenly said she was most concerned about the question: "do you want to fight? ”
At that time, the Pacific war had broken out, Japan and United States and the United Kingdom, and China, a growing number of Japan soldier is killed in battle.
Man replies: "because it is related to the State of things, but I promise I'll come back and marry you full, and always with you, believe me. "Later, hastily proceeded to kiss her. Canto to hold him close, murmuring: "promise me now, and be sure to come back and marry me, be sure to come back. ”
That night, guarding Canto there is a man, he is a Canto in Japan during the premiere of the bodyguards Kodama. That night, he kept in the chill night air outside the diplomat's residence overnight ... ...
Diplomat's son to war, and later, his commitment to the Canto also comes to nothing. He disappeared in the jungles of Myanmar, no back with force. Canto's first love is painting a painful full stop.
Later, she falls in love with a famous Chinese composer Chen gexin. Chen Gexin was Canto wrote a great number of songs, like the night, the dawn, up the Creek, the Lake and the fisherman's daughter, up hate not meet [If Only] when they are not married, the Nepenthes and written specifically for her coloratura soprano solo of the Petrels, and so on. But their love was just a blip. Chen eventually chose to marry a Chinese woman.
Canto said, when she had only a slight difference between married Chen gexin. When someone asks, why did the story when made no mention in her autobiography, she laughs: "the most important things are not written in the book. ”
Love, this kind of thing is very strange, is the sentence "can be met, but not impossible," said. When Canto's fourth trip to the performance, finally found a bodyguard Kodama has been quietly crush yourself, silently paying something for themselves. This was hit by repeated love Canto was moved, suddenly felt true love by your side.
One day, in order to vindicate, Canto borrows books from an excuse to Kodama's home. Kodama after seeing her was very excited and somewhat unprepared. When jade when her book, Canto homeopathic hugged him tightly and asked: "do you love me? ”
"Yes, I've always liked you. "Kodama replied. "Do you love me? "She asked. "I've been loving you. "Kodama and hugged her tight and let her feel almost suffocated. "A fool! Then why are you never said? Why do you never say you love me? "She is happy to whisper.
"In an age of war, I cannot make any commitment to you, I have no way to guarantee your happiness, I would say irresponsible words, I can't do that, I'm sorry. ”
Canto cried: "the fool! You give me happiness? "Kodama Canto clutched hands, saying:" I will do my best to make you happy. "Canto said:" we will get married? "Kodama said firmly:" Yes, I'll marry you fought back. "Listen to this, Canto suddenly grew pale, she sobbed:" you ... ... Do you really want to go to war? "Kodama said:" the draft has been sent to my home, I have to go. ”
Canto cried and cried very sad, as if a lifetime of tears flow out at that moment. She didn't understand why her love, her dreams and the hateful wars were intertwined. She is just a woman, a tiny woman, she wants nothing more than a shoulder to lean on, a man who can give her a sense of. This requires much?
"In fact, I just want you to know I love you, that's enough. In such an age, I am unable to control my destiny, I am such a person as unworthy of you...... "this was Kodama's last words, then he kissed Canto, also went to Myanmar.
When the war finally came to an end, Canto was hoping Kodama's death [not], also received a letter he sent her one and only [one].
Lyuba rescued [Canto] from death row:
Japan, after the defeat, Canto the popular movie stars, pop stars, history was brought to trial. Manchukuo film Association as a major actor, Canto was identified as having assisted Japan invaders propaganda crimes. Prosecutors finally sentenced her to death, and executed immediately. On charges of "being Chinese and Japan jointly shoot pretending to be Chinese movies to help Japan's mainland policy, turned against China."
Another Manchurian princess Kawashima Yoshiko female traitors were executed with outgoing messages, Canto's sentencing and execution date has also been featured in the top of the newspaper. In Canto has been unable to argue, when preparing to die, and the most important [person] in her life – could lyuba, appeared again.
Could lyuba had already joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, became a Consulate staff member. She read Canto as traitors in the newspaper was sentenced to death for the crime in the news, immediately went to Shanghai. In the shelters, when two teenage best friends again, Canto could lyuba and clasped together, and cry more.
Could lyuba's coming out, and not just to visit his childhood friend, and she came here to help the Canto [escape] traitor charges. "Is there some form of identification to confirm you are Japanese? If you can prove you are Japanese, you'll be able to be acquitted and return to Japan. "Could lyuba says.
Canto manages to remember, but she still can't think of themselves have been proven to the Japanese identity. "It doesn't matter to me, I'll go to Beijing, go ask your parents ... ..." in this way, the rush could lyuba appeared once again disappeared [from] the view of the Canto.
At this point, the father shankouwenxiong and son has found Canto's Japan proof of identity, but this certificate could not be handed over to the hands of Canto. They even suspect that your daughter is already committed for traitors, and left this world.
Could lyuba appeared overjoyed Yamaguchi, from the mouth could lyuba, they know their daughter is still living in this world. Subsequently, the identity certificate was successfully sent into the hands of Canto. Once again standing in court, Canto show to prove her true identity documents, the judge finally declared she was acquitted.
This decision to allow the Court to observe the people angry. People hate the war, hate those traitors of the tyrant. Face the roar of galleries, Canto tears sang the song, she sang a favorite to sing Chinese songs, songs full of affection in China to nourish themselves ... ... Sang sang Canto to the Gallery, but also to China and the Chinese people bowed, cheating on their first half and made a deep repentance of crime ... ...
On February 29, 1946, Canto a tearful farewell to Shanghai by boat return to Japan. Back to Japan Hou, her Japan popularity continues to grow, and create a personal film career to new heights. She also gave herself a "sweet Lanshan port," the name and called themselves the name "mixture" is Japan and China's "spirit of mixed blood."
In 1969, the Canto reporters realized her dream, became Fuji TV news Anchorman, interviewed Yasser Arafat , and Nelson Mandela , international person of the year. In 1974, she was elected to Japan's Senator capacity as a politician active in the social arena's 18 years old.
Although in times of war, Canto trick of fate. But whether it is for our birthplace, China's country Japan, she also has a feeling of true love. "Japan is no longer fighting our fellow with dark hair and dark eyes. "This is a Canto of peace, she had always hoped that her beloved long-term peaceful coexistence of the two countries.
In August 1978, Farewell China years of Canto tears watching the telecast of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of peace and friendship concluded. Although not present, but Canto felt spent her childhood and returned to troubled youth in China. She was pleased to see China in a "feeds" attitude have accepted my country, willing to work with Japan people heal the scars of war in living memory.
Entering his Canto General forget seeing the bloody scene in pingdingshan in Fushun, she put her in China see, hear, feel, put in writing in a special way Japan to apologize to the Chinese people. In the days in China--Canto: my life in this autobiography, bravely exposing Japan militarist war of aggression brought great sufferings to the Chinese people, witness to history and those with damage from true experience, cautioned Japan teenagers in mind: "it's all true!”
In 2005, the Canto published a long article in the press, warned Japan's Prime Minister to refrain from visiting the Yasukuni Shrine , as "that would deeply hurt the Chinese people's heart.”
"For that period of history, we should face it, don't make it so daunting. I hope that the Chinese youth to learn my fate, whereby promoting the development of Japan-China relations. China and Japan are my ' mother ' and ' father ', I do not want to see bilateral friendly relationship problems. Zhou Enlai , Prime Minister said to take history as a mirror and facing the future, Japanese people should use their conscience clear?
Shanghai flashbacks, Tin Shui Wai apart Canto could Lyuba and completely out of touch. At the day of departure, almost everyday everynight thinking of the young friends of Canto. Could Lyuba, aged 52 years later, nearly eight years of Canto on their way to find friends. However, when trouble, she finally found her "guardian angels", the dull-looking old woman to her "xiaoshuzi" calls have been less full of passion and vitality.
Sitting room could Lyuba, tasting the taste the same boduoliefu snacks, two decades of experience, probably can't clearly in Syria. They chatted, Canto asked could lyuba's brother, when could lyuba's brother as well as her playmate. Could lyuba took her to his family's cemetery, said, "do you know Japan's Unit 731 right? "Could lyuba's voice sounds so insipid, but apparently float tears in her eyes. Canto understood, must be Unit 731 could lyuba's brother had done something.
Left the cemetery could lyuba took Canto's hands, such as when on the train, in the boduoliefu restaurant, dock in Shanghai. She said: "I have always deeply cursed Japan, but I hope that my beautiful, proud xiaoshuzi [has] good health and safety, no matter what happened, before she was an Angel. ”
Through it all, Canto feeling great: "when contemplating the past, when we can not escape. No matter how painful, then there must be something worth for reference in the future. "
Now 90 years old, Canto a person living in Japan Tokyo, since her husband's death, Canto is always solitary, [has] no children at her knee.
As for the age old woman, now might be able to do only the remainder.
A post about the love affair between Li Xianglan and Liu Naou:
the translation is here:
this is one of the best short summaries of her life - everything is accurate:
Li Xiang Lan was the original singer of the famous song 夜來香 Night Blossom. The song is then sang by countless singers including Teresa Teng and David Tao.
李香蘭 Li Xiang-Lan was born as 山口淑子 Yamaguchi Yoshiko in Manchuria.
Her family was originally from Saga Prefecture 佐賀縣 in Japan. Her grand father, loved Chinese history and culture so he moved the entire family to Manchu as early as 1906. That was even before Qing dynasty was overthrown.
Li was born on feb 12th, 1920 in FuShuen Manchuria.
When she was 11, Japan invaded Manchuria and set up Manchu Kuo.
She has two influential Chinese god fathers, one is general Li Ji-Chuen 李際春 and one is Pan Yu-Guei 潘毓桂. Both have given her a Chinese name. So Yamaguchi Yoshiko 山口淑子 actually have two Chinese names. One is Li Xiang-Lan 李香蘭 and one is Pan Shuhua 潘淑華.
In 1933, troubled by lung disease Yoshiko went to Beijing to have vocal lessons from Italian dramatic soprano (married into Belorussian nobility) while accommodated by the Pan family.
There she perfected her Mandarin in full Beijingese. Not even people of Beijing could tell she wasn't a local. She then went back to Manchu Kuo and starred in Manchu Kuo film productions. There she was first billed as 李香蘭 Li Xiang Lan and that became her full time stage name.
She become so popular, she then moved to Shanghai and starred in Chinese productions. And there she sang 夜來香 Night Blossom that earned her to be named among Top 5 female singers in the Shanghai club along with 周璇 Zhou Xuen, 白光 Bai Guang, 張露 Zhang Lu and 吳鶯音 Wu ying-yin.
In 1943, Lin starred in the Movie about a Taiwanese aboriginal girl sacrificing her life in a flood to say farewell to a Japanese officer called 莎勇之鐘 Sayon no kane. In this movie Li sang a song also named "Sayon no kane", which was rewritten into Chinese as 月光小夜曲 Moonlight Serenade, which is also very famous even today.
By the end of WW2, she was arrested by the KMT in the name of treason and collaboration with the Japanese (漢奸). [It] took her a great deal of effort to finally prove her identity of a Japanese immigrant and was released and sent back to Japan.
She went on with her actress career by the name Yamaguchi Yoshiko, in Japan the US and Hong Kong. She was married twice. First to half Japanese half American artist Isamu Noguchi, then to an Japanese ambassador.
From there she picked up her political career and was elected senator for 3 terms. in 2005 she advised the Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi to stop visiting the Yasukuni shrine.
note the last sentence in this post:
Another Chinese post which contains many interesting bits of info on our hero:
Chinese-born Japanese
to popular in Shanghai, Rainbow Leung have long been found and identified their own share of flashing temperament. She formerly Yamaguchi Yoshiko, the family called her Peas. She's Japanese, in February 1920 Born on 12 Mukden (now Shenyang) near North China's Liaoning Province, Yantai, and soon the family moved to Fushun. Her grandfather Yamaguchi Han Bo childhood love, admire the ancient Chinese culture, so in the Meiji thirty-six years (1906) home from Saga to China, and long live down. When she was born, the name of the puppet Manchukuo "Five Concord family" was set up under the banner of the founding, many Japanese believe that a new era is about to be kicked off, but the fact is the opposite.
Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty nominally heads of state of Manchukuo, in fact it is just a puppet, by the Japanese Kwantung Army holds the real power, so they murder innocent people are destitute.Witnessing Chinese land devastated, devastated horrors, father Fumio Yamaguchi in沉阳铁路局work and worship the same Chinese culture love mother stone bridge was full of sorrow out of desperation, they can only put Sino-Japanese friendship in the hopes born in China's daughter. They will she promised at the time of Shenyang bank president's friend Lee Ji-Chun generals do daughter, Rainbow Leung name is Lee Ji-Chun played, "Pandan" is his own once used pseudonym, later Xianglan it as his own stage name.
In 1943, the young naive Rainbow Leung full of love for China and Japan, the future vision of life, came to Peking to "Pan Shuhua," the name Yi taught at Peking Girls school. "Pan" is another of her adoptive father - her father's sworn brothers, surnamed Pan was any political Tianjin long sound; "Shu" is derived from the name of Yoshiko Yamaguchi; and "China", is born in China's meaning. The name of course also includes China and Japan hope the friendly coexistence of meaning.
Peking Yi woman to teach high school, is a high and junior high school comprehensive secondary school for girls. It was there that she received a good education for future career lay a foundation. In her book - according to "Half my life Rainbow Leung Biography" of the situation at the time of learning: "I came to relatives from the northeast, as a Chinese person - Pan family's daughter - on the Yi taught school for girls, name called Pan Shuhua ...... trio go the same way at school, after school and sometimes left me alone. at that time, I often drop in Beihai Park, or practicing Chinese pronunciation dictionary on a deserted island, has been far Imperial Ancestral Temple. "
as she grew natural beauty, speak fluent Chinese, have a wonderful voice, when the" beginning of a long and women Lee ", her artistic talent and special birth soon the Japanese invaders manipulation orchestrated puppet "Manchukuo film Association," phase. They mobilize her entry, and decided she strongly package, as a Chinese singer launched aggression policy uproar. Her heart full of the young and innocent puppet "Manchukuo" infinite hope, sang "Fisher girl", "Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun", "Meng Jiang" and other songs in Chinese New Japan Radio Mukden program "Manchuria new song", the more in an "Evening Primrose" fame. Then, the "singer Xianglan" In this way brought to the foreground, and quickly became popular in the music and film, became a household name, "superstar." After Rounds, Rainbow Leung also have played for a number of Japanese propaganda, or whitewash Japan's war of aggression movie. At that time no one thought she was Chinese, which also brought her subsequent misfortunes.
As the Japanese war of aggression against the escalating outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States and Britain declare war on Japan. Japan became the enemy of the people of the world, deep quagmire. One side is combative, one side is peacefulness, in battle, her voice like a mix of Ecstasy wine, to heal the human mind but also kill their morale. While living in troubled times, her popularity continues unabated. Early Pacific War the war, she was in "Japanese theater" performances enthusiasm of the audience to join in, there are actually seven laps and a half fans surrounded her, became confused, became sensational news. At that time, she had received the Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Chung's eldest son Chung Kenichiro letter. The letter said: "The human values can not be used to measure the presence or absence of known human value is not reflected in the person's face, you should treasure he is now the era of personal value to be fooled, you have more respect for myself, or only. country is at the mercy of the current situation. I hope you will never self-esteem. "these words are intriguing.In a period of Japanese history, the darkest, as war criminals after the war was foreign minister of the sub-Chung, pretending to give a Chinese person (or "Manchus") as a female star in Japan in the Far East policy effectiveness to write such a letter. This not only make people feel the power of liberalism and liberal people feel weak. It is only as a boycott is not going to succeed in.
Fluent in Japanese, stunning looks, and if at that time the Hollywood star Lady Diana Du Ping European vocal singing, fully reflect the Japanese ideal vision for a Chinese woman. Thus, the implementation of the Kwantung Army Rainbow Leung became a war policy of "sugar-coated bullets."
Singer Years
Rainbow Leung's experience is unique. Although she is a pseudo-Chinese actor Japanese hand-made, shooting promotional video Japan's Far East policy condolences to the Japanese, become the Puppet Japan need, goodwill messenger of China against Japan, but these are not
sufficient to obliterate her artistic all achievements. Her singing gently touching, singing attainments.As a student, she had to follow a famous coloratura soprano波多列索夫lady learning, and later as a singer on the radio, this is the beginning of her music career. Her life singing countless classic love songs, according to her, said in his memoirs, "My life," the most popular audience three songs was "Come Again", "Suzhou Nocturne" and "Evening Primrose." "Come again" is the 1930 film "Samsung moon" episode, although the original singer Zhou Xuan, but her singing was another kind of unique style. As the pieces of her old photos, Yan and Mei face, wearing a dress, but not in the East China and a hint of an affair between facial features. "Suzhou Nocturne" is a Japanese composer Ryoichi Hattori melodies based in China, with reference to the United States of love songs written specifically for her.
"Evening Primrose" is probably the most well known, this song is EMI special reference to Chinese composer Li Jinguang folk tunes composed by her, but the melody and rhythm completely adopted European style, the spectrum became brisk slow rumba , spread false picture of the occupied zone. Unfortunately, this is a song has not lifting the ban, though good to hear, a lot of people can only sing it in private. She wrote for his autobiography, said: "Although this song is very popular, but popularity is not a long time, and later Japanese and Chinese versions have banned the sale of ...... on the grounds that any one foreign soft songs will make discipline disorder. "not only that, in 1945, she was singing this song but also by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Communications. She said: "I suspect they sing this song is desirable
Chongqing government or Communist government back." Until later in life, she was also obsessed with the song's lyricist Li Jinguang. In 1981, she was specially invited him to visit Japan, they are at a cocktail party on stage singing "Evening Primrose", a group of "Evening Primrose" fans are singing and circling around.
In his autobiography, she also mentioned another song after being accused of "decadent music and dampen the morale of the enemy" and banned the song - "Parting Blues." This song by the Japanese soldiers welcomed as an actor singing this song request, the officer pretended to have something to leave, although the venue, but also tears, hiding in the side quietly enjoy. Her "three," "It Happened One Night" episode and "meet hate when married" is to make the fans love to hear endless. In June 1945, when she will be performing the song in a concert in Shanghai, in China, Japan and the fans of war opposing state are her frenzy. This is her last public performances in Shanghai, two months later, the war ended, she was due to "collusion Japanese" charges was arrested.
In addition to singing, she also worked in the pseudo "Manchuria", Shanghai, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan and other places to shoot a lot of film. April 1991, she personally selected seven films shot himself, taking the Hong Kong Film Festival. This seven films are: "China Night", "Cylon bell", "My Nightingale", "my life the most glorious day," "at dawn in escape", "scandal", "White Lady demon love. " Among them, "My Nightingale" was her pseudo "Manchuria" Time to shoot the film, the film took nearly two years to film the cost of 250,000 yen, equivalent to five times the general film investment. The film depicts the story of a father and daughter duo joys and sorrows, she thought it "is a cosmopolitan musical, but also the history of Japanese cinema a real piece of music." "My life the most glorious day," she Back in Japan in the postwar masterpiece by Japanese Shochiku film company produced, depicting a dancer in love with killing her father's enemy, has been selected as the ten best films of the fifth. "In the dawn in escape" by Akira Kurosawa writer of a love tragedy, it has been named the ten best films of the third year. "White Lady Demon Love" is based on Chinese folk story "White Snake" adapted from the movie. "China Night" is left to the audience the impression of a glamorous Chinese women and their sweet songs.
Her voice to the people to dream, she starred in the movie was spectacular. She filmed "Mulan" and "Greatest Story Ever Told" in the "Greatest Story Ever Told" in which she plays because Lin's daughter and renowned Chinese film. She these two films have different interpretations, she thinks they can be a patriotic Chinese audience from the enemy - against the Japanese point of view to understand, she even said it was the Japanese film acceptable to both sides. However, she is really booming 1950s following the last century show Hollywood movies and Broadway, a few movies in Hong Kong should be invited by the film company to shoot, the "Golden Lotus", "Happened One Night," "mysterious beauty" and so on, wherein episode by her personal interpretation and filling into the record. Although accusations that she starred in the movie is full of Japanese militarism colors, but art can not fully become militarist propaganda tool. In addition, she also participated in the filming of "documentary art films," "Yellow River" and Russian-style musical "My oriole" and due to the latter being spies tracked Soviet Union, China and Japan. For these, she said: "Japan certainly defeat, but because of the defeat, so we must leave a good art film when the American occupation of Japan, may prove Japan does not just shoot a war movie, it took no less than in Europe and America card. the fine art movie ...... " love and friendship
in a Japanese supported by a literary journal" magazine, "organized by the cool air party, Rainbow Leung and Zhang had had such a conversation. Zhang said: "! You are to 30 years old, some also like it as lively little girl," she said: "It, ah, these innocent old play shallow play really did not mean much, I'd like to play point extraordinary passion ! play "then, later Eileen Chang said:." she's not the kind of too ordinary, formulaic love, but to 'passion' in '
According to Chen Gang Chen Gexin son recalled, she and his father probably had a period not known for passionate love of Shanghai. Chen Gexin created a lot of her songs, such as "Night," "Dawn", "stream", "lake", "Fisher girl", "meet hate when married", "Nepenthe" and is designed for she wrote coloratura arias "Swallow" and so on. At that time, the person in charge when the orchestra mow grass Mr. Yoshio Shanghai visit Shanghai and Japanese television, she told television reporters, when she almost married Chen Gexin. And when a reporter asked her why she did not mention in the autobiography, she smiled and said: "The most important thing is not written in the book." In 1992, when she again came to Shanghai, Chen Gexin already death. She saw the face of Chen Gang urgently asked Chen Gexin case when alive, they recall 47 years ago, deep affection. Parting, she choked against Chen Gang said: "Your father and I good ah ......" Later, when Chen Gang Tokyo to see again, she said to him: "Your father was a handsome man, either because of your mother and you, I will marry him ...... "she softly hummed Chen Gexin over and over again as she wrote," Nepenthe ":" love yo, heaven Shuxing scattered, you from me, I will I do not know lonely lover yo, the world has dreams, you from me, I do not feel empty. I whisper your name in the mud, to forget the worries of this life, beloved yo, although that Homecoming merciless with you in a dream I would evergreen leaves. "
anyway, born in Japan, full of aggressive ambitions of the puppet Manchukuo to Chinese actress posture of subservience to Japan, she became absolutely impossible love aria. 1952 Back in Japan, she married an older than her 15-year-old American sculptor its ancient promise, four years after breaking up. Speaking reason for the split, she said:. "Is neither a problem because a third party, there is no economic problem, not just the old time to get together, which leads to differences in personality aspects" In fact, before they agreed to the so-called marriage the "divorce conditions": mutual respect for each other, do not affect each other's work, in the event of conflict, as friends, as amicably parted. And four years, their lack of time together in real life married one year.
After their divorce, and the ancient promise, she was invited to New York for the opera "La." During the show, she met a young Japanese diplomat assigned to the United Nations eagle Philip. The only 28-year-old Japanese youth gave her a bouquet of colorful roses every day, and several times in succession to the back to see her. In so bold, warm courtship, they soon both fall in love and eventually became darling. After to cherish this rare affection, and eagle Philip married, she changed his name Yoshiko eagle. Soon, her husband's support, she quit the film, became Japan's lawmakers (LDP senator), and re-elected 18 years.
Although emotional life twists and turns, but it is commendable, she always has a precious friendship. 10 years old, third grade elementary school in Fushun, she is on the train to go to fall camp in Shenyang, met a with her same age, lived in Shenyang Russian Jewish girl - Liuba. She attaches great importance to this friend, she said: "Liuba is my most precious friend I have become singing Rainbow Leung, is because of Liuba; I have become alive Rainbow Leung, also because of Liuba willow. God arranged like a banana in my life amulet, sometimes like the sun, like the moon sometimes, she'll be with me. "in Liuba's help, she began to Mrs. Soviet theater of the famous opera singer波多列索夫, Liuba is also a family friend, learning coloratura. Precisely because Mrs.波多列索夫autumn held solo concerts in Japan hotel every year, "Kill Radio," the chief of the East King Mio found her, she was hired as a full-time singer new radio show, so she has embarked on an acting career the way. Recalling all this, she was very frustrating to say: "? Liuba not it does not, I'm not going to learn to sing, there is no singing Rainbow Leung!" Not only that, Liuba for her as well as saving grace. In that Rainbow Leung was imprisoned and about to be shot after Liuba returned to her home in Peking, did you get her proof of residence in Japan belong to the Yamaguchi home, eliminating the need to make her a traitor sin. Imperfect love plus the perfect career and perfect friendship, and thus, her own first half drew a passable conclusion.
Homeward Bound history often makes people embarrassed, people felt a tearing pain of body and mind. After the Battle of Midway, the Japanese retreat. With the advent of the date of the defeat of Japan, the Japanese Empire manipulated "puppet state of Manchukuo," 13-year history also will be illusory curtain, "the puppet Manchukuo" destroyed, the whole country on a whim a crusade traitor action.Rainbow Leung The smash hit movie stars, singers also were brought to trial.
In February 1946, as the main actors of the puppet Manchukuo Film Association, she found she was there to assist the Japanese aggressors as crime propaganda. Prosecutors finally sentenced her to death by shooting on charges of "being Chinese, but taken together the Japanese and Chinese film posing to assist Japan's mainland policy, betrayed China" and "the use of the Chinese and Japanese language, the use of a friend of spying activity". However, she was clear that he had never engaged in espionage activities, but not assisted Japan's mainland policy. In order to prove his innocence, she presented to prove their Japanese identity papers in court, the judge announced her acquittal. The surprising fact that angry people on the court. Faced with everyone's roar, she sang in tears, with singing to raise their express a deep feeling of China, while the first half of their crimes were deep remorse. Songs resonate, and all the men with songs told her: "Let us return good for evil."
Tracing her life, it is difficult to understand why she merely because unconsciously singing and acting on almost the death penalty. She herself simply good, I hope the Sino-Japanese friendship, he was immediately use, fool, Japan's invasion of China policy tool, by the hatred of the Chinese people. Seen in this light, she is a victim of history, then all sorts of Misfortune, caused because the era. "A be fooled by age, is one kind of false policy people, waking up after a nightmare if, at the time to have the opportunity to reflect on the behavior of, or be an explanation, but also happy." She Puppet "court hanging" and Kwantung Army chief of staff will be Ji Gang said these words to be as her own for the first half of the instructions.
February 29, 1946, she tearfully say goodbye to Shanghai by boat to return to Japan. Back in Japan, she began to Japanese actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi identity in Japan continue to develop the film business, and give myself a "Pandan pass" name. She claims the name is "a mixture of Chinese and Japanese," Japan and China "spiritual half-breed." During this period, she was under the guidance of director Akira Kurosawa, another new peak of personal motion picture career, playing multiple roles in American movies and musicals.
In 1974, she was elected senator in Japan, as a politician active in the social arena. She also made the news writer Fujiwara Mi jointly authored writing "was in China - Rainbow Leung: Half my life." This autobiography, she bravely exposed the Japanese militarists to the Chinese people's war of aggression against the enormous disaster, expressing the "Japan-China war no longer, we are all black hair and black eyes" peace Zhi wish. As a victim of and witness to history history, she also educate Japanese youth to keep in mind: "It's all to be true!" In 1989, Japan's Fuji TV drama adapted accordingly launched a "Goodbye, Xianglan." Subsequently, Mr. Asari Keita has successfully adapted the musical "Rainbow Leung." Since January 1991 in Tokyo's Aoyama Theatre premiere, the musical has been performed 184 games, more than 180,000 viewers. A 17-year-old Japanese high school students Masahiro Takahashi was also write to Keita Asari said: "musical" Rainbow Leung "not only tells me the events and background history, the fact that I also told me how to war with its neighbors and - China to open up the future of Enlightenment "period from 1974 to 1992, Rainbow Leung was elected as Member of Parliament continuously assist Japan and China rapprochement. After the "Open Door Policy" later thoughts put forward, the Chinese government launched a welcome her arms. With the announcement and release classic album engraved her autobiography, she regained poured gaze in the new generation of Chinese people's minds.
Two country, two mothers Rainbow Leung said Japan for the motherland, the Chinese motherland. She said she had two mothers - one Japanese, one Chinese; she has a heart - half Japanese and half Chinese. Life history, including the Sino-Japanese relations on that section back memories, not because it is "unfortunate", "unpleasant" and come to naught. China against her upbringing, and Japanese nationality for her is an indisputable fact. This special status made her heart all his life in contradiction.
In 1937, she learned along with the identity of the Chinese people to participate in a commemoration of Zhongnanhai "129" victims compatriots and prayer will be held. At the meeting they have determined the table: some want to go to Nanjing national government and some going to join the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, was also said to stay and fight to the last breath. When asked, "If the Japanese army invaded Beijing, how to do," she did not know how to answer, had to say:. "I stood on the walls of Beijing" For both love the motherland and love their homeland, she this is a tough decision, "standing on the Beijing city walls" may be the best choice, as she wrote in his autobiography, 'I can say. " Standing on the walls, coming from the outside Japan gunfire from inside the walls is China pellet call, regardless of which party was hit, both bullets "can hit me, I might die first. I instinctively I think this is my best way out. "
such sentiments plagued her for a long time, she has described in his autobiography and powerlessness in the face of this very painful paradox:" Chinese people do not know that I was Japanese I deceived Chinese people a guilt wrapped around my heart, as if into a dead end, into a corner. "she herself several times that he is determined to publish the fact that the Japanese, but have the courage to do . Nevertheless, grew up in China, her feelings for China is still very real.She is a witness to the history of the war of aggression against China by Japanese militarism. She experienced the "Mukden Incident", "Marco Polo Bridge Incident", witnessed the "Pingdingshan event" in the history of some Japanese deny this evil when she dared solemn but bitter at the Japanese right wing to the weight declared: Japan should apologize to the Chinese people! In his autobiography, her language often is "going to Japan," and "to return to China."
In 1987, she finally got his wish, as a politician, friendly people returned to Shanghai to find that she exudes tuberose heart and soul of China led by the Department of dream homeland, homeland, the enemy. In November 1992, she was invited to participate in Guilin, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, held. Although she has been a septuagenarian living in Japan, but still said a Beijing dialect. During their stay in Beijing, the former residence of her look for the year, although already "fundamentally change new look," but she still clearly recognizable. She also taste Beijing snacks, to satisfy his own deep homesickness.Then she returned to Shanghai, the Garden Hotel once again see Li Jinguang, narrative from the old friendship, the two old people wept. After the meeting is finished, she carefully helped Mr. Li Lao step by step out of the hotel.Surprisingly, this became the last time they met, Mr. Li, and died the second year.
In the same year, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, the head of Shiki Theatre Company, Mr. Asari Keita also rate troupe Following the first visit to China in 1988, to bring the musical "Rainbow Leung" to visit China again. In the "Li Xianglan" The story takes place over the place - Beijing, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian staged 15 games. The Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China invited to come forward to performances by the top leaders of China and Japan's attention. Under former Japanese Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita also made a special trip to Dalian to attend the "Rainbow Leung" premiere ceremony. Shiki Theatre Company has also sent the best team in the 47 years after the end of the war, sent the "Rainbow Leung" returned to her homeland.
The play depicts the ups and downs of her life, vividly recreates the history of the war of aggression against that part of Japan, in order to warn people not forget the war in the country caused great repercussions. Every show troupe praised by the audience, has staged a total of nearly 500 games.
Today, the Shiki Theatre Company to continue through the "Rainbow Leung" premiere, told the 21st century, the history of ownership are about war and peace.
a Chinese edition of Wall Street Journal: (note the last few sentences quoted from Yamaguchi):
2014-09-17 Wall Street Journal Chinese net Yamaguchi Yoshiko
Earlier this month, 94-year-old Yoshiko Yamaguchi (Yoshiko Yamaguchi) died, the end of a dramatic turning point in life.
Yoshiko Yamaguchi was born in 1920 in northeast China, parents are all Japanese. Since then, her "Rainbow Leung" name posing as Chinese actress and singer, became Japan's propaganda movie star. After the war, Yamaguchi Yoshiko appeared in Hollywood films, and with the artist Isamu Noguchi (Isamu Noguchi) had a brief marriage. She also served as a talk show host file and interviewed the then Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (Yasser Arafat). Yoshiko Yamaguchi has also long served as Members, and became a diplomat's wife.
In his later years, Yamaguchi Yoshiko began to play an active role in helping Japan to repair strained relations with its neighbors on. She spoke clearly erroneous acts of the Japanese during the war, which is rare in Japan, public figures in. She also called on young people to learn and face in modern Asian history. In an interview with national newspaper interview, Yamaguchi Yoshiko about himself in 1932 at age 12 in Fushun he saw the terrible scene: a Chinese workers tied to a tree by a Japanese military police beaten to death with rifle butts. Fushun was Occupied Japan "Manchukuo" in a mining town.
She accepted, "Asahi Shimbun" (Asahi Shimbun) in a 2005 interview, said that China so many people died, the Japanese think that this is the last thing; but if you want to avoid such a war again, we must use the textbook to tell the young what did the Japanese people. As the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (Liberal Democratic) Senator 18-year-old Yoshiko Yamaguchi retired in 1992, after the 'comfort women' apology and compensation to try to play a role in Tokyo. Comfort women refers to Japan's wartime army forced to become prostitutes Asian women, this problem is still one of the root causes of conflict, Japan and Korea.
September 22, 2006, Tokyo, Yamaguchi Yoshiko (left) plays with her actress Ueto Aya (Aya Ueto) announced the production of the movie "Rainbow Leung" press conference. Until World War II, Yamaguchi Yoshiko use the "Rainbow Leung" name. She said in a 2001 interview, she thinks the comfort women suffered humiliation and suffering beyond the perception of today's young people, their experiences may sound incredible, but the face of the fact that it is extremely important. Yoshiko Yamaguchi family announced that she died of heart failure on September 7.
Yoshiko Yamaguchi was born in 1920 Mukden (now Shenyang), a family friend gave her a Chinese name Rainbow Leung.13 years old, her first appearance as a singer, and began to participate in Manchuria Indian painting Association (Manchurian Cinema Association) film production of Chinese films. The association is a Japanese company operations, aimed at making a lot of Japanese aggression to justify and beautify the propaganda film. When war ended in 1945, Yoshiko Yamaguchi China was arrested as a traitor, and then after she provides evidence that he is a Japanese citizen was able to acquittal.
1950s, Yoshiko Yamaguchi starred in more than Japan and the US produced films, including Akira Kurosawa (Akira Kurosawa) directed the film "Scandal" (Scandal). She and Isamu Noguchi marriage for five years, and finally ended in divorce after she married a Japanese diplomat and left the people's vision, until 1969 as a talk show host of her comeback. It was not until 1987, published her autobiography, she began to discuss his own experience as a covert from the shadow.
Yoshiko Yamaguchi said in the book, she carefully examines his own starred in the World War II film, she was extremely shocked, ashamed. One of her most popular film is "China Night" (China Nights). The film shot in 1940, tells the story of a Chinese peasant girl in love with a brave captain of the Japanese story.
She wrote: "I feel like being dragged into the national policy at the time, could not resist became the instrument of national policy." She also wrote: "In the rise and fall of Manchukuo to Rainbow Leung identity of life, which is my destiny. I had no choice but to accept this fate. "
:to be continued:
I found the below Chinese military blog entry and used Microsoft's translator to get a somewhat readable version. It is fascinating in what it reveals. Bear in mind that "Canto" , "Pandan" and "shankoushuzi" and "Pan Shuhua" and Li Xianglan are all names for Yoshiko Yamaguchi. "Could Lyuba" refers to Lyuba Gurinets (Yoshiko's best friend). "Stone son (or bridge)" refers to Aiko, Yoshiko's mother, and other names are similarly translated literally. "Iron" is the South Manchuria Railroad.
Sometimes tenses, grammar, and gender is mixed up. The post appeared at:
First, for our Chinese readers, here is the original post:
文章提交者:整编74师上校 加贴在 历史风云图区 铁血论坛
午夜,淑子睡梦正酣,突然一阵剧烈的晃动将她拖离了那个舒适且安逸的梦境。母亲在焦急地轻唤:“淑子,快醒醒,外面出事了!穿好衣服! ”睡眼惺忪的淑子掀开被子坐起,窗外骤然而来的红光让她顿时睡意全无。
到了奉天后,两个女孩子成了形影不离的伙伴。在人声鼎沸的街道,柳芭牵着她的手说:“淑子,就让我们的友谊一直这样长存下去吧。 ”
山口淑子后来回忆说:“柳芭是我最珍贵的朋友。我之所以成为歌唱的李香兰,是因为有了柳芭;我之所以成为活着的李香兰,也是因为有了柳芭。柳芭像是神安排在我生活中的护身符,有时像太阳,有时像月亮,她永远伴随着我。 ”
第一次见面,波多列索夫夫人坐在钢琴前面,让淑子随着琴音发声。淑子的嗓音怎么听起来都像是刚刚学打鸣的公鸡一样,几次三番,波多列索夫夫人耸了耸肩,对柳芭说:“她不适合唱歌。 ”
作为著名歌剧演员,波多列索夫夫人每年秋天都要在奉天大和宾馆(今辽宁宾馆)开独唱会,这也成了宾馆每年秋季里的主要活动之一。一天,波多列索夫夫人在授课结束后,突然对淑子说:“过几天就是大和宾馆的独唱会,你来我的独唱会唱歌吧! ”还未等淑子反应过来,同在房间里的柳芭兴奋地冲了过来:“太好了!太好了!能为夫人的独唱会唱暖场可是难得的机会啊! ”看到柳芭这样兴奋,淑子仍是不敢相信,她声音抖颤地问夫人:“我真的可以吗? ”波多列索夫夫人微笑着点点头:“真的可以,你一定会唱得很好。 ”
男子看起来跟父亲的年龄相当,装束不凡,看着像个人物。未等淑子开口,男子便微笑着鞠躬道:“你好,无论如何想请你在广播里唱歌。 ”随即递上了一张名片,名片上写着:奉天放送局科长东敬三。
“只是……”东敬三皱了皱眉,“为表达日中亲善,民族和谐,演唱新曲的少女必须是中国人。 ”
“那可怎么办,我们淑子是日本人啊! ”母亲石桥爱子感觉心有些凉。
东敬三说:“没关系,咱们可以给她起一个中国名字,因为她的中国话说得很地道,说成中国人也不会引起丝毫怀疑的。 ”
听了这话,石桥爱子突然拍手惊呼:“啊哈!我想起来了,淑子有中国名字的呀!”这年春节,淑子认了父亲的好朋友李际春将军为义父,李际春为淑子取了个中国名字——李香兰,“香兰”是李际春发表文章时曾用过的笔名。“李香兰? ”东敬三重复了一句,随即眉开眼笑,“好名字!好地道的中国名字! ”
当时,日本因为发动战争而遭到了国际社会的孤立。也正是那一时间里,淑子的挚友柳芭消失在了她的生活里。在自传中,淑子这样描述她与柳芭的分离:“我很想要带柳芭一同去北平,但是当我奔跑着去点心铺找她的时候,却发现点心铺关门了。好多日本士兵守在店门口,我大声呼喊柳芭的名字,但是却得不到任何回应。我扑到钉了好多木板的门上,日本兵大声地呵斥我‘不要捣乱’,然后把我推开,我的柳芭就这样从我的生命里暂时地离开了。 ”
北平翊教女子中学,是一所高、初中完备的女子中学。淑子在所著《我的前半生——李香兰传》中记载了当时学习的情况:“我从东北来投亲,作为一个中国人——潘家的干女儿——上了翊教女子学校,名叫潘淑华……那时候,我常顺路去北海公园,在无人的小岛上练习汉语发音或查字典,也曾去过远处的太庙。 ”
当被问及“假如有日本军侵入北平,该怎么办”时,淑子竟一时语塞,不知道如何回答。同学们迫切的目光盯视在她的脸上,有人鼓励她说:“潘淑华,告诉我们你的想法,你要怎么做,说啊! ”
生于中国,然而在她身体里流淌的却是大和民族的血液,一个是养育了自己的国度,一个是自己的祖国,而战争却偏偏发生在了这两个她所挚爱的国度中间。淑子想了想,一句话脱口而出:“我要站在北平的城墙上。 ”
一片热烈的掌声,算是对她这个概念略显模糊的回应的鼓励。对于既爱祖国,又爱自己出生地的她,这是一个艰难的抉择,“站在北平的城墙上”或许是一个最好的选择。正如她在自传中写的:“我只能这样说”。站在城墙上,从外面飞来的是日本炮火,从城墙里面打来的是中国铅弹,不管从哪一方飞来,双方的子弹“都能打中我,我可能第一个死去。我本能地想,这是我最好的出路。 ”
李香兰在自传中讲过她被电影厂选中的经过。有人告诉她,有一部电影需要配唱,要她来。她去了后,却被告知先去化妆。她心存疑惑:“配唱为什么要化妆呢? ”
化完妆,她被叫到一架摄影机前。忽然有人喊起来:“朝这边!不,是这边!下巴抬高一点! ”她完全蒙住了,以为自己已经听不懂日语了。直到最后,她才知道,让她来不是配唱,而是做演员——电影演员。
然而,亢奋无比的她却万万没有想到,祖国迎接她的却是另一副嘴脸。当她交验了护照刚要下船时,却突然听到一声粗暴的斥喊:“你回来! ”她最初以为听错了,但是回过头去,发现那个日本官员正怒视着自己,于是她指了指自己,意思是问:“是在叫我吗? ”
日本官员再次不耐烦地喊了句:“你回来! ”她让同行的女演员先走,随后自己来到了那个日本官员的旁边,按照要求再次把刚刚审理过的护照递交过去。日本官员再次逐字核实了李香兰的护照,随后双眼圆瞪,大声呵斥:“你这东西还是日本人哪!一等国民却穿三等国的支那服,说支那话,不觉羞耻吗! ”
李香兰在自传中回忆:“当时我都蒙了,不明白那个日本人为什么说那种话,当时强烈的念头就是厌恶,为此十分苦恼。 ”后来在东京,当她身穿中国服装演唱中国歌曲时,掌声中也时不时夹着“支那猪”的谩骂。这使李香兰对祖国日本的憧憬开始幻灭,让她感到可悲的,“是祖国的日本人对我出生的中国——我的母亲之国的侮辱。 ”
随着事业的如日中天,李香兰拥有了自己的影迷。她与前清皇室的成员也有了来往,还与张爱玲成了至交。李香兰与张爱玲曾有过这样一段交谈。张爱玲说:“你就是到了30岁,一定还像个小女孩那样活泼吧! ”她说:“也是啊,这些年老演浅薄的纯情戏实在没多大意思,我倒想演点不平凡的激情戏! ”
男人回答说:“要,因为这是关系到国家的事情,但是我保证我会完完整整地回来和你结婚,和你永远在一起,请相信我。 ”之后,不由分说地强吻了她。李香兰紧紧地抱着他,喃喃地说:“答应我,一定要回来娶我,一定要回来。 ”
李香兰曾表示,当年她只差一点点就嫁给了陈歌辛。当有人问,这段往事为何在她的自传中只字未提时,她笑道:“最重要的事是不能写在书上的。 ”
一日,为了表白,李香兰找了一个借口去儿玉家借书。儿玉见到她之后很是激动,有些手足无措。当儿玉把书拿给她的时候,李香兰顺势紧紧地抱住了他,并问:“你还喜欢我吗? ”
“喜欢,我一直都喜欢你。 ”儿玉回答。“你爱我吗?”她问。“我一直爱着你。”儿玉更紧地抱住了她,让她一时间感觉几乎要窒息。“傻瓜!那为什么你从来都没有说过?你为什么从来都没有说过你爱我? ”她幸福地低吟。
“在这样战乱的年代,我无法对你作出任何承诺,我没有办法保障你的幸福,要我说那些不负责任的情话,我做不到,很抱歉。 ”
李香兰哭了:“傻瓜!给我幸福好吗? ”儿玉紧紧地抓着李香兰的手,说:“我会尽我的全力给你幸福的。”李香兰又问:“我们会结婚吗?”儿玉坚定地说:“会,等我参战回来以后就娶你。”听了这话,李香兰脸色突然变得惨白,她哽咽着:“你……真的要去打仗吗? ”儿玉说:“征兵状已经寄到了我家,我必须得去。 ”
柳芭此次现身,并不仅仅是为了探视童年的挚友,她是为了帮助李香兰洗脱汉奸的罪名而来。“有没有一些身份证明能够证实你是日本人呢?如果能够证明你是日本人的话,你就可以被无罪释放,回到日本了。 ”柳芭说。
1969年,李香兰圆了她的记者梦,当上了富士电视台的新闻主持人,采访过阿拉法特、曼德拉等国际风云人物。 1974年,她被选为日本的参议员,以政治家的身份活跃于社会舞台长达18年之久。
尽管在战乱的年代中,李香兰受到了命运的作弄。但无论是对于出生地中国还是祖国日本,她同样怀有着真切的热爱之情。“日中不再战,我们同是黑发黑眼睛。 ”这是李香兰的和平意愿,她一直希望自己深爱着的两个国家能够长期和平地共处下去。
进入晚年的李香兰总也忘不了在抚顺平顶山下所看到的血色一幕,她开始把自己当年在中国的所见、所闻、所感付诸笔端,用特殊的方式代日本向中国人民道歉。在《在中国的日子——李香兰:我的前半生》这本自传里,她勇敢地揭露了日本军国主义侵华战争给中国人民带来的巨大灾难,以历史见证人和受戕害者的真实经历,告诫日本青少年牢记:“这全都是事实呀! ”
2005年,李香兰在媒体上发表长文,劝诫日本首相不要参拜靖国神社,原因是“那会深深伤害中国人的心。 ”
“对于那段历史,我们应该正视,不要使它积重难返。我希望中国的年轻人能够了解我的命运,借此促进日中两国关系的发展。中国和日本是我的‘母亲之国’和‘父亲之国’,我最不希望见到两国的友好关系出现问题。周恩来总理说过要以史为鉴,面向未来,日本人应该用自己的良知清算过去,两国年轻人更应用全新的广阔视野,认真考虑将来如何友好相处。 ”
坐在柳芭的房间里,品尝着味道不变的波多列夫点心,两人各自数十年的经历,恐怕是无论如何也无法叙得清楚。闲聊中,李香兰问起了柳芭的哥哥,当年,柳芭的哥哥也是她的玩伴。柳芭带她去了自己家的墓地,说:“你知道日本的731部队吗? ”柳芭的声音听着很平淡,但她的眼睛中却明显浮起了泪水。李香兰明白了,一定是731部队对柳芭的哥哥做了些什么。
离开墓地,柳芭挽起李香兰的手,仍如当年在火车上、在波多列夫点心店、在上海码头时一样。她说:“我过去一直深深地诅咒日本,但却希望我美丽的、引以为豪的小淑子能够健康平安,不管发生了什么,她都还是以前的那个天使。 ”
延伸阅读: 南满洲铁道株式会社 朝鲜
(if you search google using 李香兰 you may find interesting info) John M.
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Article submitted by: integration of 74 Division Colonel posted on the forum in the history of the map area
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
In February 1946, the court heard.Outside under the cold rain, indoor atmosphere like rain."Your name is Li xianglan, in the north of the school girl in the school, with the name of pan Shu Hua, this is not you as evidence of the Chinese?""The judge's voice sounded colder than the rain."No."A young and beautiful woman replied, anxiously and affirmatively."When you said You were studying in Peiping, as general pan yukui's daughter so named Pan Shu Hua, how can you prove that Yamaguchi Shu Zi, Li xianglan, pan Shu Hua, these three people are the same person?"”
Woman anxious, crying:“I really is Japanese, really Japanese Ah!"My name is shuzi Yamaguchi, and my father is wen Xiong Yamaguchi.……”
But all of this has been treated as a pointless struggle, and she has struggled with the question of whether she is Chinese or Japanese.If she can prove that she is Japanese, she can clear her name and go out of jail;but if she can't finally come up with the hard evidence, the only thing waiting for her is death.
This scene, which happened in Shanghai in 1946, attracted the general attention of the Chinese people,because this woman named Li xianglan's reputation is too loud, people have seen her starring in the movie, heard her singing the song, especially the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the heart of the
Is the star who was red-haired and purple at the time Chinese or Japanese?Is Yamaguchi Shu Zi and Li xianglan, pan Shu Hua the same person?This look at the style of all kinds of Star woman is how to have an association with the traitors?
Pretty Japanese girl born in China
February 12, 1920, in Fengtian, northeast China, a handsome baby girl was born, her family named Shu son Yamaguchi, the name clearly shows that she is a Chinese-born Japanese.
The girl's father, Yukio Yamaguchi, was born in 1889 in Saga Prefecture, Japan.My grandfather was from a Shi family and studied Chinese history and culture.Yamaguchi Wen Xiong since childhood by the influence of the family style, also has a strong interest in Chinese culture.
The following year (1906) after the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Yamaguchi Wen Xiong came to China.After studying in Beijing for a while, he moved to South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. (“Mantie”).
At first, Yamaguchi worked in the Fengtian coal mining, later transferred to the coal mining in Fushun.Yamaguchi Wen Xiong, who came from a Han family, not only speaks fluent Chinese, but also has a good understanding of Chinese customs and practices.So, the company asked him to teach the staff of the company's Chinese, introduce Chinese customs and practices, while the Fushun County consultant and the like.
Her mother, Aiko Ishibashi, was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan in 1894.This is also a rich family of children, but because of the family is in the middle of the road, so the family moved to the North Korean capital (now Seoul, South Korea), and then later moved to take refuge in China Fushun run rice mill uncle.
Yamaguchi's childhood was spent in Fushun, it was a pleasant and memorable time.The Yamaguchi family lives in central street in Fushun city.Every day, she and her best friend Toshiko Yanase, Mi-Tori Ogawa, go through the streets of the city center, to school in South Street, Yongan primary school.Junzi and Mitu RI are her best childhood friends.For example, go to the suit shop together to make clothes, and together to get;back the same bag, wear the same shoes; every month to get a haircut, and cut into the same hairstyle, even the color of the hair band are the same……
At the same time, Sinology continues to be inherited in the Yamaguchi family.Wen-hung Yamaguchi struggled to teach Shu-Tzu to learn Chinese, and seemed to expect her to make a difference in some areas in the future.
So, very young son, during the day to go to school, come back in the evening to listen to my father as a lecturer of the Training Institute of the night of Chinese lectures, can be described as busy awfully.But such busy does not make her feel difficult to absorb, but on the contrary feel full and happy.
Red Memory under Pingdingshan
However, this carefree life with the”918 " of the gun and suddenly disappeared.
The night of September 15, 1932, was a Mid-Autumn Festival, a day that should have been a happy family reunion.The night against the bright moonlight, but revealed the suffocating darkness……
In the middle of the night, her sleep was in full swing, and a sudden, violent shaking dragged her away from that comfortable and comfortable dream.Mother anxiously called: "sook, wake up, outside the accident!"Get dressed! The sleepy-eyed lady opened the quilt and sat up, and the sudden red light from the window made her sleepless.
She jumped out of bed and threw herself at the window.The roof of the building, the road lined with poplars, nothing seems to have changed.She looked back at her parents, and suddenly she found her parents in a panic. she felt an ominous feeling in her heart.
When the fire gradually disappeared in the dawn, everything again calm down.The air was also fluttering with a scorching smell, and the lady was lying in front of the window, not leaving.Soon after, the crowd began to roar again, with a group of Japanese military police holding a middle-aged Chinese man with a rope tied to his eyes.
This man is seen as a Labour leader in the mines.The Japanese military police led him to the square opposite, where Suko and her friends often went to take a break.In the gaze of the square surrounded by countless eyes, armed with rifles, the gendarmes began to question loudly, but the man just glared, and always did not utter a single word.
The military police was the Chinese man's stubborn and contemptuous enraged, one of them picked up the butt of the gun to the middle-aged hit the head, about two....... the man soon became "blood", not long, middle-aged fell to the ground, motionless, the square again calm.
This is the first time Shu Zi saw the scene to kill, and also the first time to see his countrymen kill Chinese people.When the Square was empty, she ran out of the house and ran to the square where she and her friends were laughing.
Just bubbling red liquid is now still motionless, the color is gradually deepened, the man just poured over the place left a piece of the imprint may never be wiped away.Shu Zi looked at, my heart can not tell whether it is panic or anger.
The mother rushed over and put her arm around her, turned her head and put her cold face on her chest.Shu Zi could not restrain, hid his face in his mother's arms, and burst into tears.
Later, she heard that this was a”bandit " (Japanese against the Japanese guerrillas) to Fushun coal mine attack.Then, the Japanese killed more people in Pingdingshan.
After the incident, Ms. Yamaguchi's father, Fumio Yamaguchi, was detained by the gendarmerie and charged with " collaborating with the enemy."Because Mr. Yamaguchi speaks fluent Mandarin and has many friends and acquaintances in Fushun, the gendarmerie suspects that he is in collusion with Chinese anti-Japanese elements.
In the end, though Yamaguchi Wen Xiong's suspicions of collaborations were cleared, it was no longer good to continue to Fushun.Thus, the Yamaguchi family left Fushun, who had lived for ten years, and moved to Fengtian, defected to the friend of Wen Xiong in Yamaguchi, the manager of the Fengtian bank, Li jiichun.
Willow's presence changed her life.
On the train to fending heaven, a little blonde girl entered the life of the son.Her name is Liu BA, is the same age as the Russian Jewish girl.
The acquaintance of that age, innocent and childish.For sook, that friendship was always as clear as it was yesterday.In the middle of the afternoon, as the shadow of the tree fluttered along the train's window, the sun glowed softly on Willow bar's white skin, her blue eyes filled with warmth and friendliness.Liu BA took a beautiful box from his suitcase, placed in front of the right side of the Suzi, and then carefully opened, a few pieces of fine shape of the chocolate lying in the inside.
“It's chocolate, it's my gift to you, " she said.There is a bodolev snack shop in Bong Tien, which is run by my family.these chocolates are made by my mother's hand, and I hope you will like them."Shu Zi excited to accept this exquisite gift, the chocolate box is gently closed at the same time, her friendship with Liu BA is firmly in the inside.
In this way, Fengtian this strange city for sookzi, has been stripped of the strange coat, because she has Liu BA.
At the end of the day, the two girls became inseparable partners.In the streets, Liuba took her hand and said: "sook, let our friendship be forever." ”
“Yuba was my most precious friend, " Yamaguchi later recalled.The reason why I become singing lixianglan, because of the Liu BA;the reason why I become living lixianglan, also because of the Liu BA.Liuba is like a God arranged in my life amulet, sometimes like the sun, sometimes like the moon, she will always be with me. ”
As Yamaguchi said, Liuba not only took away her loneliness, but also brought her into the singing career.
To the day after the bong.Because of the cold, she suffered from pneumonia and had to recover after a long time.And after recovery, lung function is always weak, doctors say this requires long-term recovery and nursed back to health, and suggested that Shu Zi with singing way to properly enhance lung capacity.
It is for this reason that Shu Zi met the famous Soviet opera singer Mrs. podolesov, and the person who introduced her mentor was Liu BA.
For the first time, Mrs. podolesov sat in front of the piano, making her voice heard.Mrs. podolesov shrugged and said to Liuba,“she doesn't like singing." ”
She looked at Mrs. podolesov, she could not understand Russian, she did not know what she was talking about, but she saw in her expression that she had rejected her own.
She pleaded: "Madam, please be sure to take her, she is because she wants to restore the function of the lungs, so use singing to increase lung capacity, do not want to become a professional singer……”
Finally, she became a student of Mrs. podolesov, and The Boring singing practice unfolded.She sings the same melody over and over and over again every day, and at the same time, physical exercises are in progress. she must use her book against her belly and learn to exhale like a dog, which is said to make her voice louder……
Shoko Yamaguchi turned singer Li xianglan
What neither Ljuba nor Mrs. podolesov had thought was that the lady, who had been found not to have a singing talent, would suddenly sing loudly after a while, which made Mrs. podolesov astonished and gratified at the same time.
As a famous opera singer, Mrs. podolesov every autumn in the Fengtian Daiwa hotel (now Liaoning hotel) to open a solo concert, which became the hotel each autumn in the main activities.One day, after the end of the course, Mrs. podolesov suddenly said to her: "in a few days is the Daiwa hotel soloists, you come to my soloists will sing!" Not yet waiting for the reaction of the son, with the room Liu BA excited rushed over: "good!Great!It's a rare opportunity to warm up for your wife's solo. Seeing Liu Baa so excited, Shu is still can not believe, her voice trembled and asked the lady: "I really can?" Mrs. podolesov smiled and nodded: "really can, you will surely sing well." ”
On the day of the solo concert, the small theater of the Daiwa hotel was packed.It was the first time Yamaguchi was standing on the stage, facing so many eyes.Dressed in a kimono borrowed from a pawnshop owned by her mother, she held her hands to her stomach and sang a song called " the moon of the desert."The clear and innocent voice of Shu Zi won the applause of the full field like spring thunder, also attracted the attention of an uninvited guest.
In the dressing room, Fumio Yamaguchi and Aiko Ishiba are still delighted with their daughter's success.A man slipped through the masked door and sat quietly in a chair beside sook, a move that frightened the Sook who had yet to take off his costume.
The man looks like his father's age, in extraordinary attire and looks like a character.Before she could speak, the man smiled and bowed: "hello, please sing in the radio, no matter what. Then handed a business card, business card that reads: bongtian broadcasting bureau chief Tung Jing three.
It turned out that the radio program has been looking for a singer, on condition that looks beautiful, voice sweet, can understand the spectrum, can speak Japanese Chinese girl.The show team looked for days and didn't find the right one.Today in the solo meeting of Mrs. podolesov, Dong Jing San listened to the singing of the son, suddenly bright, think the girl from which is quite desirable.
"Just......" Dong Jing three frowned, " in order to express the Japanese goodwill, national harmony, singing the new song of the girl must be Chinese. ”
"What can we do, our son is Japanese Ah!" "Mother Aiko ishigashi feels a little cold.
“No matter, we can give her a Chinese name, because her Chinese language is very authentic, said the Chinese will not arouse the slightest suspicion. ”
Listening to this, stone bridge Aiko suddenly clapped and exclaimed: "AHA!I remember, Sook has a Chinese name!This year, Shu Zi identified his father's good friend General Li Ji-Chun as the father-in-law, Li Ji-Chun took the Chinese name for Shu Zi-Li xianglan, "xianglan" is Li Ji-Chun published articles had used the pen name."Li xianglan? Dong Jing repeated a sentence, then smiled, " a good name!"What an authentic Chinese name! ”
So, Li xianglan's name is thus written into the program, and as a young, beautiful, can understand the spectrum, can sing, can speak Japanese Chinese girl into the public field of vision.Li xianglan sings the first song is "the song of the fishing light", the song of the sobbing, the wonderful sound like nature, immediately touched the audience.People have inquired, who is this angelic girl?Fengtian broadcasting Bureau lost the opportunity to start the star activity, Li xianglan quite attended various social activities, more and more people's attention.When all the radio in the Northeast began to play the song of Li xianglan, there is no doubt that the girl became popular.
"I want to stand on the wall of beiping”
In 1934, in order to learn the Beijing dialect, 14-year-old son to follow his father's intention to go to Beijing to study.Came to beiping, Yamaguchi Shu Zi to”pan Shu Hua " the name of the school into beiping Yi taught women."Pan" is another of her righteous father-father's sworn brother pan Yu GUI's surname,”sook "from Yamaguchi shuzi, and "Hua", is born in China.
At that time, Japan was isolated by the international community because of the war.It is also that time, Shu son's best friend Liu BA disappeared in her life.In her autobiography, Shu described her separation from Liu BA: "I wanted to take Liu BA to beiping, but when I ran to find her, I found that the pastry shop was closed.A lot of Japanese soldiers kept in the shop door, I shouted the name of Liu BA, but did not get any response.I pounced on the wooden door, and the Japanese shouted at me, 'don't mess with me', and pushed me away. ”
Beiping Yi Teach Girls 'Secondary School, is a high, Junior High School complete Girls' Secondary School.In the book "My First Half Life-Li xianglan biography" recorded at the time of learning: "I came from the Northeast to vote, as a Chinese-pan family goddaughter-went to the girls' school, named Pan Shu Hua...... at that time, I always on the road to Beihai Park, practice Chinese pronunciation or dictionary on the uninhabited island, also visited the distant temple. ”
As Sino-Japanese relations become increasingly tense, the anti-Japanese atmosphere also spread to the woman where the son, of course, as Pan Shu-Hua, no one knows her Japanese identity.
In 1937, Yamaguchi Shu Zi learned that Zhongnanhai participated in a silent prayer meeting held to commemorate the“one, two, nine”dead compatriots.At the meeting, students have expressed their resolve against Japan, some people said to go to Nanjing to find the national government; some people said to go to northern Shaanxi to participate in the Red Army; others said to stay to fight to the last breath……
When asked”what to do if a Japanese army invades beiping", Shu-Tzu was hesitant and did not know how to answer.Students stared eagerly at her face, and some encouraged her to say: "pan Shu Hua, tell us what you think, how you want to do, say Ah! ”
Born in China, but in her body is flowing Yamato National Blood, One is raising their own country, one is their own country, and the war has happened in the middle of these two countries she loved.Sookzi thought, a word blurted out: "I want to stand on the wall of beiping." ”
A warm round of applause was an encouragement to her slightly vague response to the concept.For both love the motherland, but also love her own birthplace, this is a difficult choice, "standing on the wall of beiping" is perhaps the best choice.As she wrote in her autobiography: "I can only say this."Standing on the wall, flying from the outside is the Japanese artillery fire, from the inside of the wall is Chinese lead bullets, no matter from which side to fly, both bullets can hit me, I may die first.I instinctively thought, this is my best way out. ”
This emotional obsession took a long time, and she described in her autobiography the powerlessness and pain of facing this contradiction: "the Chinese did not know that I was Japanese, and I deceived the Chinese.A sense of guilt wrapped around my heart, as if into a dead end, into a desperate situation.She had made up her mind several times to announce that she was Japanese, but had no courage to do so.
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Li xianglan (Shoko Yamaguchi)old photo collection
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Big Red Star returns home to be scolded
In 1937, Yamaguchi shuzi graduated from the Peking Yi teaching girls ' school.Back after the bong, a chance, so that she opened another chapter of life, Yamaguchi shuzi again became Li xianglan.
After the establishment of the pseudo-Manchukuo, the Japanese in order to whitewash the Taiping, set up a film studio in Changchun, Li xianglan because the human beauty singing well, was selected by the film studio, became the first film studio actress.
In her autobiography, she told how she was chosen by the film studio.She was told that there was a film that needed to be sung and asked her to come.After she went, she was told to go makeup first.She wondered, " why do you have to wear makeup?" ”
After applying makeup, she was called to a camera.Suddenly someone shouted: "This Way!No, this way!Chin up! 'She was completely blindsided and thought she couldn't understand Japanese.It wasn't until the end that she realized that she was going to be an actor instead of an opera singer.
Her first film was called the honeymoon express.Then, the second and third films followed, and she continued to shoot "rich spring dream" and "vengeance".Since then, the little singer Li xianglan, became a movie star Li xianglan.
Li xianglan, the singer who was almost executed as a traitor,
Li xianglan hung, not only in China, but also red to Japan.She plays almost all the Chinese women who have a bitter love affair with Japanese men."The night of Sina", "song of pranayama", all the stories are exactly the same, the expression is the theme of”China and Japan affinity".Yang Liqing Green Chinese pastoral, love Japanese men Chinese woman, Li xianglan Japanese blood deliberately coerced into the clouds, she is pure Japanese, pure Chinese, or hybrid, has not been clear, or that is deliberately not clear.But, in any case, "Suzhou Nocturne", "he rijun again", "evening fragrance" floated gently, let the Japanese believe that China loves Japan, rely on Japan, let the Japanese boys believe, go to China, that is not aggression.
In a letter to her parents, she wrote: "I can finally go to Japan, where is my motherland, but I have never seen what she really looks like, I want to go to see Mt.……”
However, the excitement of her but never thought, the motherland to meet her is another pair of lips.When she handed over her passport and was about to disembark, she suddenly heard a rude shout: "you come back! She initially thought she was mistaken, but looking back, the Japanese official was glaring at her, so she pointed to her and asked, " Is that calling me?" ”
Japanese officials again impatiently shouted: "You come back!" She asked the fellow actress to leave first, and then she came to the Japanese official's side, where she was asked to return her passport.Once again, Japanese officials verbatim verification of Li xianglan's passport, then eyes round and stared, shouting: "you this thing is Japanese!"A first-class citizen wears a third-class nationality Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi ”
In his autobiography, Li xianglan recalled: "at that time, I was confused, I could not understand why the Japanese people said that, at that time, the strong idea was disgust, and it was very distressing. Later in Tokyo, when she was singing Chinese songs in Chinese costumes, the applause was also punctuated by the insults of“Chyna pig."“It was the insult of the Japanese people to my birth country, my mother's country, " she said. ”
War destroyed her sweetheart.
With his career in the Sky, Li xianglan has his own fans.She also had dealings with members of the former Qing royal family and became close friends with Zhang ailing.Li xianglan and Zhang ailing had such a conversation.Zhang ailing said: "You are 30 years old, must still be like a little girl as lively! She said: "Yeah, it's really not much fun to be in these seniors, but I'd like to do something extraordinary!" ”
She was unable to achieve her wish in the film because the films she made at the time were full of political overtones.Had to find their own longing for the“passion play " in life.However, several times with passionate love, eventually brought her endless pain.
The first lover of Li honglan was the son of a Japanese diplomat, and the rich son was a fan of Li honglan.During Li's second visit to Japan, the man approached her at her house and asked her to marry him.See Li xianglan did not nod, the man repeated entreaties.Li xianglan suddenly asked one of her most concerned questions: "Do you want to go to war?"”
At that time, the Pacific War has erupted, Japan simultaneously with the United States, Britain, China, more and more Japanese soldiers died in the battlefield.
The man replied: "Yes, because this is a matter of state, but I promise I'll be back in full swing and marry you and be with you forever, trust me." After that, he kissed her forcefully.Li xianglan tightly hugged him, murmured: "promise me, must come back to marry me, must come back." ”
This evening, there is a man guarding Li xianglan, he is Li xianglan in Japan during the performance of the bodyguard of Kodama.That night, he spent the night outside the diplomatic compound.……
The diplomat's son went to war, and later his promise to Li xianglan also fell empty.He went missing in the tropical jungle of Myanmar and did not return with the troops.Li xianglan's first love thus drew a bitter end.
Then, she fell in love with the famous Chinese composer Chen gexin.Chen song Xin has created a large number of songs for Li xianglan, such as "night", "dawn", "Brook", "Lake", "fisherman's woman", "hate not to marry when", "forget the grass" and written for her solo soprano song "Haiyan" and so on.But their love is just a flash in the pan.Chen finally chose to marry a Chinese woman.
Li xianglan once said that when she was only a little married to Chen song Xin.When asked why the story had not been mentioned in her autobiography, she laughed: "the most important thing is not to write in a book. ”
Love this kind of thing is very strange, exactly the phrase "can not be met without asking".When Li xianglan visited Japan for the fourth time, he finally found that the bodyguard, Eryu, had been secretly in love with himself and paying for himself in silence.This makes repeated Love hit Li xianglan very touched, suddenly feel true love on the side.
One day, in order to express, Li xianglan found an excuse to go to the Jade home to borrow books.After seeing her, Kodama was very excited.When Jade gave her the book, Li xianglan clung to him and asked,“Do you still like me?" ”
"Like, I've always liked you. "She replied."Do you love me?"She asked."I've always loved you."She hugged her more tightly, so that she felt almost suffocated for a moment."Fool!Then why have you never said so?Why Have you never said You Love Me? She murmured happily.
"I can't make any promises to you in such a war-torn era, I can't guarantee your happiness, I can't say those irresponsible words, I can't, I'm sorry." ”
Li xianglan cried: "Fool!Give me happiness? “I will do my best to give you happiness."“Are we going to get married? " he asked.“Yes, "she said firmly," I'll marry you when I come back from the war."Listening to this, Li xianglan suddenly became pale, she choked: "you...... really want to go to war?" Yu said: "the draft has been sent to my home, I have to go." ”
Li xianglan cried, crying extremely sad, like a lifetime of tears in that moment flow finished.She did not understand why her love, her dream, always entwined with this abominable war.She is just a woman, a weak woman, she wants nothing more than a shoulder to lean on, a man who can give her a sense of security.Is that too much to ask?
"In fact, I just want you to know that I love you, that's enough."In such an age, I can not master my fate, I am such a person is not worthy to have you......”this is the last words left by Yu, then he kissed goodbye to Li xianglan, also went to Myanmar.
After the war finally ended, Li xianglan is looking forward to the death of Yu, but also received the only letter he had sent her.
Lyuba saves Li xianglan from death row
After the defeat of Japan, Li xianglan, the popular movie star and singer, was put on the trial of history.As the main actor of the pseudo-Manchurian film society, Li xianglan was found guilty of helping the Japanese aggressors do propaganda.The prosecutor eventually sentenced her to death and executed her immediately.The charge is that " as a Chinese, he and the Japanese conspired to make films that impersonate China, to assist Japan's continental policy, and to betray China."
As the news of the execution of another female traitor Kawashima Yoshiko came out, Li xianglan's sentence and the date of execution were also published in the press.When Li xianglan has been unable to argue, ready to die, the most important person in her life--Liu BA, again.
Liu BA had joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and became a staff member of the consulate.She immediately rushed to Shanghai after seeing the news that Li xianglan had been sentenced to death for the sin of a traitor.In the shelter, the two girls when a friend again, Li xianglan and Liu BA tightly together, weeping.
Liu ba this time, not just to visit childhood friends, she is to help Li xianglan escape the crime."Is there some proof of identity that you are Japanese?"If you can prove that you are Japanese, you can be acquitted and returned to Japan. Liu BA said.
Ms. Lee struggled to remember, but she still could not remember her identity as a Japanese citizen."Never mind, give it to me, I immediately went to Peiping, to ask your parents......" in this way, appeared in a hurry Liu BA disappeared again in Li xianglan's vision.
At this time, his father Yamaguchi Wen Xiong and his mother Aiko Ishibashi have found proof of the identity of Li honglan in Japan, but can not transfer this proof to the hands of Li honglan.They even suspected that their daughter had left the world because of the sin of a traitor.
Liu BA's appearance, let the mountain pass overjoyed, from the mouth of Liu BA, they know that the daughter is still alive.Subsequently, identification was successfully sent to the hands of Li xianglan.Once again standing in the courtroom, Li xianglan produced documents proving his true identity, and the judge eventually acquitted her.
The verdict has angered those in the courtroom.After all, people hate the war, hate those who do evil traitors.In the face of the roar of the audience, Li xianglan sang a song of tears, she sang her favorite Chinese song, the song filled with a deep affection for the Chinese who nurtured her...... singing, Li xianglan bowed to the audience, but also to China and the Chinese people, made a deep repentance for her Half-Life of deception and crime……
An alternate older translation is here:
"In February 1946, in the Navy Department of the trial court. Outdoor under a cold rain, indoor atmosphere is cold as the rain. "You called Canto, studying at Beijing Yi goddaughter when using the name Pan Shuhua, isn't this what do you as evidence of Chinese? "The judge's voice, even colder than the rain. "It's not." [A] Sure and a beautiful young woman anxious to answer. "When you said you studied in Peking, as Pan Yugui , General who was named Pan Shuhua, how can you prove that shankoushuzi and the Canto , and Pan Shuhua, the three of us are the same person? ”
Girl nasty, crying: "I'm really Japanese, really are Japanese! My name is shankoushuzi, her father [Fumio] shankouwenxiong was the Chinese teacher of Fushun iron, mother called stone son [Aiko] ... ... "
Yet all of this has been seen as pointless struggle, in terms of whether they are Chinese or Japanese, she had struggled was exhausted. If she can prove she is Japanese, then charges she cleanses the traitors, get out of jail; but if she can't come up with strong evidence, waiting for her to die.
This scene took place in 1946 in Shanghai has aroused people's attention because the called Canto female fame is too [great] loud, people saw her starring in the film, heard her singing the song, especially that first swing and engaging of the evening primrose, is drunk in many people's heart, touched many hearts!
The officials of the idea that great bright star is a Chinese or Japanese? Shankoushuzi Canto, Pan Shuhua is the same a person? This [star] looked charming and how [is it] woman had traitors Association?
Beautiful Japan girl born in China
On February 12, 1920, in Northeast China, Mukden, a comely female infant was born, the family named her shankoushuzi, the name is clearly shown, she is a Chinese-born Japanese.
The girl's father, called shankouwenxiong, was born in 1889 in Japan saga of a Chinese family. Grandfather is gentry background, on China's history of cultural studies. Shankouwenxiong is steeped in a tradition that at an early age, has a strong interest in Chinese culture.
Russo-Japanese war after the end of the following year (1906), shankouwenxiong came to have been longing for China. After a period of study in Beijing, go to the South Manchuria railway company ("iron") service.
At first, the shankouwenxiong in Fengtian mining work, and later transferred in Fushun coal mining. Born to a Chinese family pass Wen-hsiung is not only able to speak fluent Chinese, but also has a lot of understanding on China's customs. Thus, the company asked him to teach members of the company's Chinese and introduce China's customs, while shouldering work such as County consultant.
Toshiko's mother [called the stone bridge] Aiko, born in 1894 in Japan's Fukuoka Prefecture. The children it was a wealthy family, but due to come down in the fall, so the family moved to North Korean capital (now Korea Seoul), then traveled to take refuge in Fushun in China engaged in mill's uncle.
Shankoushuzi's childhood was spent in Fushun, which is a happy and memorable time. Center Street in the Yamaguchi family lived in Fushun city. Every day, Toshiko and her good friend Liu Laijun, xiaochuanmei all together, through the downtown streets, to wing at the South Street primary school. Toshiko and beauty is her best childhood friend, three inseparable, anything you want to do together. For example go to the tailor shop to order clothes, to go and take; the back of bag, wearing the same shoes together each month to have my hair cut, and cut the same hairstyle and even bursts with color are the same ... ...
So, still a young Toshiko, went to school during the day and come back at night and listening to her father as a mentor full iron study's evening lectures in Chinese, it is busy. But the kick did not make her feel smothered, but instead was full and happy.
However, such a carefree life [and then] the "918"[incident] gun shot suddenly [appeared].
Is committed to [memory] that shankoushuzi the night of September 15, 1932, was the Mid-Autumn Festival, a day was supposed to be enjoyable for the family reunion. In the bright moonlight night against, but that the choking darkness ... ...
Midnight, Toshiko [is sound] asleep, suddenly felt shaking violently dragged her out of the comfort and ease of a dream. Anxious mother whisper: "Toshiko, wake up, outside something was wrong! Get dressed! "Sleepy-eyed Toshiko threw back the covers sit up and suddenly the red light to let her out of the window was wide.
Toshiko couldn't wait to jump out of bed, head over to the window. The roof of the building, the poplar trees lining the road, everything seemed to have changed. But behind the scenes is of burning fire, movement of the flames licked the night sky rolled up high like a horny ... ... Toshiko looks back at her parents, suddenly found his parents flustered, her mind filled with a sense of foreboding, the fire is unusual.
When flames disappear gradually in the light of dawn when everything calmed down again. Wheeling and burnt smell in the air, Toshiko lying in front of the window, didn't leave. After a while, once again involving around, a group of Japan military police on a leash a middle-aged Chinese man being blindfolded, tied up.
Toshiko seen this man, he's one of mine workers. Japan police took him to the square opposite, that one is Toshiko, and friends often go to the cool place to rest. Countless pairs of eyes around the square under the watchful eye of, holding rifles military police began questioning out loud, but just glared at the man, remained silent.
Military police were angered by the Chinese man's stubbornness and defiance, one of them swung rifle butts into middle age hit hard on the head, under a minute or two ... ... Man soon became the "bloody", and before long, the middle-aged man lying on the ground motionless, the square was quiet.
This was Toshiko first watched murder, is also the first to see their compatriots killed the Chinese. When the square is empty when Toshiko couldn't wait to run out of the House, went to that was [formerly] filled with laughter and her friends on the square.
Just in the gurgling flow of Red liquid was now motionless, colour gradually deepens, where man has just been left a piece may never be indelible impression. Toshiko blankly watched, and my heart can not tell whether to panic or anger.
MOM rushed over to hug the Toshiko, turned her head and put her cold face against her chest. Toshiko is irrepressible, hid her face in her mother's arms, bursting into tears.
Toshiko later heard that this was a "bandits" (Japanese the anti-Japanese guerrillas are called) attack of the Fushun coal mine. Subsequently, the Japanese killed more people in pingdingshan.
After this incident, Toshiko's father [Fumio] was in military police detention for investigation on charges of "treason". Only shankouwenxiong can speak fluent Chinese, has many friends and acquaintances in Fushun, military police suspect him of colluding with the Chinese anti-Japanese elements.
Finally, although shankouwenxiong suspected collaborators were cleared, but after this [life] has been bad and then proceed to stay in Fushun. So, the Yamaguchi family left of Fushun has lived for a dozen years, and relocated to Mukden, he escaped to--shankouwenxiong friend Fengtian Bank Manager Li Jichun.
[How] lyuba changed her life
In Fushun on the train to Fengtian, Toshiko was; a blond little girl came into life. Her name [called] lyuba, is the same age as Toshiko, a Russia Jewish girl.
Know at that age, childlike and full of childlike. Yu Shuzi is concerned, that friendship is forever, as happened yesterday is clear. In the trees along the Windows, blowing afternoons, Sunshine could [could may be used henceforth as Lyuba's last name - as in Gould?] lyuba on fair skin tenderly, her blue eyes filled with warmth and friendliness. Could lyuba from their luggage at a fine box, straight in front of Toshiko and cautiously opened, a few pieces of exquisite chocolate lovely lying in it.
lyuba, said: "it's chocolate , it is my gift to you. Boduoliefu pastry shop is my home is operated in Fengtian, these chocolates are handmade by my mom, hope you will like it. "Toshiko excitedly accept this beautiful gift, gently close the box of chocolates at the same time, her friendship with Liuba was firmly locked in the inside.
In this way, this foreign city Yu Shuzi Fengtian, has stripped the stranger's coat, because close to her could lyuba.
The Bong diva, the girls become inseparable partners. In the crowded streets, could lyuba led her by the hand and said, "Toshiko, let our friendship has always been this way forever, though.”
Shankoushuzi later recalled: "could lyuba is my most precious friend. I'm singing Canto, is because there could lyuba; I'm Canto alive, but also because there could lyuba. Could lyuba is the talisman of God in my life, sometimes Sun, sometimes like the Moon, she is always with me. ”
As shankoushuzi [Yoshiko] put it, could lyuba took not only her loneliness, but also bringing her into a singing career.
The Bong Diva. Toshiko because under the weather, suffering from pneumonia, after a long time had healed. After initial treatment, lung function has always been weak, doctors say it requires long-term rehabilitation and aftercare, and suggests Toshiko singing ways to appropriately increase lung capacity.
It is for this reason also, Mrs Toshiko met the famous opera singer of the Soviet Union boduoliesuofu [Madame Podresov], and recommending the instructor who could lyuba for her.
Meeting for the first time, boduoliesuofu lady sitting in front of a piano, rangshuzi as the sounds are audible. Toshiko's voice sounds like just crows like a rooster, on many occasions, Mrs boduoliesuofu shrugged, could lyuba says: "she is not fit to sing. ”
Just looked at boduoliesuofu with his wife Toshiko, she didn't understand Russian language, do not know what Lady said, but from the expression on her see that Lady refused itself.
Could lyuba without a waiver, she pleaded: "Madam, please must accept Toshiko, she is to restore the function of the lungs, so increases lung capacity by singing and don't want to be a professional singer ... ..."
Finally, Toshiko is a boduoliesuofu Lady student boring singing practice begins. Toshiko daily on the piano and sing the same melody over and over lyrics at the same time, physical exercises are carried out simultaneously, she must speak with the book against his belly, but also learn to exhale like dogs breathe, this is supposed to make her voice ... ...
Shankoushuzi [Yoshiko] turned [into] singer Canto
Mrs liubaheboduoliesuofu [Podresova] was never thought of, was found to have no singing talent Toshiko in practice after a period of time, suddenly vocals, it was greatly surprised by Mrs boduoliesuofu quite happy at the same time.
As a famous opera singer, Madame boduoliesuofu is to serve big and the hotel every autumn (now Liaoning hotel) open the recital, which became the one of the main activities of the hotel every autumn. One day, Mrs boduoliesuofu class after the Toshiko suddenly said: "few days is large and the hotel's recitals, solo singing of you come to my bar! "But before Toshiko react, could lyuba excitement came in the room:" too good! Very nice! Lady solo singing to warm rare opportunity! "Seeing could lyuba so exited, Toshiko is still can't believe she voices Mrs phricasmus asked:" can I really do? "Boduoliesuofu Lady smiled and nodded:" I [think you] can, you can sing very well. ”
Solo day, Yamato Hotel little theatre was filled to capacity. This was shankoushuzi first stood on the stage, in the face of so much, watching her eyes. Her mother open pawn shop borrowed from the Japanese kimono, two-handed handshake in the abdomen, stayed in sing a song of the deserted city of the month. Toshiko won a full-field, clear, pure voice like Spring thunder of applause, also attracted the attention of an unwelcome guest.
The dressing room, shankouwenxiong and stone bridges[mother] son or daughter for successful singing and joyful. A man down the unlocked door drifted in, long stealthy strides in Toshiko's side on a Chair, which spooked by Toshiko not yet take off your costume.
Men look like the age of the father, costume, look like a man. Toshiko openings such as not, men bowing with a smile: "Hello, would like you to sing on the radio anyway. "And then handed over a business card, business card reads: Chief Dong Jingsan Fengtian broadcasting stations.
It turns out that radio programs have been searching for a singer, provided that beautiful, sweet voice, able to read music, Japanese girls in China. TV show looking for a lot of days without finding the right. Today in Mrs boduoliesuofu's solo at the meeting, Dong Jing San Toshiko's singing, suddenly eyes light up, feel the girl-what is quite up to standard.
"Just ... ..." three East King frowned, "as the expression of goodwill between Japan, ethnic harmony, singing a new song of girls must be Chinese. ”
"That's what we Toshiko is Japanese! "Some cool heart stone loves feeling a mother.
Dong Jingsan said: "never mind, we can give her a Chinese name, because her words were spoken in China, said Chinese also does not cause any doubts. ”
Hearing these words, [mother's] son suddenly clapping exclaimed, "Ah ha! Come to think of it, Toshiko has a Chinese name Ah! "This year, Toshiko recognized his father's good friend General Li Jichun as a foster parent, a Chinese name Li Jichun Toshiko – Canto," vanillin "is used the pen name when the article Li Jichun. "Canto? "Three East King repeated the sentence, then smile," good name! Good authentic Chinese name! ”
So, Canto's name was written into the show, and being a young, beautiful, able to read music, sing, speak Japanese among the Chinese girls came into the public eye. Canto singing the first song is the fishing song, pleasant voice, that wonderful heavenly voice, and immediately impressed the audience. People were asking, this angel, who is that girl? Fengtian broadcasting stations lost no time in beginning a star-making event, Canto was attending all kinds of social activities, has received growing attention. When radio began playing throughout the Northeast Canto song, needless to say, this girl [is] off [and running].
"I'm going to stand on the walls of Peking"
In 1934, in order to learn Mandarin, 14 year old Toshiko follow father meant to go to Beijing to study. After arriving in Beijing, shankoushuzi with "Pan Shuhua" bei Ping Yi goddaughter, the name entered in the study. "Pan" is her last name of another foster parent--his father's sworn brother Pan Yugui, "Sue" from shankoushuzi, and "China", was born in China of Italy.
At that time, Japan was isolated by the international community because of the war. It was that time, Toshiko friend could lyuba disappeared from her life. In his autobiography, Toshiko described her separation with could lyuba: "I want to take Liu Bayi Peking, but when I run snack shop when looking for her, but found the snack shop has closed. Japan soldiers to guard near the gate, I shout could lyuba's name, but do not get any response. I am threw a lot of wood on the door, Japan soldiers called out to me, ' don't rock the boat ', and then pushed me, so I could lyuba temporarily left out of my life. ”
Bei Ping Yi taught girls ' secondary school, is a high and junior high school offers girls ' secondary school. Toshiko, in which the first half of my – recorded by Canto at the time: "I'm from Northeast personage, as Chinese people--a mixture of dry daughter-Yi taught school for girls, named Pan Shuhua ... ... At that time, I often go to Beihai Park Road, on the tiny island to practice my Chinese pronunciation or the dictionary, also visited the Imperial ancestral temple in the distance. ”
With the increasingly tense Sino-Japanese relations, anti-Japanese atmosphere also spread in Toshiko's women, of course, as the Pan Shuhua, no one knows of her Japanese identity.
In 1937, the shankoushuzi accompanied to Beijing to attend a commemoration of "YiEr·JIU" the compatriots and will hold a prayer. At the meeting, students have expressed their determination of resistance against Japan, and somebody said to go to Nanjing to find national Government ; some people said he was going to join the Red Army in northern Shaanxi and still others vowed to stay and fight to the last breath ... ...
When asked "If Japan invaded Beijing, what should I do" when Toshiko was temporarily speechless, I do not know how to answer. Students eager eyes stared her in the face, it was encouraged, she said: "Pan Shuhua, tell us what you think, what are you going to do, say! ”
Born in China, but in her veins are the blood of Yamato, one is brought up his own country, one is their homeland, but war happened in the middle of both of her beloved country. Toshiko thought, words blurted out: "I'm going to stand on the walls of Peking. ”
A warm round of applause, the concept somewhat ambiguous response to her encouragement. For the love of the motherland and loves his birthplace of her, it is a difficult choice, "standing on the walls of Peking" might be a better choice. As she wrote in her autobiography: "I can only say this." Standing on the wall, are from outside Japan fire from the walls there is lead in China, no matter from which side flying, bullets on both sides "can hit me, I may be the first to die. Instinctively, I think, this is my best way out. ”
This emotional distress Toshiko for a long time, she described in her autobiography the face kind of powerless and extremely painful: "Chinese people don't know I'm Japanese, I lied to people. A kind of guilt around my heart, like stepping into a blind alley and into the wall. "She has on several occasions decided to publish the fact that he is Japanese, but do not have the courage to do it.
Canto (shankoushuzi) old photo collection
In 1937, shankoushuzi graduated from North of Ping Yi taught school for girls. Back to the Bong diva, a fortuitous opportunity, so she opened another chapter in the life and shankoushuzi Canto once again.
After the establishment of Manchukuo, Japanese are projecting, set up in Changchun Film Studio, Canto beauty sings well, was chosen by the film-makers and became the Studio's first actress.
Canto in her autobiography said after she was chosen by the film-makers. Someone told her that a film need to be vocal, and asked her to come. After she was gone, only to be told to go to makeup. She kept wondering: "vocal so why make it? ”
Apply makeup, she was called to a fight in front of the camera. Suddenly someone shouted "here! No, it's here! Chin up a bit! "She was completely blind, and think that they have to understand Japanese. Until the end, she didn't know, let her not vocal, but an actor – film actor.
She shot her first movie, called the honeymoon Express. Subsequently, the second and third films followed, she took of the rich dream [White Orchid?]as well as the grievances of vengeance[Vow in the Desert?]. Since then, the young singer Canto, Canto became a movie star.
Canto red, not only in China, but also red to Japan. She played almost all Japan men of unrequited love Chinese girls. Shina song of night and the blue, all the stories are similar, expressions are "goodwill" theme. Willow green Chinese countryside, loves Japan man woman Canto Japan origin was enveloped by fog on purpose, she is pure Japanese, pure Chinese, Sino-Japanese, and has not been clear, or are deliberately not being clear.
But, in any case, the Suzhou Nocturne, the day you come back again, and the soft fluttering of tuberose, Japanese believe that China and loved Japan, rely on Japan, Japan believes the boys, go to China, it's not aggression.
In October 1938, has become a Canto Studio headed huadan "goodwill" represents the first time back in Japan, she wrote in a letter to parents: "I will finally be able to go to Japan, where is my country, but I have never seen what she is like, I'm going to see Mount Fuji ... ..."
However, the excitement she had never thought of, motherland to greet her was another poop. When she submitted her passport just got off, suddenly heard a gruff dismissed shouted: "you [come] back! "She initially thought it was wrong, but looked back and found that Japan officials are glaring at herself, and she pointed to herself, the question to mean:" is calling me? ”
Japan officials again impatiently shouted: "you [come] back! "Her fellow actresses go first, then came to the Japan officials next, just as he is asked for another hearing before passports are seen in the past. Japan officials verified verbatim Canto Passport again, then eyes staring, shouted: "where are you this thing is Japanese! First national was in third countries such as Shina clothing and speak Shina, and don't feel any shame! ”
Canto recalled in his autobiography: "I have been at the time, and can't understand why the Japanese say that when strong thought is aversion, which is very frustrating. "Later, in Tokyo, when she dressed in Chinese clothes sang a Chinese song, the applause now and then with a" Shina pig "of abuse. Which made Canto the country Japan's vision began to disillusion, made her feel sad, "[I] am the Chinese-born Japanese -insulting my mother country. ”
War has destroyed the sweethearts
As her career was in the ascendant, Canto has her fans. She also had dealings with the Qing Royal family members, and her became best friends. Canto and Zhang Ai-ling had had such a conversation. Zhang said: "you are 30 years old, must be like a young girl as lively now! "She said," Oh, these old little innocent play really not much sense, I wish? you raise ? pipes, worn yellow pepper olive punishment? "
As Canto was [in] the films with strong political overtones, she cannot achieve her aspirations in the movie. Had to find her own lives for the "passion play". However, a few times with passion, eventually brings her [love], but continuous endless pain.
Canto's first love was a Japan diplomat's son, fans in this wealthy son Canto, Canto every album he has to buy, and take good care of collections. In Canto's second visit to Japan during the show, the men around her to his mansion, but was abruptly asked her to marry him. Canto does not nod, men repeatedly pleaded. Canto suddenly said she was most concerned about the question: "do you want to fight? ”
At that time, the Pacific war had broken out, Japan and United States and the United Kingdom, and China, a growing number of Japan soldier is killed in battle.
Man replies: "because it is related to the State of things, but I promise I'll come back and marry you full, and always with you, believe me. "Later, hastily proceeded to kiss her. Canto to hold him close, murmuring: "promise me now, and be sure to come back and marry me, be sure to come back. ”
That night, guarding Canto there is a man, he is a Canto in Japan during the premiere of the bodyguards Kodama. That night, he kept in the chill night air outside the diplomat's residence overnight ... ...
Diplomat's son to war, and later, his commitment to the Canto also comes to nothing. He disappeared in the jungles of Myanmar, no back with force. Canto's first love is painting a painful full stop.
Later, she falls in love with a famous Chinese composer Chen gexin. Chen Gexin was Canto wrote a great number of songs, like the night, the dawn, up the Creek, the Lake and the fisherman's daughter, up hate not meet [If Only] when they are not married, the Nepenthes and written specifically for her coloratura soprano solo of the Petrels, and so on. But their love was just a blip. Chen eventually chose to marry a Chinese woman.
Canto said, when she had only a slight difference between married Chen gexin. When someone asks, why did the story when made no mention in her autobiography, she laughs: "the most important things are not written in the book. ”
Love, this kind of thing is very strange, is the sentence "can be met, but not impossible," said. When Canto's fourth trip to the performance, finally found a bodyguard Kodama has been quietly crush yourself, silently paying something for themselves. This was hit by repeated love Canto was moved, suddenly felt true love by your side.
One day, in order to vindicate, Canto borrows books from an excuse to Kodama's home. Kodama after seeing her was very excited and somewhat unprepared. When jade when her book, Canto homeopathic hugged him tightly and asked: "do you love me? ”
"Yes, I've always liked you. "Kodama replied. "Do you love me? "She asked. "I've been loving you. "Kodama and hugged her tight and let her feel almost suffocated. "A fool! Then why are you never said? Why do you never say you love me? "She is happy to whisper.
"In an age of war, I cannot make any commitment to you, I have no way to guarantee your happiness, I would say irresponsible words, I can't do that, I'm sorry. ”
Canto cried: "the fool! You give me happiness? "Kodama Canto clutched hands, saying:" I will do my best to make you happy. "Canto said:" we will get married? "Kodama said firmly:" Yes, I'll marry you fought back. "Listen to this, Canto suddenly grew pale, she sobbed:" you ... ... Do you really want to go to war? "Kodama said:" the draft has been sent to my home, I have to go. ”
Canto cried and cried very sad, as if a lifetime of tears flow out at that moment. She didn't understand why her love, her dreams and the hateful wars were intertwined. She is just a woman, a tiny woman, she wants nothing more than a shoulder to lean on, a man who can give her a sense of. This requires much?
"In fact, I just want you to know I love you, that's enough. In such an age, I am unable to control my destiny, I am such a person as unworthy of you...... "this was Kodama's last words, then he kissed Canto, also went to Myanmar.
When the war finally came to an end, Canto was hoping Kodama's death [not], also received a letter he sent her one and only [one].
Lyuba rescued [Canto] from death row:
Japan, after the defeat, Canto the popular movie stars, pop stars, history was brought to trial. Manchukuo film Association as a major actor, Canto was identified as having assisted Japan invaders propaganda crimes. Prosecutors finally sentenced her to death, and executed immediately. On charges of "being Chinese and Japan jointly shoot pretending to be Chinese movies to help Japan's mainland policy, turned against China."
Another Manchurian princess Kawashima Yoshiko female traitors were executed with outgoing messages, Canto's sentencing and execution date has also been featured in the top of the newspaper. In Canto has been unable to argue, when preparing to die, and the most important [person] in her life – could lyuba, appeared again.
Could lyuba had already joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, became a Consulate staff member. She read Canto as traitors in the newspaper was sentenced to death for the crime in the news, immediately went to Shanghai. In the shelters, when two teenage best friends again, Canto could lyuba and clasped together, and cry more.
Could lyuba's coming out, and not just to visit his childhood friend, and she came here to help the Canto [escape] traitor charges. "Is there some form of identification to confirm you are Japanese? If you can prove you are Japanese, you'll be able to be acquitted and return to Japan. "Could lyuba says.
Canto manages to remember, but she still can't think of themselves have been proven to the Japanese identity. "It doesn't matter to me, I'll go to Beijing, go ask your parents ... ..." in this way, the rush could lyuba appeared once again disappeared [from] the view of the Canto.
At this point, the father shankouwenxiong and son has found Canto's Japan proof of identity, but this certificate could not be handed over to the hands of Canto. They even suspect that your daughter is already committed for traitors, and left this world.
Could lyuba appeared overjoyed Yamaguchi, from the mouth could lyuba, they know their daughter is still living in this world. Subsequently, the identity certificate was successfully sent into the hands of Canto. Once again standing in court, Canto show to prove her true identity documents, the judge finally declared she was acquitted.
This decision to allow the Court to observe the people angry. People hate the war, hate those traitors of the tyrant. Face the roar of galleries, Canto tears sang the song, she sang a favorite to sing Chinese songs, songs full of affection in China to nourish themselves ... ... Sang sang Canto to the Gallery, but also to China and the Chinese people bowed, cheating on their first half and made a deep repentance of crime ... ...
On February 29, 1946, Canto a tearful farewell to Shanghai by boat return to Japan. Back to Japan Hou, her Japan popularity continues to grow, and create a personal film career to new heights. She also gave herself a "sweet Lanshan port," the name and called themselves the name "mixture" is Japan and China's "spirit of mixed blood."
In 1969, the Canto reporters realized her dream, became Fuji TV news Anchorman, interviewed Yasser Arafat , and Nelson Mandela , international person of the year. In 1974, she was elected to Japan's Senator capacity as a politician active in the social arena's 18 years old.
Although in times of war, Canto trick of fate. But whether it is for our birthplace, China's country Japan, she also has a feeling of true love. "Japan is no longer fighting our fellow with dark hair and dark eyes. "This is a Canto of peace, she had always hoped that her beloved long-term peaceful coexistence of the two countries.
In August 1978, Farewell China years of Canto tears watching the telecast of the Sino-Japanese Treaty of peace and friendship concluded. Although not present, but Canto felt spent her childhood and returned to troubled youth in China. She was pleased to see China in a "feeds" attitude have accepted my country, willing to work with Japan people heal the scars of war in living memory.
Entering his Canto General forget seeing the bloody scene in pingdingshan in Fushun, she put her in China see, hear, feel, put in writing in a special way Japan to apologize to the Chinese people. In the days in China--Canto: my life in this autobiography, bravely exposing Japan militarist war of aggression brought great sufferings to the Chinese people, witness to history and those with damage from true experience, cautioned Japan teenagers in mind: "it's all true!”
In 2005, the Canto published a long article in the press, warned Japan's Prime Minister to refrain from visiting the Yasukuni Shrine , as "that would deeply hurt the Chinese people's heart.”
"For that period of history, we should face it, don't make it so daunting. I hope that the Chinese youth to learn my fate, whereby promoting the development of Japan-China relations. China and Japan are my ' mother ' and ' father ', I do not want to see bilateral friendly relationship problems. Zhou Enlai , Prime Minister said to take history as a mirror and facing the future, Japanese people should use their conscience clear?
Shanghai flashbacks, Tin Shui Wai apart Canto could Lyuba and completely out of touch. At the day of departure, almost everyday everynight thinking of the young friends of Canto. Could Lyuba, aged 52 years later, nearly eight years of Canto on their way to find friends. However, when trouble, she finally found her "guardian angels", the dull-looking old woman to her "xiaoshuzi" calls have been less full of passion and vitality.
Sitting room could Lyuba, tasting the taste the same boduoliefu snacks, two decades of experience, probably can't clearly in Syria. They chatted, Canto asked could lyuba's brother, when could lyuba's brother as well as her playmate. Could lyuba took her to his family's cemetery, said, "do you know Japan's Unit 731 right? "Could lyuba's voice sounds so insipid, but apparently float tears in her eyes. Canto understood, must be Unit 731 could lyuba's brother had done something.
Left the cemetery could lyuba took Canto's hands, such as when on the train, in the boduoliefu restaurant, dock in Shanghai. She said: "I have always deeply cursed Japan, but I hope that my beautiful, proud xiaoshuzi [has] good health and safety, no matter what happened, before she was an Angel. ”
Through it all, Canto feeling great: "when contemplating the past, when we can not escape. No matter how painful, then there must be something worth for reference in the future. "
Now 90 years old, Canto a person living in Japan Tokyo, since her husband's death, Canto is always solitary, [has] no children at her knee.
As for the age old woman, now might be able to do only the remainder.
A post about the love affair between Li Xianglan and Liu Naou:
陈言《 光明日报 》( 2014年09月29日 12 版)
李香兰 |
(陈言 北京市社会科学院副研究员)
Chen Yan, Guangming Daily (September 29, 2014, 12th edition)
Li Xianglan |
On September 7, 2014, Li Xianglan, a superstar fell. However, it is foreseeable that her life and her story will be spread and interpreted. In fact, before her lifetime, Li Xianglan, who was constantly deified, had existed independently of her. The source of Li Xianglan's mythology is probably that the cruelty of war is intertwined with the beauty of art, which makes her struggle between identity and love and hate, and also suffers from her fans: just after the war. In the trial court, the Chinese inside and outside the court angrily denounced Li Xianglan, who played for the Japanese. The prosecutor also demanded that she be sentenced to death, but who can deny that the hearts of these passionate Chinese people do not reverberate with "Night of the Fragrance" and "He Rijun returns." 》? It was then that Li Xianglan confided that she was Japanese. This identity freed her from being sentenced, but Li Xianglan, who was sent back to Japan, has not escaped and escaped her inner trial. After serving as a member of the Japanese parliament, she tirelessly rushed for Sino-Japanese friendship, reminding Junichiro Koizumi not to visit the Yasukuni Shrine, otherwise it would "deeply hurt the hearts of the Chinese people" until 90 years old, and has been devoted to solving the wartime military. Comfortable women and other issues, through the second half of the redemption. Here, I still want to start from the perspective of "war" to talk about my understanding of the fate of Li Xianglan and his contemporaries in that period of history.
Li Xianglan's real name is Yamaguchi Yoshiko, born in Fengtian (now Shenyang) in 1920, and his father, Yamaguchi, is a staff member of South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Manchu"). It is said that he is quite dissatisfied with his status, so he pinned his hopes on his daughter and taught her to learn Chinese from an early age. She hopes that she will become a diplomat or a journalist when she grows up. The sturdy lady grows up according to her father's wishes.
In the second year of the establishment of Manchuria, in 1933, in order to attract Chinese audiences, Fengtian Radio Station planned a column called “Manchu New Songs”, dedicated to excavating and organizing Chinese folk songs and popular songs as “national songs”. Play repeatedly. The conditions for being a dedicated singer of the "National Songs" are very demanding: Chinese girls, music literacy, Japanese speaking, and Japanese, and able to communicate with the work team. However, the qualified "Manchuria" Chinese girl did not exist at the time. At this time, the 13-year-old Yamaguchi Yuko appeared. The only thing she has to do is to change the Japanese color on her body and become a Chinese girl. In this way, as a father and friend, pro-Japanese warlord Li Jichun's adopted daughter, Yamaguchi Shuko changed into a public appearance of Feng Tian Radio's exclusive singer Li Xianglan. Although Li Xianglan in his later years argued in the interview that the use of the name of a foster daughter is a common custom in China and has nothing to do with political propaganda, but Li Xianglan’s mother originally agreed to participate in the radio performance, but she has the “consideration of the country” consideration, perhaps she herself I did not realize that it was Li Xianglan that made the fate of Yamaguchi Shuko a turning point. He took the Japanese colonial needs in the face of the Chinese, and inadvertently reached a collusion with the latter. On the occasion of the Shanghai August 13 incident in the previous year, Li Xianglan, who was boarding in his father’s friend Pan Yugui’s family and studying in the martyrdom, concealed the identity of the Japanese and appeared in the face of Pan’s adopted daughter, Pan Shuhua. In the anti-Japanese parade at the time. It can be speculated that she has always had a lot of such shuddering experiences when she was often caught in the Chinese.
Later, under the mediation and pleading of the North Army dispatched military commander Major General and the “Man Ying” management department, Li Xianglan became the exclusive actress of “Fu Ying” and soon cooperated with Tokyo’s Dongbao Film Company. Then he entered the Shanghai film industry. She starred in the "Continental Trilogy", "The Song of Bailan", "The Night of Zhina" and "The Vow of the Hot Sand" made her a star of great attention. These works are the creations of Japanese writers in wartime to fulfill their articles, to immigrate and to open up mainland China for the cause of the country. What Li Xianglan played was a young Japanese man who faced the bloody and wanting to fly to Manchuria mainland. He was a strong, beautiful Chinese girl who was determined to resist the Japanese and was later moved by the love of young men. Therefore, she was regarded as the symbolic existence of the slogans such as "Daily Goodwill", "Wang Dao Le Tu" and "Five Ethnic Groups" proposed by the Japanese regime for the justification of Manchuria.
"The Night of Zhina" was filmed in a wave of Japan's justification of its aggression against China. When Japan’s Dongbao Company filmed its location in Shanghai, it was greatly assisted by the China Film Corporation, which was established by the Japanese military and the Wang government. Among them, four employees, including Liu Yaoou, were invited to give a speech. In the middle, Liu Yuou and other four people expressed their special thanks. It was during the filming of this film that Li Xianglan and Liu Yuou were secretly in love. What is Liu Xiaoou? He was born in Tainan in 1905. He graduated from Aoyama College in Japan in 1926 and went to Shanghai to seek development. From 1928 to 1931, Liu Yiou was dedicated to opening bookstores, creating literary magazines and writing novels, 1931. - In 1939, he was engaged in the operation of film companies, filming and writing film reviews. In 1940, Liu Yiou took over the post of President of the National News, which was murdered by Mu Shiying on June 28, and on September 3 of the same year. Liu Yuou was also assassinated. The next day, Beijing’s "Morning News" and other major newspapers in Shanghai, "National News", "Ping Pao" and "China Daily" reported such a major event. "Propaganda Ministry Minister Lin Bosheng published a telegram, September 5" The National News published the headline of Wang Jingwei’s family members of Liu Yuou’s family. These seem to be sitting on the banner of Liu Yiou, who is a traitor who follows the Japanese and the traitors.
However, in terms of mind, Liu Xiaoou is a person who lacks political enthusiasm and political savvy. When he first made a movie, he actively advocated that "the movie is an ice cream for the eyes, a sofa chair for the soul", and is opposed to the left-wing filmmaker. He emphasized the independence of art and claimed to "make me alive." Just the day before he was shot, he was still actively arranging his acting career and making an appointment with Li Xianglan. He planned to meet at the Park Hotel opposite the Jockey Club on Nanjing Road the next day. Li Xianglan went to the appointment, but never waited for Liu Yuou. In January 1941, Li Xianglan went to Taiwan to tour, and the Liu family who came to Tainan deliberately visited Liu Mu and his wife and children, and left several photos. It is said that in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Li Xianglan wore a coat of Liu's wife and quietly left from the back door.
Li Xianglan and Liu Yuou’s love affair is invisible, and Li Xianglan did not open his mouth until later in his life. The author speculates that Liu Yuou of the Shanghai period belonged to the Japanese because of his nationality. He did not dare to reveal his identity on the mainland, and he was a Fujianese for a long time. Li Xianglan always showed up as a Chinese in his heyday. Their political identity may make them cherish each other. A star, a director, and both of them are extremely artistic, and they are dull in politics. But because art gradually comes into contact with political power, they can communicate and fall in love with each other in the context of time and space for national film propaganda. Own." In the colonies dominated by Japan, the modernity brought about by colonial capital provides the people of these special identities with the power to find themselves; at the same time, colonial rule makes them become people without flags, and moves toward Japan. The road, this is the tragedy of history, we can only avoid war.
(Chen Yan, Associate Research Fellow, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences)
this is one of the best short summaries of her life - everything is accurate:
Li Xiang Lan was the original singer of the famous song 夜來香 Night Blossom. The song is then sang by countless singers including Teresa Teng and David Tao.
李香蘭 Li Xiang-Lan was born as 山口淑子 Yamaguchi Yoshiko in Manchuria.
Her family was originally from Saga Prefecture 佐賀縣 in Japan. Her grand father, loved Chinese history and culture so he moved the entire family to Manchu as early as 1906. That was even before Qing dynasty was overthrown.
Li was born on feb 12th, 1920 in FuShuen Manchuria.
When she was 11, Japan invaded Manchuria and set up Manchu Kuo.
She has two influential Chinese god fathers, one is general Li Ji-Chuen 李際春 and one is Pan Yu-Guei 潘毓桂. Both have given her a Chinese name. So Yamaguchi Yoshiko 山口淑子 actually have two Chinese names. One is Li Xiang-Lan 李香蘭 and one is Pan Shuhua 潘淑華.
In 1933, troubled by lung disease Yoshiko went to Beijing to have vocal lessons from Italian dramatic soprano (married into Belorussian nobility) while accommodated by the Pan family.
There she perfected her Mandarin in full Beijingese. Not even people of Beijing could tell she wasn't a local. She then went back to Manchu Kuo and starred in Manchu Kuo film productions. There she was first billed as 李香蘭 Li Xiang Lan and that became her full time stage name.
She become so popular, she then moved to Shanghai and starred in Chinese productions. And there she sang 夜來香 Night Blossom that earned her to be named among Top 5 female singers in the Shanghai club along with 周璇 Zhou Xuen, 白光 Bai Guang, 張露 Zhang Lu and 吳鶯音 Wu ying-yin.
In 1943, Lin starred in the Movie about a Taiwanese aboriginal girl sacrificing her life in a flood to say farewell to a Japanese officer called 莎勇之鐘 Sayon no kane. In this movie Li sang a song also named "Sayon no kane", which was rewritten into Chinese as 月光小夜曲 Moonlight Serenade, which is also very famous even today.
By the end of WW2, she was arrested by the KMT in the name of treason and collaboration with the Japanese (漢奸). [It] took her a great deal of effort to finally prove her identity of a Japanese immigrant and was released and sent back to Japan.
She went on with her actress career by the name Yamaguchi Yoshiko, in Japan the US and Hong Kong. She was married twice. First to half Japanese half American artist Isamu Noguchi, then to an Japanese ambassador.
From there she picked up her political career and was elected senator for 3 terms. in 2005 she advised the Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi to stop visiting the Yasukuni shrine.
The following post appeared on this Taiwanese site:
Rainbow Leung · Legend
Chinese-born Japanese
Rainbow Leung formerly Yamaguchi Yoshiko, the family called her Peas. She's Japanese, in February 1920 Born on 12 Mukden (now Shenyang) near North China's Liaoning Province, Yantai, and soon the family moved to Fushun. Her grandfather Yamaguchi Han Bo childhood love, admire the ancient Chinese culture, so in the Meiji thirty-six years (1906) home from Saga to China, and long live down. When she was born, the name of the puppet Manchukuo "Five Concord family" was set up under the banner of the founding, many Japanese believe that a new era is about to be kicked off, but the fact is the opposite.
Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty nominally heads of state of Manchukuo, in fact it is just a puppet, by the Japanese Kwantung Army holds the real power, so they murder innocent people are destitute. Witnessing Chinese land devastated, devastated horrors, father Fumio Yamaguchi in 沉阳铁路局 work and worship the same Chinese culture love mother stone bridge was full of sorrow out of desperation, they can only put Sino-Japanese friendship in the hopes born in China's daughter. They will she promised at the time of Shenyang bank president's friend Lee Ji-Chun generals do daughter, Rainbow Leung name is Lee Ji-Chun played, "Pandan" is his own once used pseudonym, later Xianglan it as his own stage name.
In 1934, the young naive Rainbow Leung full of love for China and Japan, the future vision of life, came to Peking to "Pan Shuhua," the name Yi taught at Peking Girls school. "Pan" is another of her adoptive father - her father's sworn brothers, surnamed Pan was any political Tianjin long sound; "Shu" is derived from the name of Yoshiko Yamaguchi; and "China", is born in China's meaning. The name of course also includes China and Japan hope the friendly coexistence of meaning.
Peking Yi woman to teach high school, is a high and junior high school comprehensive secondary school for girls. It was there that she received a good education for future career lay a foundation. In her book - according to "Half my life Rainbow Leung Biography" of the situation at the time of learning: "I came to relatives from the northeast, as a Chinese person - Pan family's daughter - on the Yi taught school for girls, name called Pan Shuhua ...... trio go the same way at school, after school and sometimes left me alone. at that time, I often drop in Beihai Park, or practicing Chinese pronunciation dictionary on a deserted island, has been far Imperial Ancestral Temple. "
Since her childhood natural beauty, he speaks fluent Chinese, have a wonderful voice, when the "beginning of a long and women Lee", her artistic talent and special Japanese invaders came soon manipulated pseudo planning "Manchuria film Association" phase. They mobilize her entry, and decided she strongly package, as a Chinese singer launched aggression policy uproar. Her heart full of the young and innocent puppet "Manchukuo" infinite hope, sang "Fisher girl", "Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun", "Meng Jiang" and other songs in Chinese New Japan Radio Mukden program "Manchuria new song", the more in an "Evening Primrose" fame. Then, the "singer Xianglan" In this way brought to the foreground, and quickly became popular in the music and film, became a household name, "superstar." After Rounds, Rainbow Leung also have played for a number of Japanese propaganda, or whitewash Japan's war of aggression movie. At that time no one thought she was Chinese, which also brought her subsequent misfortunes.
As the Japanese war of aggression against the escalating outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States and Britain declare war on Japan. Japan became the enemy of the people of the world, deep quagmire. One side is combative, one side is peacefulness, in battle, her voice like a mix of Ecstasy wine, to heal the human mind but also kill their morale. While living in troubled times, her popularity continues unabated. Early Pacific War the war, she was in "Japanese theater" performances enthusiasm of the audience to join in, there are actually seven laps and a half fans surrounded her, became confused, became sensational news. At that time, she had received the Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Chung's eldest son Chung Kenichiro letter. The letter said: "The human values can not be used to measure the presence or absence of known human value is not reflected in the person's face, you should treasure he is now the era of personal value to be fooled, you have more respect for myself, or only. country is at the mercy of the current situation. I hope you will never self-esteem. "these words are intriguing. In a period of Japanese history, the darkest, as war criminals after the war was foreign minister of the sub-Chung, pretending to give a Chinese person (or "Manchus") as a female star in Japan in the Far East policy effectiveness to write such a letter. This not only make people feel the power of liberalism and liberal people feel weak. It is only as a boycott is not going to succeed in.
Fluent in Japanese, stunning looks, and if at that time the Hollywood star Lady Diana Du Ping European vocal singing, fully reflect the Japanese ideal vision for a Chinese woman. Thus, the implementation of the Kwantung Army Rainbow Leung became a war policy of "sugar-coated bullets."
Singer Years
Rainbow Leung's experience is unique. Although she is a pseudo-Chinese actor Japanese hand-made, shooting promotional video Japan's Far East policy condolences to the Japanese, become the Puppet Japan need, goodwill messenger of China against Japan, but these are not
sufficient to obliterate her artistic all achievements.
sufficient to obliterate her artistic all achievements.
Her singing gently touching, singing attainments. As a student, she had to follow a famous coloratura soprano 波多列索夫 lady learning, and later as a singer on the radio, this is the beginning of her music career. Her life singing countless classic love songs, according to her, said in his memoirs, "My life," the most popular audience three songs was "Come Again", "Suzhou Nocturne" and "Evening Primrose." "Come again" is the 1930 film "Samsung moon" episode, although the original singer Zhou Xuan, but her singing was another kind of unique style. As the pieces of her old photos, Yan and Mei face, wearing a dress, but not in the East China and a hint of an affair between facial features. "Suzhou Nocturne" is a Japanese composer Ryoichi Hattori melodies based in China, with reference to the American love songs, written specifically for her.
"Evening Primrose" is probably the most well known, this song is EMI special reference to Chinese composer Li Jinguang folk tunes composed by her, but the melody and rhythm completely adopted European style, the spectrum became brisk slow rumba , spread false picture of the occupied zone. Unfortunately, this is a song has not lifting the ban, though good to hear, a lot of people can only sing it in private. She wrote for his autobiography, said: "Although this song is very popular, but popularity is not a long time, and later Japanese and Chinese versions have banned the sale of ...... on the grounds that any one foreign soft songs will make discipline disorder. "not only that, in 1945, she was singing this song but also by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Communications. She said: "I suspect they are expected to sing this song
Chongqing government or Communist government back. "Until later life, she was also obsessed with the song's lyricist Li Jinguang. In 1981, she was specially invited him to visit Japan, they are at a cocktail party on stage singing" Evening Primrose ", a group of" Evening Primrose "fans are singing circling around.
In his autobiography, she also mentioned another song after being accused of "decadent music and dampen the morale of the enemy" and banned the song - "Parting Blues." This song by the Japanese soldiers welcomed as an actor singing this song request, the officer pretended to have something to leave, although the venue, but also tears, hiding in the side quietly enjoy. Her "three," "It Happened One Night" episode and "meet hate when married" is to make the fans love to hear endless. In June 1945, when she will be performing the song in a concert in Shanghai, in China, Japan and the fans of war opposing state are her frenzy. This is her last public performances in Shanghai, two months later, the war ended, she was due to "collusion Japanese" charges was arrested.
In addition to singing, she also worked in the pseudo "Manchuria", Shanghai, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan and other places to shoot a lot of film. April 1991, she personally selected seven films shot himself, taking the Hong Kong Film Festival. This seven films are: "China Night", "Cylon bell", "My Nightingale", "my life the most glorious day," "at dawn in escape", "scandal", "White Lady demon love. " Among them, "My Nightingale" was her pseudo "Manchuria" Time to shoot the film, the film took nearly two years to film the cost of 250,000 yen, equivalent to five times the general film investment. The film depicts the story of a father and daughter duo joys and sorrows, she thought it "is a cosmopolitan musical, but also the history of Japanese cinema a real piece of music." "My life the most glorious day," she Back in Japan in the postwar masterpiece by Japanese Shochiku film company produced, depicting a dancer in love with killing her father's enemy, has been selected as the ten best films of the fifth. "In the dawn in escape" by Akira Kurosawa writer of a love tragedy, it has been named the ten best films of the third year. "White Lady Demon Love" is based on Chinese folk story "White Snake" adapted from the movie. "China Night" is left to the audience the impression of a glamorous Chinese women and their sweet songs.
Her voice to the people to dream, she starred in the movie was spectacular. She filmed "Mulan" and "Greatest Story Ever Told" in the "Greatest Story Ever Told" in which she plays because Lin 's daughter and renowned Chinese film. She these two films have different interpretations, she thinks they can be a patriotic Chinese audience from the enemy - against the Japanese point of view to understand, she even said it was the Japanese film acceptable to both sides. However, she is really booming 1950s following the last century show Hollywood movies and Broadway, a few movies in Hong Kong should be invited by the film company to shoot, the "Golden Lotus", "Happened One Night," "mysterious beauty" and so on, wherein episode by her personal interpretation and filling into the record. Although accusations that she starred in the movie is full of Japanese militarism colors, but art can not fully become militarist propaganda tool. In addition, she also participated in the filming of "documentary art films," "Yellow River" and Russian-style musical "My oriole" and due to the latter being spies tracked Soviet Union, China and Japan. For these, she said: "Japan certainly defeat, but because of the defeat, so we must leave a good art film when the American occupation of Japan, may prove Japan does not just shoot a war movie, it took no less than in Europe and America card. the fine art movie ...... "
Love and friendship
At a Japanese supported by a literary journal "magazine" Gala organized by the cool air, Rainbow Leung and Zhang had had such a conversation. Zhang said: "! You are to 30 years old, some also like it as lively little girl," she
said: "It, ah, these innocent old play shallow play really did not mean much, I'd like to play point extraordinary passion ! play "so Eileen Chang said later:" she is not the kind of too trivial, formulaic love, but to 'passion' is. "
said: "It, ah, these innocent old play shallow play really did not mean much, I'd like to play point extraordinary passion ! play "so Eileen Chang said later:" she is not the kind of too trivial, formulaic love, but to 'passion' is. "
According to Chen Gang Chen Gexin son she recalled, she and his father had perhaps some unknown, passionate love of Shanghai. Chen Gexin created a lot of her songs, such as "Night," "Dawn", "stream", "lake", "Fisher girl", "meet hate when married", "Nepenthe" and is designed for she wrote coloratura arias "Swallow" and so on. At that time, the person in charge when the orchestra mow grass Mr. Yoshio Shanghai visit Shanghai and Japanese television, she told television reporters, when she almost married Chen Gexin. And when a reporter asked her why she did not mention in the autobiography, she smiled and said: "The most important thing is not written in the book."
In 1992, when she again came to Shanghai, Chen Gexin already death. She saw the face of Chen Gang urgently asked Chen Gexin case when alive, they recall 47 years ago, deep affection. Parting, she choked against Chen Gang said: "Your father and I good ah ......" Later, when Chen Gang Tokyo to see again, she said to him: "Your father was a handsome man, either because of your mother and you, I will marry him ...... "she softly hummed Chen Gexin over and over again as she wrote," Nepenthe ":" love yo, heaven Shuxing scattered, you from me, I will I do not know lonely lover yo, the world has dreams, you from me, I do not feel empty. I whisper your name in the mud, to forget the worries of this life, beloved yo, although that Homecoming merciless with you in a dream I would evergreen leaves. "
In 1992, when she again came to Shanghai, Chen Gexin already death. She saw the face of Chen Gang urgently asked Chen Gexin case when alive, they recall 47 years ago, deep affection. Parting, she choked against Chen Gang said: "Your father and I good ah ......" Later, when Chen Gang Tokyo to see again, she said to him: "Your father was a handsome man, either because of your mother and you, I will marry him ...... "she softly hummed Chen Gexin over and over again as she wrote," Nepenthe ":" love yo, heaven Shuxing scattered, you from me, I will I do not know lonely lover yo, the world has dreams, you from me, I do not feel empty. I whisper your name in the mud, to forget the worries of this life, beloved yo, although that Homecoming merciless with you in a dream I would evergreen leaves. "
Anyway, born in Japan, full of aggressive ambitions of the puppet Manchukuo to Chinese actress posture of subservience to Japan, she became absolutely impossible love aria. 1952 Back in Japan, she married an older than her 15-year-old American sculptor its ancient promise, four years after breaking up. Speaking reason for the split, she said:. "Is neither a problem because a third party, there is no economic problem, not just the old time to get together, which leads to differences in personality aspects" In fact, before they agreed to the so-called marriage the "divorce conditions": mutual respect for each other, do not affect each other's work, in the event of conflict, as friends, as amicably parted.And four years, their lack of time together in real life married one year.
After their divorce, and the ancient promise, she was invited to New York for the opera "La." During the show, she met a young Japanese diplomat assigned to the United Nations eagle Philip. The only 28-year-old Japanese youth gave her a bouquet of colorful roses every day, and several times in succession to the back to see her. In so bold, warm courtship, they soon both fall in love and eventually became darling. After to cherish this rare affection, and eagle Philip married, she changed his name Yoshiko eagle. Soon, her husband's support, she quit the film, became Japan's lawmakers (LDP senator), and re-elected 18 years.
Although emotional life twists and turns, but it is commendable, she always has a precious friendship. 10 years old, third grade elementary school in Fushun, she is on the train to go to fall camp in Shenyang, met a with her same age, lived in Shenyang Russian Jewish girl - Liuba. She attaches great importance to this friend, she said: "Liuba is my most precious friend I have become singing Rainbow Leung, is because of Liuba; I have become alive Rainbow Leung, also because of Liuba willow. God arranged like a banana in my life amulet, sometimes like the sun, like the moon sometimes, she'll be with me. "in Liuba's help, she began to Mrs. Soviet theater of the famous opera singer 波多列索夫, Liuba is also a family friend, learning coloratura. Precisely because Mrs. 波多列索夫 autumn held solo concerts in Japan hotel every year, "Kill Radio," the chief of the East King Mio found her, she was hired as a full-time singer new radio show, so she has embarked on an acting career the way. Recalling all this, she was very frustrating to say: "? Liuba not it does not, I'm not going to learn to sing, there is no singing Rainbow Leung!" Not only that, Liuba for her as well as saving grace. In that Rainbow Leung was imprisoned and about to be shot after Liuba returned to her home in Peking, did you get her proof of residence in Japan belong to the Yamaguchi home, eliminating the need to make her a traitor sin.
Love is not perfect plus perfect career and perfect friendship, and thus, her own first half drew a passable conclusion.
Homeward Bound
History often people become embarrassed, people felt a tearing pain of body and mind. Midway after the Battle of the Japanese retreat. With the advent of the date of the defeat of Japan, the Japanese Empire manipulated "puppet state of Manchukuo," 13-year history also will be illusory curtain,
"the puppet Manchukuo" destroyed, the whole country on a whim a crusade traitor action. Rainbow Leung The smash hit movie stars, singers also were brought to trial.
"the puppet Manchukuo" destroyed, the whole country on a whim a crusade traitor action. Rainbow Leung The smash hit movie stars, singers also were brought to trial.
In February 1946, as the main actors of the puppet Manchukuo Film Association, she found she was there to assist the Japanese aggressors as crime propaganda. Prosecutors finally sentenced her to death by shooting on charges of "being Chinese, but taken together the Japanese and Chinese film posing to assist Japan's mainland policy, betrayed China" and "the use of the Chinese and Japanese language, the use of a friend of spying activity". However, she was clear that he had never engaged in espionage activities, but not assisted Japan's mainland policy. In order to prove his innocence, she presented to prove their Japanese identity papers in court, the judge announced her acquittal. The surprising fact that angry people on the court. Faced with everyone's roar, she sang in tears, with singing to raise their express a deep feeling of China, while the first half of their crimes were deep remorse. Songs resonate, and all the men with songs told her:. "Let us return good for evil."
Tracking her life, it is difficult to understand why she merely because unconsciously singing and acting on almost the death penalty. She herself simply good, I hope the Sino-Japanese friendship, he was immediately use, fool, Japan's invasion of China policy tool, by the hatred of the Chinese people. Seen in this light, she is a victim of history, then all sorts of Misfortune, caused because the era. "A be fooled by age, is one kind of false policy people, waking up after a nightmare if, at the time to have the opportunity to reflect on the behavior of, or be an explanation, but also happy." She Puppet "court hanging" and Kwantung Army chief of staff will be Ji Gang said these words to be as her own for the first half of the instructions.
February 29, 1946, she tearfully say goodbye to Shanghai by boat to return to Japan. Back in Japan, she began to Japanese actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi identity in Japan continue to develop the film business, and give myself a "Pandan pass" name. She claims the name is "a mixture of Chinese and Japanese," Japan and China "spiritual half-breed." During this period, she was under the guidance of director Akira Kurosawa, another new peak of personal motion picture career, playing multiple roles in American movies and musicals. In 1974, she was elected senator in Japan, as a politician active in the social arena. She also made the news writer Fujiwara Mi jointly authored writing "was in China - Rainbow Leung: Half my life." This autobiography, she bravely exposed the Japanese militarists to the Chinese people's war of aggression against the enormous disaster, expressing the "Japan-China war no longer, we are all black hair and black eyes" peace Zhi wish. As a victim of and witness to history history, she also educate Japanese youth to keep in mind: "It's all to be true!" In 1989, Japan's Fuji TV drama adapted accordingly launched a "Goodbye, Xianglan." Subsequently, Mr. Asari Keita has successfully adapted the musical "Rainbow Leung." Since January 1991 in Tokyo's Aoyama Theatre premiere, the musical has been performed 184 games, more than 180,000 viewers. A 17-year-old Japanese high school students Masahiro Takahashi was also write to Keita Asari said: "musical" Rainbow Leung "not only tells me the events and background history, the fact that I also told me how to war with its neighbors and - China to open up the future of Enlightenment. "
During 1974 to 1992, Rainbow Leung was elected as Member of Parliament continuously assist rapprochement between Japan and China.After the "Open Door Policy" later thoughts put forward, the Chinese government launched a welcome her arms. With the announcement and release classic album engraved her autobiography, she regained poured gaze in the new generation of Chinese people's minds.
Two country, two mothers
Rainbow Leung said Japan for the motherland, the Chinese motherland. She said she had two mothers - one Japanese, one Chinese; she has a heart - half Japanese and half Chinese. Life history, including the Sino-Japanese relations on that section back
memories, not because it is "unfortunate", "unpleasant" and come to naught. China against her upbringing, and Japanese nationality for her is an indisputable fact. This special status made her heart all his life in contradiction.
memories, not because it is "unfortunate", "unpleasant" and come to naught. China against her upbringing, and Japanese nationality for her is an indisputable fact. This special status made her heart all his life in contradiction.
In 1937, she learned along with the identity of the Chinese people to participate in a commemoration of Zhongnanhai "129" victims compatriots and prayer will be held. At the meeting they have determined the table: some want to go to Nanjing national government and some going to join the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, was also said to stay and fight to the last breath. When asked, "If the Japanese army invaded Beijing, how to do," she did not know how to answer, had to say:. "I stood on the walls of Beijing" For both love the motherland and love their homeland, she this is a tough decision, "standing on the Beijing city walls" may be the best choice, as she wrote in his autobiography, 'I can say. " Standing on the walls, coming from the outside Japan gunfire from inside the walls is China pellet call, regardless of which party was hit, both bullets "can hit me, I might die first. I instinctively I think this is my best way out. "
Such sentiments plagued her for a long time, she has described in his autobiography and powerlessness in the face of this very painful paradox:. "Chinese people do not know that I was Japanese, I deceived Chinese people a sense of guilt haunted my heart, as if into a dead end, into a corner. "she herself several times that he is determined to publish the fact that the Japanese, but have the courage to do it. Nevertheless, grew up in China, her feelings for China is still very real. She is a witness to the history of the war of aggression against China by Japanese militarism. She experienced the "Mukden Incident", "Marco Polo Bridge Incident", witnessed the "Pingdingshan event" in the history of some Japanese deny this evil when she dared solemn but bitter at the Japanese right wing to the weight declared: Japan should apologize to the Chinese people! In his autobiography, her language often is "going to Japan," and "to return to China."
In 1987, she finally got his wish, as a politician, friendly people returned to Shanghai to find that she exudes tuberose heart and soul of China led by the Department of dream homeland, homeland, the enemy. In November 1992, she was invited to participate in Guilin, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, held. Although she has been a septuagenarian living in Japan, but still said a Beijing dialect. During their stay in Beijing, the former residence of her look for the year, although already "fundamentally change new look," but she still clearly recognizable. She also taste Beijing snacks, to satisfy his own deep homesickness. Then she returned to Shanghai, the Garden Hotel once again see Li Jinguang, narrative from the old friendship, the two old people wept. After the meeting is finished, she carefully helped Mr. Li Lao step by step out of the hotel. Surprisingly, this became the last time they met, Mr. Li, and died the second year.
In the same year, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, the head of Shiki Theatre Company, Mr. Asari Keita also rate troupe Following the first visit to China in 1988, to bring the musical "Rainbow Leung" to visit China again. In the "Li Xianglan" The story takes place over the place - Beijing, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian staged 15 games. The Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China invited to come forward to performances by the top leaders of China and Japan's attention. Under former Japanese Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita also made a special trip to Dalian to attend the "Rainbow Leung" premiere ceremony. Shiki Theatre Company has also sent the best team in the 47 years after the end of the war, sent the "Rainbow Leung" returned to her homeland.
The play depicts the ups and downs of her life, vividly recreates the history of the war of aggression against that part of Japan, in order to warn people not forget the war in the country caused great repercussions. Every show troupe praised by the audience, has staged a total of nearly 500 games.
* * *
About Rainbow Leung
Yoshiko Yamaguchi was born in Japan in 1920 a family of Sinology, my grandfather was a scholar Sinology Saga Prefecture, affected by his father to study in China early, after working in the "Iron Man" company. Born in Shenyang, Fushun home after Yoshiko Yamaguchi, youth remain in the mind of the blood-red patch of her life she never left me - in 1932, she saw several people tied to the Chinese by the Japanese military police shot and killed on the spot, bloody. Later, she learned that the name of the Pingdingshan Massacre --3000 Chinese civilians by Japanese massacre of event - related. Pingdingshan incident, because his father because of "collaborators" were detained, Yoshiko Yamaguchi afterwards the family moved to Shenyang. 13 years old, Yamaguchi Yoshiko identified the father of Chinese students, when the pro-Japanese Shenyang Bank President Lee Ji-Chun as the father, so she had a good name - Rainbow Leung.
Destiny is sometimes inadvertently changed. Rainbow Leung girl Liuba encounter with Belarus is the way that make the acquaintance Rainbow Leung had the opportunity to study a Russian vocal vocalist, her musical talents to be discovered. During this period, Japan for the implementation of "full day goodwill" and "five family Concord," the policy of appeasement, start playing "Manchukuo new song" on the radio, not only understands Japanese Rainbow Leung So will Beijing dialect as the "girl singer" pushed on the stage. 14 years old, Rainbow Leung went to Beijing to study. In 1937, the "Iron Man" film company funded company "Manchuria" was established, Rainbow Leung was appointed full-time actor. She starred in the first movie "Honeymoon Express" established her "a Japanese-speaking Chinese girl movie star" status, and then perform the "China Night", "hot sand oath" and "Prynne Song" and "mainland three make. " In 1943, due to participating "Greatest Story Ever Told", the name Rainbow Leung created a sensation.
Try to remember, Yoshiko Yamaguchi said: "In the war years, in order to survive, I really fight enough strength to learn to sing." She said, for those who serve militarism, discrimination against Chinese people's movies feel guilty. I can not stand "Xianglan" status under the weight, she "Manchuria" resignation in 1944, a guest in Shanghai. Japan's defeat in 1945, Rainbow Leung was a military court for suspected "traitors crimes" trial, due to announce their Japanese identity spared. On their own in the name of Chinese people show "China Night" and other movies, she said, "because although the young but considering ignorance" and apologized. In February 1946, she was released to return home.
Goodbye to the "Rainbow Leung" Yamaguchi Yoshiko, after returning into the film, during which even thought about going to Hollywood, after reason to give up. In 1958, Yamaguchi Yoshiko and diplomat Philip eagle fell in love, married surname eagle, and quit show business and became a diplomat wife. 1969, has 50-year-old Yoshiko eagle round correspondent dream, it became a Fuji TV show host, but also to Vietnam, Cambodia, the Middle East and other war front, interviewed Arafat , Mandela and other man. In 1974, frequent appearance on TV in the eagle Yoshiko Tanaka Prime Minister persuaded to run for election, 18 years from when the Senate ......
1975, is the eagle Yoshiko MPs to visit Pyongyang, Beijing when passing by Liao Chengzhi President hospitality. In 1978, she again visited the youth left their footprints in Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin and Changchun. In August, she saw tears in the Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty concluded live.
Commenting on this experience, Yoshiko Yamaguchi opened the album, let me see Mr. *** with her photo in 1978 in Tanaka's visit home. In turn when Arafat's photos, marvel at her, "Arafat is great, but unfortunately died." See pictures in her youth and Zhou Xuan, poplar and other Chinese actor's photo, she became happy together. She recalled in 1978 as head of the Environmental Delegation visiting Japan scenario mentioned when revisiting the Changchun Film Studio, she was the "Goldfish beauty" by the "classical beauty" Zheng Xiaojun, "sexy beauty" Bai Mei " lively beauty "Xia Peijie and" forever young "and other peer Pu Ke welcome. She said: "I have two relatives in China and Japan, China is raising my mother's country, Japan is the country of my father is my hometown of China, so China should go say 'back' China.."
Yoshiko Yamaguchi's "Rainbow Leung era", when the Japanese invasion of China. One "Li Xianglan" author Fujiwara for Mi said, "twist of fate she was in the cracks between the homeland and the homeland of Japan in China, had a very troubled youth." In this regard, Yoshiko Yamaguchi said there are two things to make she will never forget, still think of it also felt sad.
October 1938, 18-year-old Rainbow Leung as a "day full of goodwill" for the first time back to Japan, excitement, she never expected, when the test for a passport was about to disembark when he heard Hejiao officials fiercely: "You still ?? First Japanese nationals it was wearing clothes Shina, do not feel ashamed, "Yoshiko Yamaguchi said:" I have kept, and do not understand why the Japanese say kind words, for which I am very upset, "and later in Tokyo. when she was wearing a Chinese costume singing Chinese songs, applause came abuse from time to time. This makes her homeland Japan fantasy began to burst, she felt sad, "not for the Japanese mistook me as Chinese people and discrimination, insult but the Japanese homeland of China --- I was born my mother's country . "
In 1943, Rainbow Leung participate in the performance of the description of Lin ban opium historical drama "Greatest Story Ever Told", she played in the drama of a story of victims of opium sell sugar girl, sang "sell sugar song." After a reporter conference in Peking, there was a young reporter to catch up to her and asked:? "? Xianglan, Why do not you show the Chinese people" China Night "," Pak Song "as an insult to China's film you Chinese people where pride "in the face questioned, she apologized:"? I was young and naive, now regret this opportunity to apologize to everyone, never to do that again, "remarks caused a surprise applause. She recalled: "when in fact they already knew I was Japanese, just wish I could apologize."
note the last sentence in this post:
Chinese-born Japanese
to popular in Shanghai, Rainbow Leung have long been found and identified their own share of flashing temperament. She formerly Yamaguchi Yoshiko, the family called her Peas. She's Japanese, in February 1920 Born on 12 Mukden (now Shenyang) near North China's Liaoning Province, Yantai, and soon the family moved to Fushun. Her grandfather Yamaguchi Han Bo childhood love, admire the ancient Chinese culture, so in the Meiji thirty-six years (1906) home from Saga to China, and long live down. When she was born, the name of the puppet Manchukuo "Five Concord family" was set up under the banner of the founding, many Japanese believe that a new era is about to be kicked off, but the fact is the opposite.
Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty nominally heads of state of Manchukuo, in fact it is just a puppet, by the Japanese Kwantung Army holds the real power, so they murder innocent people are destitute.Witnessing Chinese land devastated, devastated horrors, father Fumio Yamaguchi in沉阳铁路局work and worship the same Chinese culture love mother stone bridge was full of sorrow out of desperation, they can only put Sino-Japanese friendship in the hopes born in China's daughter. They will she promised at the time of Shenyang bank president's friend Lee Ji-Chun generals do daughter, Rainbow Leung name is Lee Ji-Chun played, "Pandan" is his own once used pseudonym, later Xianglan it as his own stage name.
In 1943, the young naive Rainbow Leung full of love for China and Japan, the future vision of life, came to Peking to "Pan Shuhua," the name Yi taught at Peking Girls school. "Pan" is another of her adoptive father - her father's sworn brothers, surnamed Pan was any political Tianjin long sound; "Shu" is derived from the name of Yoshiko Yamaguchi; and "China", is born in China's meaning. The name of course also includes China and Japan hope the friendly coexistence of meaning.
Peking Yi woman to teach high school, is a high and junior high school comprehensive secondary school for girls. It was there that she received a good education for future career lay a foundation. In her book - according to "Half my life Rainbow Leung Biography" of the situation at the time of learning: "I came to relatives from the northeast, as a Chinese person - Pan family's daughter - on the Yi taught school for girls, name called Pan Shuhua ...... trio go the same way at school, after school and sometimes left me alone. at that time, I often drop in Beihai Park, or practicing Chinese pronunciation dictionary on a deserted island, has been far Imperial Ancestral Temple. "
as she grew natural beauty, speak fluent Chinese, have a wonderful voice, when the" beginning of a long and women Lee ", her artistic talent and special birth soon the Japanese invaders manipulation orchestrated puppet "Manchukuo film Association," phase. They mobilize her entry, and decided she strongly package, as a Chinese singer launched aggression policy uproar. Her heart full of the young and innocent puppet "Manchukuo" infinite hope, sang "Fisher girl", "Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun", "Meng Jiang" and other songs in Chinese New Japan Radio Mukden program "Manchuria new song", the more in an "Evening Primrose" fame. Then, the "singer Xianglan" In this way brought to the foreground, and quickly became popular in the music and film, became a household name, "superstar." After Rounds, Rainbow Leung also have played for a number of Japanese propaganda, or whitewash Japan's war of aggression movie. At that time no one thought she was Chinese, which also brought her subsequent misfortunes.
As the Japanese war of aggression against the escalating outbreak of the Pacific War, the United States and Britain declare war on Japan. Japan became the enemy of the people of the world, deep quagmire. One side is combative, one side is peacefulness, in battle, her voice like a mix of Ecstasy wine, to heal the human mind but also kill their morale. While living in troubled times, her popularity continues unabated. Early Pacific War the war, she was in "Japanese theater" performances enthusiasm of the audience to join in, there are actually seven laps and a half fans surrounded her, became confused, became sensational news. At that time, she had received the Japanese Foreign Minister Yosuke Chung's eldest son Chung Kenichiro letter. The letter said: "The human values can not be used to measure the presence or absence of known human value is not reflected in the person's face, you should treasure he is now the era of personal value to be fooled, you have more respect for myself, or only. country is at the mercy of the current situation. I hope you will never self-esteem. "these words are intriguing.In a period of Japanese history, the darkest, as war criminals after the war was foreign minister of the sub-Chung, pretending to give a Chinese person (or "Manchus") as a female star in Japan in the Far East policy effectiveness to write such a letter. This not only make people feel the power of liberalism and liberal people feel weak. It is only as a boycott is not going to succeed in.
Fluent in Japanese, stunning looks, and if at that time the Hollywood star Lady Diana Du Ping European vocal singing, fully reflect the Japanese ideal vision for a Chinese woman. Thus, the implementation of the Kwantung Army Rainbow Leung became a war policy of "sugar-coated bullets."
Singer Years
Rainbow Leung's experience is unique. Although she is a pseudo-Chinese actor Japanese hand-made, shooting promotional video Japan's Far East policy condolences to the Japanese, become the Puppet Japan need, goodwill messenger of China against Japan, but these are not
sufficient to obliterate her artistic all achievements. Her singing gently touching, singing attainments.As a student, she had to follow a famous coloratura soprano波多列索夫lady learning, and later as a singer on the radio, this is the beginning of her music career. Her life singing countless classic love songs, according to her, said in his memoirs, "My life," the most popular audience three songs was "Come Again", "Suzhou Nocturne" and "Evening Primrose." "Come again" is the 1930 film "Samsung moon" episode, although the original singer Zhou Xuan, but her singing was another kind of unique style. As the pieces of her old photos, Yan and Mei face, wearing a dress, but not in the East China and a hint of an affair between facial features. "Suzhou Nocturne" is a Japanese composer Ryoichi Hattori melodies based in China, with reference to the United States of love songs written specifically for her.
"Evening Primrose" is probably the most well known, this song is EMI special reference to Chinese composer Li Jinguang folk tunes composed by her, but the melody and rhythm completely adopted European style, the spectrum became brisk slow rumba , spread false picture of the occupied zone. Unfortunately, this is a song has not lifting the ban, though good to hear, a lot of people can only sing it in private. She wrote for his autobiography, said: "Although this song is very popular, but popularity is not a long time, and later Japanese and Chinese versions have banned the sale of ...... on the grounds that any one foreign soft songs will make discipline disorder. "not only that, in 1945, she was singing this song but also by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Communications. She said: "I suspect they sing this song is desirable
Chongqing government or Communist government back." Until later in life, she was also obsessed with the song's lyricist Li Jinguang. In 1981, she was specially invited him to visit Japan, they are at a cocktail party on stage singing "Evening Primrose", a group of "Evening Primrose" fans are singing and circling around.
In his autobiography, she also mentioned another song after being accused of "decadent music and dampen the morale of the enemy" and banned the song - "Parting Blues." This song by the Japanese soldiers welcomed as an actor singing this song request, the officer pretended to have something to leave, although the venue, but also tears, hiding in the side quietly enjoy. Her "three," "It Happened One Night" episode and "meet hate when married" is to make the fans love to hear endless. In June 1945, when she will be performing the song in a concert in Shanghai, in China, Japan and the fans of war opposing state are her frenzy. This is her last public performances in Shanghai, two months later, the war ended, she was due to "collusion Japanese" charges was arrested.
In addition to singing, she also worked in the pseudo "Manchuria", Shanghai, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan and other places to shoot a lot of film. April 1991, she personally selected seven films shot himself, taking the Hong Kong Film Festival. This seven films are: "China Night", "Cylon bell", "My Nightingale", "my life the most glorious day," "at dawn in escape", "scandal", "White Lady demon love. " Among them, "My Nightingale" was her pseudo "Manchuria" Time to shoot the film, the film took nearly two years to film the cost of 250,000 yen, equivalent to five times the general film investment. The film depicts the story of a father and daughter duo joys and sorrows, she thought it "is a cosmopolitan musical, but also the history of Japanese cinema a real piece of music." "My life the most glorious day," she Back in Japan in the postwar masterpiece by Japanese Shochiku film company produced, depicting a dancer in love with killing her father's enemy, has been selected as the ten best films of the fifth. "In the dawn in escape" by Akira Kurosawa writer of a love tragedy, it has been named the ten best films of the third year. "White Lady Demon Love" is based on Chinese folk story "White Snake" adapted from the movie. "China Night" is left to the audience the impression of a glamorous Chinese women and their sweet songs.
Her voice to the people to dream, she starred in the movie was spectacular. She filmed "Mulan" and "Greatest Story Ever Told" in the "Greatest Story Ever Told" in which she plays because Lin's daughter and renowned Chinese film. She these two films have different interpretations, she thinks they can be a patriotic Chinese audience from the enemy - against the Japanese point of view to understand, she even said it was the Japanese film acceptable to both sides. However, she is really booming 1950s following the last century show Hollywood movies and Broadway, a few movies in Hong Kong should be invited by the film company to shoot, the "Golden Lotus", "Happened One Night," "mysterious beauty" and so on, wherein episode by her personal interpretation and filling into the record. Although accusations that she starred in the movie is full of Japanese militarism colors, but art can not fully become militarist propaganda tool. In addition, she also participated in the filming of "documentary art films," "Yellow River" and Russian-style musical "My oriole" and due to the latter being spies tracked Soviet Union, China and Japan. For these, she said: "Japan certainly defeat, but because of the defeat, so we must leave a good art film when the American occupation of Japan, may prove Japan does not just shoot a war movie, it took no less than in Europe and America card. the fine art movie ...... " love and friendship
in a Japanese supported by a literary journal" magazine, "organized by the cool air party, Rainbow Leung and Zhang had had such a conversation. Zhang said: "! You are to 30 years old, some also like it as lively little girl," she said: "It, ah, these innocent old play shallow play really did not mean much, I'd like to play point extraordinary passion ! play "then, later Eileen Chang said:." she's not the kind of too ordinary, formulaic love, but to 'passion' in '
According to Chen Gang Chen Gexin son recalled, she and his father probably had a period not known for passionate love of Shanghai. Chen Gexin created a lot of her songs, such as "Night," "Dawn", "stream", "lake", "Fisher girl", "meet hate when married", "Nepenthe" and is designed for she wrote coloratura arias "Swallow" and so on. At that time, the person in charge when the orchestra mow grass Mr. Yoshio Shanghai visit Shanghai and Japanese television, she told television reporters, when she almost married Chen Gexin. And when a reporter asked her why she did not mention in the autobiography, she smiled and said: "The most important thing is not written in the book." In 1992, when she again came to Shanghai, Chen Gexin already death. She saw the face of Chen Gang urgently asked Chen Gexin case when alive, they recall 47 years ago, deep affection. Parting, she choked against Chen Gang said: "Your father and I good ah ......" Later, when Chen Gang Tokyo to see again, she said to him: "Your father was a handsome man, either because of your mother and you, I will marry him ...... "she softly hummed Chen Gexin over and over again as she wrote," Nepenthe ":" love yo, heaven Shuxing scattered, you from me, I will I do not know lonely lover yo, the world has dreams, you from me, I do not feel empty. I whisper your name in the mud, to forget the worries of this life, beloved yo, although that Homecoming merciless with you in a dream I would evergreen leaves. "
anyway, born in Japan, full of aggressive ambitions of the puppet Manchukuo to Chinese actress posture of subservience to Japan, she became absolutely impossible love aria. 1952 Back in Japan, she married an older than her 15-year-old American sculptor its ancient promise, four years after breaking up. Speaking reason for the split, she said:. "Is neither a problem because a third party, there is no economic problem, not just the old time to get together, which leads to differences in personality aspects" In fact, before they agreed to the so-called marriage the "divorce conditions": mutual respect for each other, do not affect each other's work, in the event of conflict, as friends, as amicably parted. And four years, their lack of time together in real life married one year.
After their divorce, and the ancient promise, she was invited to New York for the opera "La." During the show, she met a young Japanese diplomat assigned to the United Nations eagle Philip. The only 28-year-old Japanese youth gave her a bouquet of colorful roses every day, and several times in succession to the back to see her. In so bold, warm courtship, they soon both fall in love and eventually became darling. After to cherish this rare affection, and eagle Philip married, she changed his name Yoshiko eagle. Soon, her husband's support, she quit the film, became Japan's lawmakers (LDP senator), and re-elected 18 years.
Although emotional life twists and turns, but it is commendable, she always has a precious friendship. 10 years old, third grade elementary school in Fushun, she is on the train to go to fall camp in Shenyang, met a with her same age, lived in Shenyang Russian Jewish girl - Liuba. She attaches great importance to this friend, she said: "Liuba is my most precious friend I have become singing Rainbow Leung, is because of Liuba; I have become alive Rainbow Leung, also because of Liuba willow. God arranged like a banana in my life amulet, sometimes like the sun, like the moon sometimes, she'll be with me. "in Liuba's help, she began to Mrs. Soviet theater of the famous opera singer波多列索夫, Liuba is also a family friend, learning coloratura. Precisely because Mrs.波多列索夫autumn held solo concerts in Japan hotel every year, "Kill Radio," the chief of the East King Mio found her, she was hired as a full-time singer new radio show, so she has embarked on an acting career the way. Recalling all this, she was very frustrating to say: "? Liuba not it does not, I'm not going to learn to sing, there is no singing Rainbow Leung!" Not only that, Liuba for her as well as saving grace. In that Rainbow Leung was imprisoned and about to be shot after Liuba returned to her home in Peking, did you get her proof of residence in Japan belong to the Yamaguchi home, eliminating the need to make her a traitor sin. Imperfect love plus the perfect career and perfect friendship, and thus, her own first half drew a passable conclusion.
Homeward Bound history often makes people embarrassed, people felt a tearing pain of body and mind. After the Battle of Midway, the Japanese retreat. With the advent of the date of the defeat of Japan, the Japanese Empire manipulated "puppet state of Manchukuo," 13-year history also will be illusory curtain, "the puppet Manchukuo" destroyed, the whole country on a whim a crusade traitor action.Rainbow Leung The smash hit movie stars, singers also were brought to trial.
In February 1946, as the main actors of the puppet Manchukuo Film Association, she found she was there to assist the Japanese aggressors as crime propaganda. Prosecutors finally sentenced her to death by shooting on charges of "being Chinese, but taken together the Japanese and Chinese film posing to assist Japan's mainland policy, betrayed China" and "the use of the Chinese and Japanese language, the use of a friend of spying activity". However, she was clear that he had never engaged in espionage activities, but not assisted Japan's mainland policy. In order to prove his innocence, she presented to prove their Japanese identity papers in court, the judge announced her acquittal. The surprising fact that angry people on the court. Faced with everyone's roar, she sang in tears, with singing to raise their express a deep feeling of China, while the first half of their crimes were deep remorse. Songs resonate, and all the men with songs told her: "Let us return good for evil."
Tracing her life, it is difficult to understand why she merely because unconsciously singing and acting on almost the death penalty. She herself simply good, I hope the Sino-Japanese friendship, he was immediately use, fool, Japan's invasion of China policy tool, by the hatred of the Chinese people. Seen in this light, she is a victim of history, then all sorts of Misfortune, caused because the era. "A be fooled by age, is one kind of false policy people, waking up after a nightmare if, at the time to have the opportunity to reflect on the behavior of, or be an explanation, but also happy." She Puppet "court hanging" and Kwantung Army chief of staff will be Ji Gang said these words to be as her own for the first half of the instructions.
February 29, 1946, she tearfully say goodbye to Shanghai by boat to return to Japan. Back in Japan, she began to Japanese actress Yoshiko Yamaguchi identity in Japan continue to develop the film business, and give myself a "Pandan pass" name. She claims the name is "a mixture of Chinese and Japanese," Japan and China "spiritual half-breed." During this period, she was under the guidance of director Akira Kurosawa, another new peak of personal motion picture career, playing multiple roles in American movies and musicals.
In 1974, she was elected senator in Japan, as a politician active in the social arena. She also made the news writer Fujiwara Mi jointly authored writing "was in China - Rainbow Leung: Half my life." This autobiography, she bravely exposed the Japanese militarists to the Chinese people's war of aggression against the enormous disaster, expressing the "Japan-China war no longer, we are all black hair and black eyes" peace Zhi wish. As a victim of and witness to history history, she also educate Japanese youth to keep in mind: "It's all to be true!" In 1989, Japan's Fuji TV drama adapted accordingly launched a "Goodbye, Xianglan." Subsequently, Mr. Asari Keita has successfully adapted the musical "Rainbow Leung." Since January 1991 in Tokyo's Aoyama Theatre premiere, the musical has been performed 184 games, more than 180,000 viewers. A 17-year-old Japanese high school students Masahiro Takahashi was also write to Keita Asari said: "musical" Rainbow Leung "not only tells me the events and background history, the fact that I also told me how to war with its neighbors and - China to open up the future of Enlightenment "period from 1974 to 1992, Rainbow Leung was elected as Member of Parliament continuously assist Japan and China rapprochement. After the "Open Door Policy" later thoughts put forward, the Chinese government launched a welcome her arms. With the announcement and release classic album engraved her autobiography, she regained poured gaze in the new generation of Chinese people's minds.
Two country, two mothers Rainbow Leung said Japan for the motherland, the Chinese motherland. She said she had two mothers - one Japanese, one Chinese; she has a heart - half Japanese and half Chinese. Life history, including the Sino-Japanese relations on that section back memories, not because it is "unfortunate", "unpleasant" and come to naught. China against her upbringing, and Japanese nationality for her is an indisputable fact. This special status made her heart all his life in contradiction.
In 1937, she learned along with the identity of the Chinese people to participate in a commemoration of Zhongnanhai "129" victims compatriots and prayer will be held. At the meeting they have determined the table: some want to go to Nanjing national government and some going to join the Red Army in northern Shaanxi, was also said to stay and fight to the last breath. When asked, "If the Japanese army invaded Beijing, how to do," she did not know how to answer, had to say:. "I stood on the walls of Beijing" For both love the motherland and love their homeland, she this is a tough decision, "standing on the Beijing city walls" may be the best choice, as she wrote in his autobiography, 'I can say. " Standing on the walls, coming from the outside Japan gunfire from inside the walls is China pellet call, regardless of which party was hit, both bullets "can hit me, I might die first. I instinctively I think this is my best way out. "
such sentiments plagued her for a long time, she has described in his autobiography and powerlessness in the face of this very painful paradox:" Chinese people do not know that I was Japanese I deceived Chinese people a guilt wrapped around my heart, as if into a dead end, into a corner. "she herself several times that he is determined to publish the fact that the Japanese, but have the courage to do . Nevertheless, grew up in China, her feelings for China is still very real.She is a witness to the history of the war of aggression against China by Japanese militarism. She experienced the "Mukden Incident", "Marco Polo Bridge Incident", witnessed the "Pingdingshan event" in the history of some Japanese deny this evil when she dared solemn but bitter at the Japanese right wing to the weight declared: Japan should apologize to the Chinese people! In his autobiography, her language often is "going to Japan," and "to return to China."
In 1987, she finally got his wish, as a politician, friendly people returned to Shanghai to find that she exudes tuberose heart and soul of China led by the Department of dream homeland, homeland, the enemy. In November 1992, she was invited to participate in Guilin, China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, held. Although she has been a septuagenarian living in Japan, but still said a Beijing dialect. During their stay in Beijing, the former residence of her look for the year, although already "fundamentally change new look," but she still clearly recognizable. She also taste Beijing snacks, to satisfy his own deep homesickness.Then she returned to Shanghai, the Garden Hotel once again see Li Jinguang, narrative from the old friendship, the two old people wept. After the meeting is finished, she carefully helped Mr. Li Lao step by step out of the hotel.Surprisingly, this became the last time they met, Mr. Li, and died the second year.
In the same year, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, the head of Shiki Theatre Company, Mr. Asari Keita also rate troupe Following the first visit to China in 1988, to bring the musical "Rainbow Leung" to visit China again. In the "Li Xianglan" The story takes place over the place - Beijing, Changchun, Shenyang, Dalian staged 15 games. The Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China invited to come forward to performances by the top leaders of China and Japan's attention. Under former Japanese Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita also made a special trip to Dalian to attend the "Rainbow Leung" premiere ceremony. Shiki Theatre Company has also sent the best team in the 47 years after the end of the war, sent the "Rainbow Leung" returned to her homeland.
The play depicts the ups and downs of her life, vividly recreates the history of the war of aggression against that part of Japan, in order to warn people not forget the war in the country caused great repercussions. Every show troupe praised by the audience, has staged a total of nearly 500 games.
Today, the Shiki Theatre Company to continue through the "Rainbow Leung" premiere, told the 21st century, the history of ownership are about war and peace.
a Chinese edition of Wall Street Journal: (note the last few sentences quoted from Yamaguchi):
2014-09-17 Wall Street Journal Chinese net Yamaguchi Yoshiko
Earlier this month, 94-year-old Yoshiko Yamaguchi (Yoshiko Yamaguchi) died, the end of a dramatic turning point in life.
Yoshiko Yamaguchi was born in 1920 in northeast China, parents are all Japanese. Since then, her "Rainbow Leung" name posing as Chinese actress and singer, became Japan's propaganda movie star. After the war, Yamaguchi Yoshiko appeared in Hollywood films, and with the artist Isamu Noguchi (Isamu Noguchi) had a brief marriage. She also served as a talk show host file and interviewed the then Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat (Yasser Arafat). Yoshiko Yamaguchi has also long served as Members, and became a diplomat's wife.
In his later years, Yamaguchi Yoshiko began to play an active role in helping Japan to repair strained relations with its neighbors on. She spoke clearly erroneous acts of the Japanese during the war, which is rare in Japan, public figures in. She also called on young people to learn and face in modern Asian history. In an interview with national newspaper interview, Yamaguchi Yoshiko about himself in 1932 at age 12 in Fushun he saw the terrible scene: a Chinese workers tied to a tree by a Japanese military police beaten to death with rifle butts. Fushun was Occupied Japan "Manchukuo" in a mining town.
She accepted, "Asahi Shimbun" (Asahi Shimbun) in a 2005 interview, said that China so many people died, the Japanese think that this is the last thing; but if you want to avoid such a war again, we must use the textbook to tell the young what did the Japanese people. As the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (Liberal Democratic) Senator 18-year-old Yoshiko Yamaguchi retired in 1992, after the 'comfort women' apology and compensation to try to play a role in Tokyo. Comfort women refers to Japan's wartime army forced to become prostitutes Asian women, this problem is still one of the root causes of conflict, Japan and Korea.
September 22, 2006, Tokyo, Yamaguchi Yoshiko (left) plays with her actress Ueto Aya (Aya Ueto) announced the production of the movie "Rainbow Leung" press conference. Until World War II, Yamaguchi Yoshiko use the "Rainbow Leung" name. She said in a 2001 interview, she thinks the comfort women suffered humiliation and suffering beyond the perception of today's young people, their experiences may sound incredible, but the face of the fact that it is extremely important. Yoshiko Yamaguchi family announced that she died of heart failure on September 7.
Yoshiko Yamaguchi was born in 1920 Mukden (now Shenyang), a family friend gave her a Chinese name Rainbow Leung.13 years old, her first appearance as a singer, and began to participate in Manchuria Indian painting Association (Manchurian Cinema Association) film production of Chinese films. The association is a Japanese company operations, aimed at making a lot of Japanese aggression to justify and beautify the propaganda film. When war ended in 1945, Yoshiko Yamaguchi China was arrested as a traitor, and then after she provides evidence that he is a Japanese citizen was able to acquittal.
1950s, Yoshiko Yamaguchi starred in more than Japan and the US produced films, including Akira Kurosawa (Akira Kurosawa) directed the film "Scandal" (Scandal). She and Isamu Noguchi marriage for five years, and finally ended in divorce after she married a Japanese diplomat and left the people's vision, until 1969 as a talk show host of her comeback. It was not until 1987, published her autobiography, she began to discuss his own experience as a covert from the shadow.
Yoshiko Yamaguchi said in the book, she carefully examines his own starred in the World War II film, she was extremely shocked, ashamed. One of her most popular film is "China Night" (China Nights). The film shot in 1940, tells the story of a Chinese peasant girl in love with a brave captain of the Japanese story.
She wrote: "I feel like being dragged into the national policy at the time, could not resist became the instrument of national policy." She also wrote: "In the rise and fall of Manchukuo to Rainbow Leung identity of life, which is my destiny. I had no choice but to accept this fate. "
:to be continued:
I was surprised by the additional names for Yamaguchi Yoshiko. Then I realized that the new names were a result of the translation process. There was no intention to create new names. Shankoushuzi is simply the Mandarin Chinese phonetic translation of the Japanese name Yamaguchi Yoshiko. Shankouwenxiong is the phonetic translation of Yamaguchi Fumio, her father's name. Canto is Li Xianglan in Chinese, I don't know why it is Canto. Toshiko is Yoshiko. I didn't find Could Lyuba, just Liuba, a Chinese phonetic translation when I used Google Translate. Zhang Ai-ling is Eileen Chang, the Chinese writer mentioned in this blog. In the translation of Airport Rimski's comments, Rainbow Leung should be Li Xianglan and Pandan is Xianglan meaning "Fragrant Orchid." Google Translate makes this mistake because a contemporary artist named Rainbow Leung uses the Chinese pseudonym Li Xianglan. There was another mention of Rainbow Leung in the page about the Shanghai Grand Theater concert. I think someone else used Google Translate, you should make a comment that Rainbow Leung refers to Li Xianglan. I don't think Yoshiko ever used the name Rainbow Leung in her lifetime. The Chinese blog site has some nice photographs and is worth taking a look. After Ms. Yamaguchi's passing, I saw many Chinese tributes and they insist on using her stage name, Li Xianglan, while accurately reporting on her Japanese ethnicity and accomplishments later in life. - Eddie