

Ishibashi Ai (mother) family history

the below article was found and translated by YY Blog reader :

Article Title: 【今こそ知りたい幕末明治】若津港異聞 女優・李香蘭について

English Title:  Strange Tales of Wakatsu Port –  Actress Ri Kouran  


(Note-Sankei is one of the big national newspapers in Japan)

Translation of Interesting Parts of Article (i.e. section marked in yellow below) -

(First couple lines of article are a rehash of YY’s life…no new information is introduced.)

Father Fumio was born in 1889 and registered in the family records located in Saga Prefecture, Kishima County, Kitagata Town (modern day Takeo City).  At age 17, Fumio crossed over to China.

Mother Ai was born in 1894 in Wakatsu, Fukuoka Prefecture.  From the time of the end of the Shogunate-Edo period, Wakatsu was a port town that had a busy trade relationship with Nagasaki.  Ai’s father was *Kinjiro Ishibashi who ran a cargo shipping business. 

Within the Chikugo region, the last name Ishibashi is quite common especially in the Fukuoka prefectural cities of Kurume and Okawa.  An example of another Ishibashi family is the one that founded the Bridgestone (Tires) Corporation.

Regarding Kinjiro, there are documents from the early days of Wakatsu that show his name.  In 1890, there was a publication showing the names of famous businessman of the region.  Within this, there was a page that showed Kinjiro operating a steamboat cargo shipping company called “Sengoya”.  On the next page, it showed his older brother Sakutaro operating a similar steamboat cargo shipping company called “Takanoya”.  Both brothers thus made their living in the Wakatsu cargo shipping business.

The origin of their business names can be inferred as follows.  The name of Sakutaro’s “Takanoya” business came from the fact that his hometown was located in Kurume City’s Takanoya District.   For Kinjiro’s “Sengoya” business name, he took it from the fact that he previously ran a navigation business on the Chikugo River (Note: “Sen” came from the word Suisen for navigation and “Go” is from the river name Chikugo.  Lastly, “Ya” means business)   

Things changed drastically in 1909 due to the opening of the Okawa railroad tracks that had recently been constructed to connect to Wakatsu Port.  The impact to the cargo shipping business that had started in the previous Edo period was quite strong.

For Kinjiro, it became difficult for him to run his shipping business (i.e. he could not compete with rail shipping) and so he relocated his family to Korea in order to seek out new opportunities.  Later, with the support of family members, he moved to Fushun, Manchuria as per the research performed by Kwansei Gakuin (University) Professor Tadao Nishimura.   

In the 1908 publication of Okawa entrepreneurs, there is mention of “Takanoya” cargo shipping business, but there is no mention of “Sengoya”. 

When she ran for public office, YY visited Wakatsu and greeted her Ishibashi relatives.

Professor Nishimura said that before her passing, YY made the following remark regarding her physical appearance in an interview: “Four generations ago, French genes were mixed into my family”. 

Assuming YY’s remark is true, we wonder what kind of relationship her family had with France.  This is something that we hope Professor Nishimura will reveal one day.

YY became a major actress thanks to the linguistic talents passed on from her father and the physical beauty passed on from her mother.  

Without the development and later decline of cargo shipping at Wakatsu Port, there may never had been a big star such as Ri Kouran.  This is one of the strange consequences of history.

Notes by blog reader:

·         Wakatsu Port is known today as Okawa City.

·         Okawa City is coincidentally also the hometown of composer Masao Koga who wrote YY’s wartime songs

·         Per Britanica, Dutch techniques of wood-working was introduced in mid-19th century to the Okawa area.  Could this French ancestor had been a carpenter connected with the Dutch that were based in Dejima in nearby Nagasaki?

·          Per the comments made by Takahashi (YY’s friend) in the NHK documentary, the ancestor was either French or Belgian (i.e. not Dutch).  But other foreigners were severely restricted in entering Japan prior to Commander Perry arriving in Jpn in 1853.

·          Not much is available on internet about the research of Professor Nishimura, a specialist in Modern Chinese literature but it was written that he has analyzed YY’s movie “Bansei Ryuho” (1943 film "Eternity") extensively.   


Sankei Article




















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